The Clerk called the roll and the following members
answered present :
Fred C . Allen,
Harcourt Hull , Jr. ,
E. L. Chiasson ,
H. G. Isaacs,
J. C . Outler.
The Mayor, Mr. G. L. Roshorough, and Town Attorney , Mr.
C. C. Howell , Jr. were also present .
Pursuant to the following call for a Special 'fleeting,
H. G. Isaacs , President , called the meeting to order:
To: G. L. F osborough, ,ayor
Fred Allen,
Harcourt Bull ,
E. L. Chiasson
J. C. Outler , Councilmen and
C. F. Frazier , Town Clerk.
You, and each of you are hereby notified of end,respectfully
urged to be present at a special meeting of the Town Council of
the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, to be held at
the Town Hall in said Town at 8 P. M. Tuesday, the 4th day of
March, 1941 , for the purpose of:
( a) To decide on appeal in case of Adams Vs.
Frazier and to instruct the Town Attorney
in reference thereto .
(b) To conduct such routine business as could
or would he handled at the Regular Monthly
Meeting, including the consideration of
bills , making appropriations , nassing such
Ordinances as are vending, et cetera.
Dated at Atlantic Beach , Florida , this 25th day of February, 1941 .
( Signed) H. G. Isaacs, 'resident , Town Council .
The reading of the minutes of the regular Monthly Meet-
ing of February 11th was postpone until the next regular Meeting.
The Chair announced the appointment of Frei C. Allen as
Chairman of the Finance and Taxation Committee and as a member of
the Police Committee . All other Committees remained the same
except that the President of the Council is an Ex-Officio Member
of all committees and the name of Henry G. Isaacs should be
substituted on the records for the name of George H. Smith.
Mr. Outler explained that he had met with the Health
Council and that a proposal had been made that Dr. K. K. Nearing
be made Health Officer for the Town of !Atlantic Beach at a salary
of 1. per year. Dr. Nearing is acting in such a canacity outside
the City Limits and would act as such in Towns where requested to
do so. The Town Attorney advised that such an appointment could
be made after the position of Health Officer is created by
Ordinance. Thereupon , Mr. Outler moved that an Ordinance entitled
1110 "AN ORDINANCE creating the Office of City Health Officer in the
Town of atlantic Beach, prescribing and authorizing the duties of
such City Health Officer" , be passed on first reading. Mr. Bull
seconded the motion and the Ordinance was unanimously passed.
Mr. Cutler moved that this Ordinance be passed on second
reading, Mr. Bull seconded the motion , and it was passed on second
Mr. Cranford , the Town Treasurer , subm' tted the
monthly financial reports , which were approved and ordered filed.
The letters of the Town ittorney concerning the case
of Adams Vs. Frazier , Tax Collector, were read in full. In these
letters the Town Attorney advised the basis of his opinion for
justification in trying an appeal in tris case. He also advised
the approximate cost of such an appeal - that it would be some-
where in the neighborhood of $750.
Much discussion was had in reference to this case ,
after which Mr. Outler moved that the Town Attorney be authorized
and directed to complete an anneal and authorized to incur the
cost of such an appeal. Mr. Chiasson seconded the motion and it
was passed with the following vote :
J. C. Cutler,
E. L. Chiasson
Harcourt Bull , Jr.
Fred C . Allen
Henry G. Isaacs.
The question of Legislative acts to be introduced in
the coming legislature was discussed and each proposed act, as
prepared by the Town Attorney, was read. Upon motion of Mr. Outler
seconded by Mr. Bull , the Town Attorney was directed to submit
the following Legislative Acts to the Duval County Delegation
and proceed with the necessary advertising with a view to having
them passed at the coming session:
"PN ACT to Amend Chapter 13907 , Laws of Florida , Special Acts of
1929, entitled: 'AN ACT to Fix the Territorial Limits of the Town
of Atlantic Beach, to Provide for its Government end Prescribe Its
Jurisdiction and Powers" .
"AN ACT Validating, Legalizing and Confirming the lets of the Town
Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, a
Municipal Corporation, and of its Officers in Reference to Those
Special Assessments Fully shown and Set Out in that certain
"Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, Assessment Roll ;
Made in Accordance with Section 3027 compiled General Laws of
Florida, 1927; tsased Upon Those Certain Resolutions Numbered,
Respectively 50, 51 , 52 and b3 , and Passed by the Town Council of
the said Town; and in the Matter of That Certain street Improve-
ment Program Undertaken in the said Town, on July 28th, 1938, and
Therein Completed on January 5, 1939" ; Providing that the Costs
of Such Street Improvement firogram shall Constitute Liens upon
Property Specially Benefited and Providing for the Enforcement
of Such Liens upon Such Property" .
There being no further business for consideration, the
meeting was adjourned.
/ //
Pre- i.ent ,
Attest: Atlantic :each Town Council.
L /
Tow Clerk