110 Henry G. Isaacs
E.L. Chiasson
Fred G. Allen
'.'r. Rosborough, the Mayor
C .C . Howell , Jr. , the Town Attorney
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr.
The Clerk read the minutes of the regular monthly meet-
ing of August 12,1941 , which were approved as read. The Clerk
read the minutes of the Special meeting of August 26 , 1941 ,
which were approved as read.
,Jr. Cranford, the Town Treasurer, submitted his usual
monthly financial statements , which upon motion of Mr. Allen ,
seconded by Mr. Chiasson, were approved and ordered filed.
All bills were passed except:
044 Shearman Concrete Pipe Co. x'4. 80
Elliott W. Butts, Clerk, 46.00
which were approved and ordered paid. The Town Treasurer
was directed to pay to Elliott '.Y. Butts, Clerk, from the
Seawall Account, the sum of $26. 28 , Clerk' s Commission on
handling monies in the case of the Town vs Y.H. Adams ( Seawall) .
All other bills were passed to a later date .
The regular order of business was dispensed with and
Mr. Gaston Hurst and Mr. Pacetti , salesmen for Crysler Automo-
biles were heard in reference to a trade on the police car.
Mr. Chiasson moved that the Town trade the Mercury for a
Chrysler for police work. The motion failed for a lack of a
second. Theretpon Mr. Hurst withdrew his bid.
Mr. Allen mov_ d the adoption of the following motion ,
which was seconded by Mr. Chiasson and unanimously passed:
" A FESOLUTION authorizing the President of the Town Council ,
and the Town Clerk of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida , to
11100, execute promissory notes" .
Ne , the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, FloSida, do
hereby appoint Henry G. Isaacs and C. R. Frazier, respectively
the President of the Town Council and the Town Clerk of the said
Town, our joint attorneys for us and in our name and stead, to
jointly and in their respective official capacities, draw, sign
and endorse promissory notes; and to waive demand notice , and
notice of protest of all such notes.
Giving end granting unto our said attorneys full power and
authority to do and perform all end every act and thing whatsoever
requisite , necessary or proper to be done in and about the premises,
as fully to all intents and pirposes, as we , acting in an aggregate
official capacity, might or could do; hereby ratifying and con-
firming all that our said attorneys shall lawfully do, or cause to
be done ty virtue hereof."
Thereupon, Mr. Allen moved that the President of the Town
Council and the Town Clerk be authorized and instructed to borrow
from some bank the sum of $500 to be used for the purpose of de-
fraying general running expenses. Mr. Chiasson seconded the motion
and it was unanimously adopted.
Considerable discussion was had relstive to the con-
demnation of the garage on lots 5 and 6 , Block 20, property
of Simon F. 'Williams. The City Supervisor was directed to
advise Mr. Williams that if the building could not be repaired
in conformity with the provisions of the Building Ordinance ,
that it would be necessary to remove the building.
The City Supervisor reported the installation of a street
light on Sherry Drive in front of the church.
The City Supervisor was directed to have signs erected at
the intersections of 7th Street and Tenth Street on Ocean Boule-
vard, indicating that"Town Maintenance Ends, Traffic to Proceed
at own Risk". By unanimous consent the Town Attorney was instructed
to write the Adams Interest a letter calling their attention to
the fact that the Town would not be responsible for accidents
occuring on this road due to the bad condition thereof; the letter
to be sent by registered mail , return receipt requested.
Mr. Allen brought up the budget. One proposed by the
City Supervisor was discussed item by Item and with some changes,
additions and corrections, Mr. Allen moved its adoption. Mr.
Chiasson seconded the motion and the following was unanimously
adopted as the budget for the year 1941-42:
Salary of Clerk-Supervisor : 2400./
Salary of Assistant Clerk 700., 'i b
Printing and Stationery 200., 260
Town Hall Incidentals 150. le,—
Auditor 100.'
Advertising 100.,
All Insurance 450: ifId
Judges Salary 250. /0 o
Attorney' s Fees 600: Loc.
Debt Service 1000.tom -
Mortgages, notes and interest 500; 1
Fire protection 200. 2do
Street Lights 600.✓ .3 ,
Driver and Helper 1320.T-6,00
Repairs and replacements 200.r,r,n— 10110
Gasoline and Oil 250..71
Extra Labor 800o
New Mower 485.✓ems
Culverts, shell , street patching, etc . 150.y<//
Replacements ( incinerato41 50.x'
Salary of Marshall 1800./
Special Officer 200.1 G---
Repairs and Replacements 100.E I e o
Safety Bathing 100. ----
Traffic Signs 50. {6
Life Saving 100.' o v
Gasoline and Oil 300.13 , 0
Deferred payment on new police car 400.✓
Contingent 2665.20
„16 ,220.20
Tax-- Realestate 1?,712. 80
Less Delinquencies 2.$42.60 10070.20
Collection Delinquent taxes 800. —
Personal Tax - - - - - 1 ,200. � �
Penalties 400.
