APRIL 5 , 1939.
J . L. Chiasson
J. C. butler
Thos. V. Trout
R. -' . ;'ugg
The Mayor and Town Attorney were present also.
The meeting was called to order by E. L. Chiasson,
The Clerk read the minutes of the regular meeting
of March 7, 1939 , which were =:pnroved as read.
The Clerk reed the minutes of the snecial meeting;
of March 17 , 1939, wh' ch were approved as read .
The Clerk read the minutes of the snecial meeting
of ''.;arch 28, which were approved as red.
The regular order of business was suspended in order
to hear from visitors present.
Mr. Robert J ngas , Engineer for the Town explained in
detail the Proposed set uo on a proposed streets imorove-
ment Program. After considerable discussion, Mr. Outler
made the following motion, which was seconded by Mr. Trout
and passed:
"Be it resolved by the Mayor and Town Council of the
Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida :
That F. L. Chiasson , President of the Council of the
said Town and R. E. Sugg , Chairman , Public Works Committee ,
be , and they are hereby authorized , empowered and directed
to make a oolication to the ;'orks Progress Administration of
the Federal Government on behalf of the said Town for the
Construction of four streets and the widening and straight-
ening and repair of streets in accordance with preliminary
plans and specifications pre-)ared by Robert Angus, Engineer" .
Mr. Fred Coffee , President of the Ptlantic Reach
Improvement League introduced Mr. Villiam Johnson of the
Tourist and Convention Bureau, who explained In detail the
plan of advertising the Beaches by the City of Jacksonville
and as handled by his Bureau. He suggested a co-ordination
of effort on the part of the Beach Communities and suggested
an additional millage for the purpose of defraying the
expenses of such advertising.
Further investigation on the Hart of the Town
Officials is to be made regarding the matter.
Louden , formerly e Supervisor on the Incinerator
Project , came before the Council and explained the incurring
of a bill against the Town for the Repair of a Pump. The
Council agreed , by motion of Yr. Trout, seconded by Mr.
Cutler, to nay the bill when properly subm; tted and duly
• The Mayor read the report of the Treasurer who was
unable to be present. The reports were approved and order-
ed filed.
- 2 -
Upon motion of Mr. Trout , seconded by Mr. Cutler ,
the following hills were approved and ordered paid :
Name Amount
Shell Oil Com�,cny . 45
Tresca , The Florist 5.00
Mason Lumber Company ( Street Signs) 7.75
Barnett National Bank ( Police Car) 47.10
:uinn R. Barton, Inc . 12. 41
Zaun Equipment Company (Lawn Mower) 1 .50
Jacksonville Beach (March Current) 17.70
Beach Plumbing & Elec . ( Signs) 1 .50
Southern Bell Tel . Co. (Tolls and Service ) 7. 90
S. S. Darley Company ( Signs ) 50.70
Town of Neptune (2 fires) 50.00
Pasco ' s Garage (Miscl) 4.25
Wilkerson-Martin Co. ( 4.70
C . C. Howell , Jr. 75.30
Quinn R. Barton, Inc. (One Truck) 60.00 plus int.
Joe Fobbins 20. 07
luta Electric Company 2.50
$368. 83
Also upon motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr.
Trout , the following bills were ordered Haid from the
General Fund and charged to the Incinerator Account:
Cushman , Trips 48.00
Town of Neptune (Mixer Fental ) 40.00
'. r.
Cutler moved the massage on Third and Final
reading of en Ordinance "RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH;
Requiring persons engaged or employed in certain occupa-
tions to furnish health Certificates showing them to be
free from communicable disease in an infectious stage ;
and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof. "
Mr. Sugg seconded the motion and the ORDINANCE
was unanimously passed.
The Mayor reported on the stop signs erected at
certain intersections; that for the most part the work
had been completed.
The matter of installing street lights was
discussed and the figures furnished by the Engineering
Department of the Light Department of the City of
Jacksonville were read. Action was deferred on this
matter to a later date , in the meantime , the Mayor end
the President of the Council to see Yr. Andrews of the
City of Jacksonville in reference thereto and ascertain
what help could be obtained from the City.
