01-18-39 v SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TORN COUNCIL, ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT THE TORN HALL AT 6:30 P. M. January 18, 1939. - - - - Present: E. L. Chiasson J. C. 001er R. E. Sugg The meeting was called to order by E. L. Chiasson, President. Mr. Outler introduced the following Resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Sugg, and unanimously adopted: Resolution WHEREAS, The Clerk and Inspectors of the Special Election held in Atlantic Beach on January 18, 1039 , for the purpose of securing the approval or disapproval of Municipal Ordinace No. 40, entitled "AN ORDINANCE Granting unto the city of Jacksonville, Florida , a Municipal Corporation , the Exclusive Franchise, Right and Authority to use the Public Streets of the Town of Atlantic Beech, for the Construction and Maintenance of an Electric Distribution "ystem, within the Town Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beech , Florida; and , as a part of said Syntem for the purpose of Placing, Poles and Electrical Apparatus and conduits, :Vires and Cables thereon , and Underground Conduits and Raceways for Electrical Apparatus, ;fires and Cables under the same , and the Exclusive Franchise , Right and Authority to Furnish Electricity within the Town Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach , Florida , and Providing for Arbitration, Forfeiture , and other Regulatory 'utters" , canvassed the vote cast end did make due returns of the same in words and figures es follows: CERTIFICATE OF RESULT OF SPACIAL ELECTION OF THE TNiN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, i'loride , HELD ON 'NEDNESDAY , JANUARY 18, A. D. 1939 , FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING THE APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF ORDINANCE No. 40 . OD TO THE TONN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH , DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA. Se, the uT dersigned, being the Inspectors and the Clerk appointed to conduct a special Election in the Town of Atlantic beach, on Vednesdey, January 18 , 1939, for the purpose of securing the aporovF1 or disapproval of the voters of Ordinance No. 40, entitled "AN ORDINANCE Granting unto the City of Jacksonville, Florida , a Municipal Corporation , the Exclusive Franchise, Right and Authority to use the Public Streets of the Town of Atlantic 9 ach for the Construction and Maintenance of en Electric Distribution System within the Town Limits of Atlantic Beach , Florida; and, es a part of said System, for the purpose of ?lacing Poles, and Electrical A;ppartus and Conduits, :'ares and Cables thereon , and Underground Conduits and Raceways for Electrical Apparatus, Vires and Cables under the same , and the Exclusive Franchise, Fight and Authority to Furnish Electricity witin the Town Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beac1-, , i'loride , and Providing for Arbitration, Forfeiture , and other Regulatory Matters ," hereby certify that we conducted said election on this date , end counted the ballots cast for and against the elproval of said Ordinance No. 40, and find the results to beca8 follows: The number of qualified voters, according to the Registra- tion Book, WAS 258 The number of such qualified votets who participated in said Election, end who cast ballots in said Election WAS 100 The number of Ballots cast FOR the approval of said Ordinance No. 40, WAS - 97 The number Page 2 , !finutes of 2pecial meeting of Town courcil , Jen.18,1939 The number of ballots cast against the approval of said Ordinance No. 40, :TAS: 3 IN 4I'TNESS WHEREOF we have executed this certificate this 18th day of January, A. D. 1939. ( signed ) Geo. A. Pritchard, clerk ( signed ) Victoria L. Welch, Inspector ( Signed) nizabeth B. Hightower, Inspector. " It is herewith unanimously voted that said returns be accepted as reported. Be it further resolved, and it is hereby found and determined by the Town Couch of Atlantic Beach, Florida, acting in the capacity of a canvassing Board, that the vote cast was as follows: FOR APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 40 97 AGAI N ST APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE No. 40 3 TOTAL VOTE CAST 100 end it is further found and determined that more than three- fifths of those voting cast their vote in favor of the approval of said Ordinance No. 40, and it is so ()rdered. There being no further • �� ss for consideration, the meeting adjourned. 4111,- . �• • miow � fined) E. L. Chiasson, President, Atlantic Beach To:in Council Attest: ;$4,f ( 31 C R. Fr tier -Town Clerk, STATE OF FLORID&:/ COUNTY OF DUVAL ) TO NN OF A`i LANTI C MACH) I , C. R. Frazier, Town Clerk of the Town of Atlantic Beach, rloride, do hereby certify; That the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the minutes of a Special ?'eettng of the Atlantic Beach To ,n Council held at the To • n hall on January 18, 1939 at 6:30 P. M. / C. R 'rez r, Tow lerk, Town of At antic Beach , Fla.