02-07-39 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINu Ur' 'rHE ATLANTIC BEACH TUNN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TONN HALL AT 8 P.M.e EBRUARY 7 , 1939. eresent : E.L. uhiasson J .C. Outler G.L. Nosborough R.E.sugg Thos. N. Trout mayor Geo. H. smith and f+ttorney u. u . Howell Jr. were also present. The clerk read the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 3 , 1939, which, :;ith correstions , were approved. The clerk read the minutes of the Special Meeting of ianuary .18 , 1939, which were approved as read. Mr. Osborne , gown 'treasurer, submitted his usual monthly financial reports , which were approved and order- ed filed. the chair called on the visitors present, and Mr. Harry vouglas talked in general terms in reference to a proposed boy Scout Hut. Plans not havingfully crystalized , the uhair invited Mr. Douglas to come before the council if and when some assistance in tne matter can be rendered by the 'Town. upon motion of Mr. Trout , seconded by ti^r. Rosborough, the following bills were approved and ordered paid : Name Amount C. C . Howell , Jr. (Franchise) 4125.00 U. G. Howell , Jr. 5.00 Shell company ( November-uecember) 2C0.07 Shell company 'December-January) 114.56 Gulf Life co. ( Interest Fart Mtg) 15.00 Barnett National Bank (Police car) 46.53 Jacksonville beach (Saltair Current ) 40.60 Atlantic National ( Insurance ) 103.23 Home utilities Company Town Hall 1 .97 Home utilities company (street Light) 1.50 kuinn e . Barton Company (Repairs) 14.05 nuinn t . Barton uo. ( Note on one truck) 60.00 plus int. uolumbia bank Note (Bonds) 48.12 Texas company (misc. service ) 4.15 Basco Uarage ( Fepair) 2.75 Southern Jell Telephone Co. 8.20 U. r. r'. (Petty Expense ) 3.80 Elliott xancey (Extra cork) 10.00 Sherman concrete *7.00 Shell Company 9.31 x,840.70 The construction of the Incinerator was discussed and it was decided, that because of the apparent unsatis- factory manner in which the work has heretofore progressed, that a Committee call upon uol . J. Y. ,Milson to urge a little more efficiency. Mr. Rosborough and Mr. Outler were so designated. the chair brought to tne attention of tne Council 411 the circumstances in reference to mr. has. L. Belot and the reason tor a further delay in his final completion of the arrangements in reference to his taxes and seawall account. It was explained that nnr. helot had been confined to his home because of an infected foot and for that reason it was agreed to extend him fifteen days to complete his arrange- ments and make the payment promised. The chair raised the question of signs for Arterial nighways ana asked that tne rolice committee ana mayor meet at an early date for the purpose of securing these signs. The Uommittee agreed to meet on ounday , February 19 , at 3 V.M. A letter was read from Lkuinn r- . Barton uomnany in reference to tne trues recently obtained from tnem for use in N.P.A. work and no longer needei for that purpose and which had been turned back, in which Quinn x. Barton uomnany refused to accept the return of tne truck in lieu of full payment therefor. The matter was referred to the Town Attorney for his ruling upon the contract ana agreement , as to whether or not there is any consideration other than the truck involved. Mr. u . U . Howell , Jr. , was called upon to explain in reference to negot' ations with r .r .U . for the sale of the 't'own ' s bonds. mr. Howell explained in detail ana particularly that x.F.U. would not accept the bonds with- out en opinion from a Nationaliy recognized bona attorney , ana tnat wnile tne caption of the n.t .u. resolution specified 423 ,000 in bonds as acceptable , yet in the main part of the resolution it appears that they would not accept ponds tor trie incinerator. This matter was discussed at length sna it was the consensus of opinion that the situation stands about as follows: The seven tnousand street improvement ponds have already been sold to the Duval Engineering and Construction (;ompany; there is some doubt as to whether or not the rree-Holders now want the municipal puilaing in its present planned form; ana tnat tnere only remains tne incinerator and Garbage ,onds to be considered and it appears that x.r .t✓. is doubtful about taking them. ro secure an opinion oy a nationally recognized attorney would cost in tne neighborhood of . 500 on an issue of 44000, which appears to oe some - what doubtful , would hardly be worthwhile . tit this point, Mr. Cutler moved ana mr. Trout seconded, wnlcn motion was adopted that - The Town Attorney be instructed to tender the 47000 street improvement ponds to the Duval Engineering ana construction Uompany, through their attorney Mr. Ulickstein, at par at b%, as payment in full for services rendered by tne Duval engineering and construc- tion company to date ; Mr. Howell to report back to tne council as soon as possible the reception or reaction he may be able to ootain. Thereupon mr. Howell stated that ne woula act eccoraingly immediately and report back at the earliest 411 possible moment. z Two letters were read, one from the Mate highway i epartment of :,outh uarblina , dated January 31 , 1939 , and the other from the ,Mate Licensing board for uontractors , x.tlanta , Ueorgia, both making inquiry as to a statement to tnem from caval tngineering ana construction Company , trnt the Town of Atlantic beach is indebted to that company in the sum of 011 ,356.58. After discussion, mr. Cutler moved and Mr. Rosborough seconded, whicn motion was unanimously passed , that tnese letters be received as inrormation end reply tnereto oe deferred to the next regular Meeting. A letter was read troll' u . ti. Lillie , to wricn ne attacned a statement for 45.50, alledging liability on tne part or the Town for a broken spring on his automobile , oecause or a small ditch dug oy 3.P.A. at his driveway. The ulerk was directed to advise Mr. Lillie that while the Council regrets his misfortune , yet the Town does not assume any responsibility wnatever in cue matter. Mr. Trout , uhai rman of the t inance and Taxation committee , presented a check in the sum of 4132.34, sign- ed by n. r' . Meyerson and tendered as a compromise settle- ment of taxes , interest and costs , tne subject of a suit riled against nim. mr. 