03-07-39 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD IT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 P.M. ML.RCH 7 , 1939. Present: E. L. Chiasson R. E. Sugg J . U . Outler G. L. Posborough 'rhos. V. Trout. mayor Geo. H. Smith and Attorney u. u. Howell , Jr. were also present. The Clerk read the minutes of the regular neeting of rebruary 7 , 1939, which were approved as read. 'ihe Clerk read the minutes of the Special Meeting of February 16 , 1939, which were approved as read. The Clerk read the minutes of the special neeting of February 21 , 1939, which were approved as read. in the absence of '.'.r. Osborne , Town Treasurer , Mr. Trout, Chairman of the Finance Committee , read the usual monthly financial statements , which were approved and ordered filed. upon motion of Mr. Posborough, seconded by Mr. Outler , the following bills were approved and ordered paid: Name ',mount Texas company Cas and oil ,, 58.54 yuinn R. Barton Company 11 .81 C. R . Frazier Petty Expense 2. 46 Jacksonville Beach $altair Current 20.30 Atlantic National Bank Insurance 103.23 Arnold Printing Co. 16.50 Florida National Bank 'Truck Payment 64.04 Southern Bell Telephone service 6.60 Atlantic beach Hotel Ballots 5.00 Barnett National bank Police car 46.80 beach Plumbing and Elec . Co. 2.70 Pasco ' s Garage 2.10 H. and V. 3. 'rew Co. 1 .35 Joe Robbins kTexaco ) 4.60 C . C . Howell , Jr. 32.75 Duval Motors Co. 2.35 H. H. Miller 1 .80 X382.93 Mr. Chiasson relinquished the chair to Mr. Posborough and raised the subject of r_r. Chas. E. helot ' s taxes and sea- wall assessment. He pointed out that Mr. Helot had been extended time on several occasions and that in each instance he had failed to carry out his part of the agreement in reference to these matters. This matter was discussed and upon motion by Mr. Chiasson, seconded by Mr. Outler, a further extension of time was granted to Mr. Pelot , March 15 , 1939 being set as the dead-line; that Mr. Pelot be allowed to pay seawall assessments and accrued interest on unassessed balance, without penalty on lot 8 , block 36 , and all taxes on all of property without penalty; that if nay- ment is not made on or before march 15, 1939, that the matter then revert to its original status with penalty add- ed to both his seawall account and his taxes. This resolu- tion was unanimously passed. 110 Mr. C . U . Howell , Jr. , 'Town Attorney , was directed to so advise Mr. Pelot in a letter. Mr. Chiasson resumed the Chairmanship. Lair. jack Martin appeared before the council at this time in reference to the work of the Beach Health council. he explained the purposes and the work of the uouncil and presented e form of ordinance which he asked be passed by the atlantic Beach Town Council , which ordi - nance is similar to that to be adopted by the other Beach 'l'ownt , providing for health certificates for all domestic servants and employees of food handling establish- ments. rhe matter Was thoroughly discussed and referred to the 'Town Attorney with instructions that he prepare an ordinance suitable to the needs of Atlantic Beach and that Mr. Howell incorporate in the same ordinance or prepare another one governing the sanitation of foods. mr. Outler moved the passage of an ordinance , by caption only, entitled, -AN ORDINANCE requiring all persons handling foods to have in their possession a medical certificate showing them to be free from infectious or contagious deseases and to govern the sanitation of food handling establishments. mr. trout seconded the motion and the ordinance was passed on first reading. Mr. Outler moved the Passage of this ordinance on second reading. Mr. Trout seconded the motion and it was passed on second reading. The Ordinance was then referred to the Law and teules committee and the 'Town Attorney for such amendments , changes , etc. , as seem to be re- uired to meet the needs of Atlantic Beach. the '. ayor reported concerning the need for stop signs on arterial highways and through streets , he having directed the survey concerning this matter for the Police Committee. the matter was thoroughly discussed. 