The blueprints prepared by Marsh and Saxelby for
remodeling and extending the present Town Hall were
presented and the final action to submit an application
;vas deferred until sore definite figures could be
obtained .
The 'aterNorks project was discusse' . Thereunon
by motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. :)ugg , the
following resolution was passed.
That E. L. Chiasson, President of the Council of
the said Town and F. E. Sugg, Chairman of Public
,Yorks Committee be , and they ere hereby , authorized ,
empowered and directed to make anolicetion to the
Works Progress Administration oT the United States
to construct a Waterworks in and for the Town of
Ptlantic Beach , in accordance with plans and
specifications prepared by Col. G. A. Youngberg
and associates , Engineers for the Town on a Vater-
works and Fire Department.
The Mayor read the rough draft of a letter prepared
by him to be sent to all voters in the Town , explaining
in detail in reference to the proposed improvements now
being considered. The letter as a whole was approved ,
with a fe,v minor changes , and is to be fully completed
upon obtaining final figures to base abutting property
The matter of repainting all street markers and
traffic signs in the Town was passed to a later date.
Further discussion was had in reference to the
assessments to be proposed for street improvements . Mr.
Sugg, as Chairman of the Public Vorks Committee was asked
to take charge of this investigation and with his
Committee to work out the schedule to be followed .
Mr. Howell , Town Pttorney, offered the suggestion
that the following Ordinance be passed by the Council ,
AN ORDINANCE prescribing the manner in which
special meeting of the Town Council of the Town
of Ltlantic Beach, Florida he called and legal-
ly held.
Upon motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by 7r. Trout ,
this ordinance was passel on first reading.
Upon motion of ".'r. Cutler , seconded by Mr. Trout,
this Ordinance was Passed on Second reading.
The Chair read a letter addressed to the Chairman
of the Public Sorks Committee by the City Supervisor
recommending that Elliott Yancey , Garbage men , be given an
increase In salary. Thereupon, Mr. Sugg moved that Yancey' s
salary be increased to 05.00 -ger month. Mr. Trout second-
ed the motion , which was unanimously passed.
The Chair read -. letter from the City Supervisor
recommending the t en effort be made to have Atlantic
Boulevard,within the city limits of tlantic Beach nd
Neptune , placed under the concurrent jurisdiction of the
two Towns for traffic regulation.
Upon motion by M_r. Trout, seconded by Mr. Sugg , the
City Supervisor was directed to have a light extended from
the Town Hall to the corner in front at a cost not to
exceed S!15.
The Chair read a letter from the Town Clerk in
reference to a request made by Mrs; R. R. Lake for considera-
tion in reference to the bringing un-to-date of her Seawall
assessments. Mrs. Lake has requested that the Council
waive penalty interest on delinquent assessments and interest
payments in consideration of the payment of all delinouencies.
The Clerk was directed to advise Mrs. Lake that the Council
could not grant such a concession.
aThe Chair read a letter signed by Mrs. 'ellen ".
Gilliland, asking a compromise on her 1936 and 1937 taxes .
The file concerning her former request was reviewed and the
Clerk was directed that the same answer is made at this time
as was previously made , that is, the Council is not at
liberty to take cognizance of intended Homestead Exemptions
when not duly applied for.
Reference was further made to the matter of provid-
ing means for advertising. The matter was thoroughly
discussed. Mr. Outler suggested that the matter should
be discussed with the Droner officials at the Beach in
order to arrive at some definite plan. The matter was
left in that status.
Upon motion of Mr. Trout , seconded by Mr. Bugg,
authority was granted for the repair of the police siren
at a cost of ;710.
There being no further business for consideration,
the meeting adjourned.
ir* I !
101 , 41,
President ,
Atl- is Beach Town Council
1`.ttest : d'ee „400e '
A01° 411A1.1151
Tow- C erk