'Trout explained that Mr. Meyerson had stated that ne had railed to contact the Town Lttorney upon tnvu uucasiuns prior to cue expiration or the notice date wtreu Such taxes coulu nave been paid without interests on tne years 1933 , 1934 and 1936 , ana that he did not reel that ne should be nela ror such interest. The matter was tnuroughiy discussed. the correct computation or the items chargeable to mr. Meyerson amounted to 4183.19. Mr. Meyerson contends that 429. 80, interest for 193:3 , 1934 ana 1. o5 snould nut oe charged. rhereuoou Mr. Trout made the foiiuwing motion , wnicn was seconded by mr. hosborough, put ana carried: "That interest amounting to 429.8u covering tne years lvo , 1V-64 anu l:i0o oe waived, provided Mr. Meyerson immeaiately , on rebruary 0, i93v, issues another check in tne amount of 4153 .39 , wnich incluaes the costs , attorneys fees and interest on ocher years. " The following motion or Mr. Trout, seconded by rr.r. Cutler, was unanimously adopted : B'3 1'T xnSOLVED BY THn TONN COUNuIL OF PTLANTIC BEACH that it do , and Hereby aoes , airect and autriorized C. rt. rrazier, 'Town ulerK or tne gown of Atlantic beacn , to deliver to c. u . Howell , Jr. , Town Attorney, copies from the assessment rolls tnereot' of assessments on toe property or mrs. .leo. o. tallin;rs, Lot 11 , block 6 ; Mrs. Lydia Burch, Lot '/ , tilocx 8; uarl b. Urawford, Lot 1 , Block 10; Rosa M. Clarkson, Part or Lot 1 , block cu; James D. Palmer, Lot 6 , block c'/ ; Mrs. h. !- Lake, cots b and e , clock 3c; W. P. Simmons , Lot 4, Block 3v; rred L. Mullikin, Lots b and b , block o2; rrank Thompson, Lot 11 , block 6u; ana ulirr oro 1+ . rayne , Lot b, block 3;5. The question or uelinquent seawall accounts was raised and aiscussed. Thereupon mr. Trout moved and mr. Cutler secuuaed, wuicn motion was unanimously auopted: BE IT hnSOLVtD that the Town ulerx be instructed to furnish a statement to tne Town Attorney ror each seawall Uonstruction account snowing ueliuquencles Tor three or more years anu that tale attorney oe instructed to Tile the necessary suits against said properties in arrears. -4- The Attorney, tnereupou, askea permission 'Co re- move i'rom the files of t e clerk any and ail aocuments , resolutions, or other papers neviag legal bearing on toe seawall uonstructiou , for use in sucn suits. This permis- sion was granted upon the Town Attorney executing proper receipts therefor. The Chair read a letter from Mayor Geo. H. Smith containing the following recommendations : 1. Change in Basic Legislative Act for the construction of the seawall so that interest rates may be fixed to meet the requirements of the bonds. 2. changes in Corporate Limits. 3. Enabling Act for the revision of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Amendment to the charter to permit Advertis- ing. 5. Preparation of the Assessment Poll for 1939. All of these matters were discussed in their order as follows: 1. After discussion the Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary Bill to introduce in the coming Legislature to make the necessary changes. 2. The matter of advertising was thoroughly dis- cussed and no action ordered. 3. The Attorney advised that he has already practcally completed a proposed draft for such a bill . 4. As to the change in the corporate limits. it appearing that this is a matter to be sponsored by those who would be affected, no action was taken. 5. That portion of the letter referring to the Tax Poll was referred to Mr. Trout , Chairman of the Taxation and Finance Committee. In addition to the recommendations of Mayor Smith above referred to , the city Supervisor raised the question of the variance in the 'Town Charter and the state Laws , relative to the due date for taxes. Thereupon Mr. Howell was directed to prepare such an amendment as is necessary to make the provisions of the Town's tax collection laws identical with the State Laws. Mayor Smith asked that the City Supervisor be directed to secure estimates of costs for the installation of fifteen street lights in the Town. Mr. Sugg asked that he be permitted to remove the palms which are on Town property, but which were placed there by him et his expense a number of years ago, adjacent to his property, and which have now become a traffic hazard. The permission was granted. The Chair, in a general way, discussed the proposi - tion of future action in reference to the street improve- ment program already completed and the possibility for other needed ones. it was the opinion of all that this • matter should be given some immediate study. -E- The Mayor reported that he had contacted officials of a.P.A. and had been advised by letter that the plans for the municipal Building could be so altered as to decrease the original estimate and still retain its iv.P.A. identity. The City Supervisor recommended that if and when the Incinerator is completed that he be permitted to domicile one of the garbage men there , the plan to incur no additional costs to the Town. This recomnendation was approved. There being no further business for consideration , the meeting adjourned. President, Atlantic Beach Town Council • Attest: s / i/e/"r 1:4% ) Ulerk