'There- upon Mr. Outler moved, mr. Trout seconded , which motion was passed, that the uity supervisor be directed to order thirty suitable signs from the parley uomoany of Chicago, listed at 41.69, f.o.b. Chicago , and to proceed with their erection. cars. Geo. I . Prichard, 'Trustee for the School District Board appeared before the Council . Mrs. Prichard presented the Town with a set of the plans for the Atlantic teach bchool, which plans are to be kept on display at the town hall . mrs. Prichard discussed the subject of laying the corner stone for the new building and suggested that Atlantic Beach provide for prizes for the two best essays to be deposited in the corner stone. ty Un- animous consent an appropriation of 15. was made to be given as prizes of q2.50 each to the boy and girl sub- mitting the best essays. Mrs. Prichard advised that the school Board would soon consider applications of teachers for this school and advised the uouncil that the Trustees would be glad to consider the suggestions of the 'Town officials along these lines. The Chair raised the question of letters read be- fore the last regular meeting addressed to the down by the btate Highway uepartment of bouth Carolina and the btate Licensing Board for uontractors , Atlanta , Georgia, as well as a letter just received from B. E. Hardacre Company, General Agents for the United btates Fidelity and Guaranty uompany, all of which letters ask for a verifica- tion of the Town ' s indebtedness to the Duval Construction and .engineering uompany. By Unanimous consent the Clerk • was directed to write each of these inquirers and advise that the Town is indebted to the Duval Engineering and uonstruction Company in the sum of 411 ,356.58. The Chair read a report from the City Supervisor con- cerning the installation of ten or more btreet Lights in accordance with the franchise with the City of Jacksonville . After a discussion on the report, the city Supervisor was directed to proceed with the plans, placing the lights in the best locations and where most needed, and submitting the grand total of the proposed cost for final approval by the Uouncil . The Chair raised the question of bills payable on the Incinerator Project. Upon motion of Mr. Posborough, second- ed by ifr. Trout, the clerk was directed to give letters of acknowledgement of indebtedness on the Part of the Town to: Mason Lumber and Supply company $1 ,078.44 Shearmen concrete Pipe company 113.40 Florida Machine and Foundry Co. 573.90 and to nay from the general fund the following bills, charging same to the account of the incinerator, '-o be returned to the general fund when funds are available on account of the incinerator. J. B. Hubbard company 41.96 deach Lumber and Supply Co. 42.42 H. and 4.B. Drew Company 19.40 Reach Plumbing company 7.94 The incinerator was further discussed. The City Supervisor making a verbal report on the status and what had been done in reference to completion. He advised that the frequent change in ,v.P.A. Supervisors had necessitated extra trip by the uesigner Engineer, L. v. Cushman. it was deter- mined that Mr. Cushman should be retained further in this matter. it was explained that Mr. Cushman ' s fee for each trip down is 46. , that he has already made three trips on this basis and would have to make about two trips a week hereafter. thereupon Mr. Cutler moved that mr. Cushman be paid 46. per trip, three already made and not more than eight between now and the next Council meeting. Nr. Rosborough seconded the motion which was passed. The chair discussed the arrangements made with robt. M. Angas, Engineer , in reference to proposed work on the streets intended to complete all streets in the Town. He read from a letter from mr. Angas setting forth the terms of the agreement he would make for the Town, which letter states that for the sum of 4150. he , Mr. Angas , would prepare the application to be submitted to +r.P.A . giving estimate of materials and labor; for 4600. he would make the necessary surveys , fix grades , lines , etc . , and stake out the work for the 4.P.A. For 4400. he would undertake the super- vision for the Town of the laying , rolling, etc . , of the shell , measure the shell , supervise the hard-surfacing, or a total of 41150. for the entire work. the Public ,Yorks Committee made the arrangements for yr. Angas to prepare the application and submit same to 1 .P.A. Thereupon, by motion of Mr. Outler , seconded by Mr. Rosborough, the Clerk was directed to advise Mr. fngas by letter that the Town obligates itself to pay the fee of 150. for the preliminary work ( Submitting the application) and that such other authorization would be made if and when the application is approved and the work released. The matter of an adequate water works and fire de- partment for the Town was discussed. r report by the City 411 Supervisor was filed by the chairman and preliminary estimates of costs , etc . were discussed. The Town Attorney advised that the 'Town would be free to install its own water vorks notwithstanding the presence of the system claimed by N. H. Adams . it was decided that plans should go forward to Pro- vide for the