Penalties ( Seawall , net after Attorney ' s Fee) - - - 800. 1,6 0
Fines and Forfeitures 1 ,100. 4443
Licenses 800. v'ao
Building Fees 150. 4-6
Saltair Neter 100. /11.5
Franchise Tax 600.
Miscellaneous 100. "2o
Upon motion of Mr. Chiasson, seconded by Mr. Allen,
the City Supervisor was directed to order a Toro, two purpose mower ,
The following resignation of Harcourt 91111 , dr. , was
read by the Clerk:
Apt. 1 , 457 Allwen Drive
Dayton, Ohio ,
August 29, 1941
Town Council ,
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Ila.
In as much as I have been ordered by the War Department
to extended active duty with the United States uir Corps at
Nright :Field, Dayton, Ohio, and since 1 believe I will be re-
tained on active duty for the duration of the present Inter-
national emergency, I hereby submit my resignation as a member
of the Town Council to take efi'ect upon its acceptance.
I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as a member of the
Council and hope that someday i will be in a position to offer
my services for a period of more than one year.
011/ Best wishes to each and every member of the official
Respectfully submitted,
Harcourt Bull , Jr.
Thereupon Mr. Chiesson moved that Mr. Bull ' s resignation
be accented with regrets; that his letter of resignation be
spread upon the minutes of the Council ; and that the Clerk be instruct-
ed to write r. Bull a letter of appreciation for the valuable
services rendered by him as Councilman for the Town of Atlantic
Beach; that he say to Mr. Bull that if and when the war is over and
he returns to Atlantic Beach, he may again be called upon to serve .
', r. Allen seconded the motion which was unanimously adopted.
The President suggested the name of Mr. S. S. Jacobs as a
successor to Mr. Bull , to fill the unexpired term. Mr. Chiasson
moved Mr. Jacobs appointment and err. Allen seconded the nomination.
All three members present voted for Mr. Jacobs election.
the Clerk was directed to notify mr. Jacobs of appointment,
and advise him when a meeting will be held so that Mr. Jacobs
may take the oath of office .
Upon motion of Mr. Chiksson, seconded by Mr. Callen, the1110
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BEACH , FLORIDA , That it do, and hereby does, direct and author-
ize C .R. Frazier, Town Clerk and Tax Collector of the Town of
Atlantic Beach, to deliver to Mr. C.C. Howell , Jr. , Town Attorney
for collection by suit, copies of the assessment roll thereof,
the assessments, both regular tax and seawall for street end
purposes, on Lot 11 , Block 43 , property of S. S. Blondheim, Lot 6 ,
Block 41 , property of H. P. Myerson, and Seawall Abutting Property
Assessment and Interest and Penalty Interest thereon, on Lot 5,
Block 36 , property of R.E. Sugg and Lot 6 Block 36 , property of
R.7. Sugg.
Upon motion of Mr. Chiasson, seconded by Mr. Allen, the
Town Attorney was authorized to have brief in the case of Adams
vs Frazier, Tax Collector, printed for use before ti-,e Supreme
Upon the opinion of the Town Attorney, the Tax Assessor
was asked to fix the assessment on the Hotel Reservation for the 410
year 1941 on the same basis as 1940.
Upon motion of Mr. Chiasson , seconded by Mr. Allen, and
unanimously adopted the Town Clerk was directed to execute an
Insurance Premium Contract to be dated September 14, 1941 ,
payable at the Atlantic Nation Bank of Jacksonville , Florida,
covering various insurance policies issued by Clifford A. Rayne
and Garrison Co. , on cars, trucks , 'Workmen' s compensation, build-
ings , etc . the premiums totaling $423.38.
r. Allen moved that the Town purchase a Ford Car for Police
work on the basis of trading in the mercury, leaving a net balance
of 1,1400. and that the President of the Council and the 'Town Clerk
be instructed and authorized to complete all necessary details for
the trade , executing a Promissory note for the difference , said
note to be payable in ninety days, to some bank in Ouval County.
Mr. Chiasson seconded the motion and it was unanimously
There being no further business for consideration the 410
meeting adjourned.
ifi/ PI
Atlantic .'leach gown council .
Attest: , 1 /1)�
Towp' lerk