The Clerk called the roll and the following members answered
H. G. Isaacs,
Harcourt Bull , Jr.
E. L. Chiasson
J. C. Outler
The Mayor, Mr. G. L. Rosborough, and Town Attorney, Mr. C . C .
Howell, Jr. , were also present.
Upon motion of Mr. Chiasson, seconded by :,:r. Outler, the Minutes
of the Meeting of May 13th were approved as read.
A discussion was had concerning outstanding bills, then upon
motion of bir. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Chiasson, the following bills
were approved and ordered paid:
Atlantic National Bank ( Insurance ) 52.62
Seaboard Oil Company 95.75
Wilkerson-Martin Company .50
Shell Oil Company 1.90
Bache Brothers Sign Co. 18.00
Consolidated Automotive Company 4.00
Mason Lumber and Supply Company 4.00
Dickinson ' s Hardware 5. o
The Texas Company 1.'75
Southern Bell Telephone Co. 8.38
Joe Robbins 20.20
Dowling and Pattison 386.25
C . C. Howell , Jr. 80.00
J . C. Outler (Expenses to Tallahassee) 13.65 $692.20
and the following payments on the Incinerator account :
Florida Machine and Foundry Company 71.08
Mason Lumber and Supply Co. 157.50
Sherman Concrete Pipe Co. 14.01
Farquhar Machinery Company 119.55 (.362.14
At this point other business was suspended and the Council heard
Mr. N. L. Joseph and Mrs. T. E. Satchwell relative to a complaint
concerning taxes on their lots in Mandalay. Considerable discussion
was had.
Thereupon, Mr. Outler moved that the Resolution passed by the
Town Council on May 13 , 1941 be held in abeyance until June 25, 1941
and that a statement he furnished Satchwell and Joseph showing the
correct amount of taxes due without Attorney ' s fee; that if the said
taxes and penalties are paid on or before June 25th, attorney ' s fee
be omitted; that in the event said taxes are not paid on or before
June 25th, that it is the instructions of the Town Council to the
Town Clerk and Town Attorney that the Resolution dated May 13, 1941
remain in full effect and that the Town Clerk proceed with the
Certification of these taxes on that date and that the Town Attorney
proceed in accordance with the provisions t ;ereof , adding such fees
as may then accrue. Mr. Bull seconded the motion and it was
unanimously adopted.
Mr. Bull reported that the Ordinances relating to Fuel Gas and to
the Control of Animals Running at Large in the Town were not yet
ready for final passage . They were passed to the next meeting.
11, Mr. Cutler, Chairman of the Police Committee reported that his
Committee had agreed to leave the 25 mile per hour signs on the
Beach; that the 15 mile ner hour signs be used during rush hours
when the ropes are not up, merely as caution signs and that the
Marshal has been instructed to use the 25 mile per hour regulation
as the basis for making arrests.
The Ordinance relating to Artesian Jells, prepared by the
Laws and Rules Committee , was referred to the Town Attorney
for his consideration before final passage.
The following Resolution was introduced by Mr. Bull ,
seconded by Mr. Chanson and unanimously passed:
WHEREAS, the building on Lot 4, Block 12, is unsightly, in very
bad repair and is being used by unknown persons in such a manner
as renders it a menace to the health of the community,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FESOLVTD by the Town council that it is the
findings of the Town Council of Atlantic Beach , Florida , that the
said structure is dangerous or detrimental to the citizens of the
said Town and that it involves an undue risk to the health, morals,
convenience and safety of such citizens, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Town Council hereby directs
/.� that the Town Clerk of the said Town of Atlantic Beach notify the
W lawful owners, in writing, of the above named property that same
must be jremoved within forty-five days from the date of said
notice in writing.
The following Resolution was introduced by Mr. Bull, second-
ed by Mr. Chiasson and unanimously passed :
WHEREAS, the garage on the back portion of Lots 5 and 6, Block
20, in the Town of Ltlantic Beach, is unsightly, in very bad
repair' and in such a condition that it is a menace to the health,
safety and welfare of the Community,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council, Town of Atlantic
Beach, Florida , that it is the findings of the said Council that
the said Structure is dangerous and detrir-ental to the health,
convenience and safety of the citizens, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Town Council hereby directs
that the Town Clerk of the said Town of Atlantic Beach notify
the lawful owner, in writing, that the same must be renovated,
repaired and otherwise put in good condition, or removed, within
45 days from the date of said notice in writing.
The matter of employing a special officer for the summer
months was discussed. The Marshal and City Supervisor were
instructed to contact persons who might be Interested in such a
job; ascertain the amount of salary expected , the nature of such
applicant' s equipment, his ability and all other information and
as soon es possible communicate same to the President of the
Town Council .
The matter of an election to ratify the Legislative Act amend-
ing the Town Charter was discussed and by unanimous consent the
matter was left in the hands of t'le Town Attorney to proceed with
the necessary machinery to prepare for such an election.
Garbage collection outside the Town was discussed. The City
Supervisor presented the proposition of ::r. P. J. Watson, in
which Mr. Watson had stated that he had pledges from 21
residents from 16th Street North who are willing to pay •'l2 per
year for this service.
After full discussion, it was the unanimous opinion of the
Council that before any proposition could be considered, it would
have to be accompanied by whatever funds are to be paid; that •
the proposition must cover all residents in the North Atlantic
Beach section; that the Town will give suitable collection, but
no definite agreement as to the number of collections, merely
agreeing to make collection es often as necessary and that the
payment for this service should be in the neighborhood of ,4(-)O.
per year, payable in advance , the year running from the time
service under this new arrangement is started; and that the Council
will meet in special session to hear any proposition that is offer-
ed along these lines.
A letter signed by James Q. Palmer, City Manager of Jacksonville
Beech stating that Mayor I . D. Sams had called a meeting on June
12th at 8 P. M. for the purpose of meeting with Major Kean Griffith,
Commanding Officer in charge of the Beach Recreational Area, and
for the purpose of a round table discussion with Major Griffith
relative to planning recreational work.
The Chair named Councilman Harcourt Bull , Jr. , and City Super-
visor C . R. Frazier to represent the Town of Atlantic Beach at this
Yr. Outler introduced the following Resolution, seconded by Mr.
Chiesson, which was unanimously passed.
NHEREAS, the Fifteenth Street runway, an entrance to the Ocean on
Fifteenth Street from County Road No. 667, shown on the map of
Atlantic Beach as 15th Street as an integral part of the county High-
way system, accommodating almost wholly traffic through the Town,
NHEREAS, this Street has been tendered to the county as a County
Fighway and . part of the same has already been officially designated
as County Road, and
WHEREAS, the condition of that portion now being used is very bad
and in need of repair, and
NHEREAS, part of this said 15th Street has not yet been opened up
to the public use by the County,
NON THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town council of the Town of
A.tlantic Beach, that dedication is hereby made of any portion of
15th Street from the east boundary of County Road No. 667 to the
Ocean Front which has not heretofore been fully covered by dedication,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Supervisor be instructed to
immediately communicate with the Board of County Commissoners and the
County Engineer, advising of contents of this Resolution and call
attention to the fact that immediate repair is needed on the runway
from Beach avenue to the Ocean and to request of the said County
Officials that for the purpose of caring for County traffic the entire
15th Street be made available for that purpose.
The Clerk was directed to proceed with the usual methods of
collection on street improvement assessments,writing the necessary
letters, sending statements, et cetera, before preparing a list for
certification for collection.
Atlantic Beach Town Council .
To Clerk.