necessary water works and fire apparatus. -4- rhe Chair designated the mayor and Mr. Outler as a Committee to call on Col. G. A . Youngberg for advice and information concerning a water .vorks for the town. The Mayor °resented a proposed ordinance to establish a Nild Life and Bird sanctuary in the Town, such and Ordinance was referred to the Laws and Rules Committee for study. The Town Attorney raised the question of an Ordinance to abandon the Bond issue of 1938. thereupon ,ir. uutler moved t'-,e passage upon first reading of an ordinance entitled, -An Ordinance to abandon the Bond issues of 1938, as approved by the Special Flection of march 11 , 1938" . Mr. Rosborough seconded the motion and the Ordinance was passed on first reading. same as to second reading. The Chair read a letter from mr. Arnold, `Business Manager for the Duval Board of kublic instruction con- cerning the water tor the tltlantic peach school. after a discussion, the Clerk was directed to write Mr. Arnold and state that the 'Town would be willing to give the school free water for a period of ten years if at the end of that time the Board would agree to vest in the Town the title to such water pipes as are run in and upon the streets of the Town and that the Town would then charge the rates then prevailing for water. p letter was read from Mr. Doggett, Principal of the Fletcher high School , thanking the Town for coopera- tion in the matter of furnishing gas and oil for work on the recreation project under way at the nigh School. The uhair read a letter from Mr. Fred coffee , President of the Atlantic beach Imorovement League , advocating a change in the Charter of the Town so as to permit advertising by the town and asking that a set-up be made for direct taxation for the purpose of advertis- ing the Town. This matter was discussed. ihe mayor spoke in support of such a plan. Thereupon the Clerk was directed to write Mr. Coffee and invite both him and Mr. a. 0. Johnson to appear before the next meeting of the Council to go further into the matter. The clerk to notify both of these gentlemen when such a meeting would be held. TO ulear the record , the following resolution was introduced by Mr. Fosborough, seconded by mr. Trout and unanimously passed: BE IT RESOLVED BY The MAYOR AND TO,iN COUNCIL TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH - That the said Town Council do , and it hereby does , obligate itself to Mr. Robert Angas, Engineer, in an amount not to exceed 4150. for services to be rendered by Mr. Angas in preparing an estimate of the work to be done , and an application to it.P.A . for such work, to pave certain streets in the Town of Atlantic beach, to wit: all unpaved streets east of sherry urive , as well as repair , renew or resurface all streets now in bad repair which re- quire new surface. Mr. Outler introduced the following resolution, f which was seconded by a:r. Trout and unanimously passed: Resolution on 15th Street. tCopy Attached) Er. Sugg stated that ne had been visited by a Mr. Taylor , who nad asked for permission to place a sign across Road 78 for the purpose of advertising the peaches. This matter was deferred, penaing more definite information ana the securing of permission first by rir. Taylor to put such a sign across the road by either the state or Duval county, whicnever would have jurisdiction. There being no furt?ler business for consideration, the meeting adjourned. _ 1IMS 1I 11211. President , itlantic reach Town Council Attest: /�// To n Clergy • 411 1,.ESOLUTION aHEREAS, Duval uounty has under construction at the present time , a roadway connecting saltair boulevard and beminole deach rcoed at sixteenth „3treet in tne 'Town of Atlantic beach, and NHEREAS, Fifteenth Street in said Town connects with said new road, and shereas , the ramp to the ucean at rifteenth street is already part of tne county road system of the said lluval county, end aHERE S, when the said new road is completed, teifteenth Street will become en important thoroughfare to the ocean and will be used in large part by traffic passing through the Town of Atlantic beach and only to a minor degree by the residents of the Town, NUN, THEREFORE, BE I'i RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TON COUNCIL OF THE TORN Uk ATLANTIC BEACH that the said Town council do , and it hereby aoes , petition the Board of County Commissioners of Duval County, Florida, to adopt the said Fifteenth Street in its entirety, as shown by the Plats and Public Records of the said County, as a County Poad. Passed by the Atlantic Beach Town Council , this 7th Day of March , /1 . D. , 1939. ,1 r ‘44°P 4/1: • • •