05-02-39 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 P.M. MAY 2., 1939. *************** Present: E. L. Chiasson R. F. Sugg G. L. Posborough Thos. W. Trout. mayor George H. Smith and Town Attorney u. C. Howell , Jr. were also present. The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of April 4, 1939 , which were approved as read. Mr. Osborne , Town Treasurer, filed his usual monthly financial statements , which upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by mr. Trout, were approved as submitted and orderer filed. Upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Trout, the following bills were approved and ordered paid: Name Amount The Texas Company (See Statement ) 91.48 Magneto battery and Electric Co. 5.15 Dickinson' s .75 Florida National Bank (Truck payment) 62.77 Southern Bell Telephone Co. 8.65 Zaun equipment Company 1.15 Burroughs Adding machine Co. 1 .00 L. W. Cushman (Services) 6.00 Wilkerson-Martin Company (Stationery) 2. 40 Barnett National Bank (Note on Police Car) 45.00 plus int. Richheirner 125.00 Duval Motors (Repair - Police Car) 6.00 C. F . Frazier 5.95 C. C. Howell , Jr. 39.36 Florida National Bank (Note - ^uinn R. Barton Inc. due 1-15) 61 .50 453.51 The matter of purchase of gasoline was discussed, the Mayor having called attention to the Price naid during the month of April , which was one cent per gallon over that which James David advertised his price. There- upon suggested that in the future gasoline be purchased at the lowest possible price, all other things being equal; i .e. that the Town get a good grade of gasoline in the same amount. By unanimous consent the suggestion was concurred in. The Town Attorney read an Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Prescribing the manner in which Special Meetings of the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval , County, Florida! may be Called and Legally Held" . Thereupon, Mr. Trout moved the passage of this Ordinance on Third and Final reading. Mr. Rosborough seconded the motion and by a unanimous xote' the ordinance was finally passed. Mr. Robert Angas appeared before the Council with 11/ a completed application to be submitted to for a Project to renew, repair, et cetera , all remaining streets east of Sherry Drive and explained somewhat in detail the contents thereof. A Resolution having been passed et the 'April 4 Meeting to authorize the filing of this applica- tion, and there appearing to be nothing objectionable , the order stood. The building program was discussed. The application prepared by Farsh and Saxelby, Architects , for remodeling and extending the present Town Hall was presented. 'There- upon , the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "BE IT FESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TO;'VN COUNCIL OF THE TOIVN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That E. L . Chiasson , President of the Town Council and C. P. Frazier, Town Clerk, be and they are here- by authorized and directed to sign and file with the Works Progress Administration an application, which has been prepared by Marsh and 3axelby, Architects , for the remodeling, extension and repair to the Town Hall." The Chair read a letter report from the City Supervisor relative to the status of the incinerator under construction by ;V.P.A . , it appearing that V.P.A. having run out of both material and labor to complete the project. After discussion, Mr. Sugg moved and Mr. Posborough seconded that the City Supervisor be instructed to purchase material and hire labor in order to complete that portion necessary to put the plant in operation; that �rl50. be appropriated for this purpose. The motion was unanimously adopted and the City Supervisor directed to proceed with the work. It this point, a delegation of the colored citizens of the Donner Sub-Division appeared before the Council and ask- ed assistance on the building of a playground in the color- ed section for the colored children. The delegation was advised to submit plans , etc . , to the City Supervisor so that they would be given study and whatever assistance possible could be rendered. The matter of ~3eech Signs for bathing area was discuss- ed, it appearing that the signs used last year would , in a large nart, have to be replaced. 1 quotation by W. S. Parley and Company for more durable signs was submitted - 42.75 each. It was explained that these signs would last several years and would cost less money than those hereto- fore used . 'Thereupon , by unanimous consent, the City Supervisor was directed to purchase eight such signs to be on hand upon the closing of the Beach. Lr. Trout , Chairman of the Finance and Taxation committee, explained the results of a conference with Pl St. Johns , County Tax Assessor, in reference to getting access to the records in his office for the purpose of setting up the 1939 tax roll for the Town. It appearing that this information could not be refused by Mr. St.Johns and would be turned over to Town officials upon request, the Committee was asked to proceed to obtain such informa- tion. At this time the Chair called on the Chairman of the Public Vorks Committee for a report on their investigation into the probable assessment of abutting property and a proposed bond issue to take care of the cost of a streets improvement project. The Chairman reported that he had not been able to get final figures. 'thereupon, 'the Chair recited some figures furnished by the City Supervisor and after much discussion it was decided to fix the abutting prooerty assessment at 600.' ( sixty cents) per front foot, plus a ten thousand dollar bond issue , and Mr. Smith was requested to so inform the property owners of Atlantic Beach in a letter which he is preparing to send out and110 which letter goes into all of the proposed projects fully. Mr. Rosborough moved and Fr. Trout seconded that Vr. Smith be allowed actual expense for the preparation and mailing of these letters. - 3 - The matter of the note to Quinn R. Barton Comnany, Incorporated held by the Florida National Bank on the Inter- national Truck purchased on August 16 , 1938 was thoroughly discussed and authority was granted to resume payment on this truck, provided satisfactory arrangement could be made with nuinn P. Barton Company, Incorporated, one by which the Town could resume monthly payments to take up those payments in arrears and to continue to pay each monthly installment on or about the first of each month. The Town Attorney referred to the matter of delinquent taxes on the property of James D. Palmer. In this connection, Mr. Palmer had addressed a letter to the Town Clerk asking for relief on the payment of interest. Thereupon, Mr. Trout moved that Mr. Palmer be advised that penalty interest would be waiv- ed, provided he would pay up all taxes due, including 1938, and that the Clerk be instructed to so advise Yr. Palmer, the attorney' s fee on 1936 End 1937 to remain standing. Mr. Chiasson expressed opposition to making concessions of this type . It was the consensus of opinion of all the Council that in the future no concessions of this kind would be given consideration. The matter was then submitted to vote, members of the Council voting as follows: Chiasson No Rosborough yes Sugg Yes Trout yes . The question of payment of delinquent taxes and interest on the property of Yrs. P. F. Lake and the Seawall assessment against the same property was discussed by Mr. Howell . Mrs. Lake having lost a warrant issued to her by the Town in the sum of 0.20 during the month of February 1938, the Clerk and Treasurer were directed to properly cancel this warrant and the Town Attorney was directed to extend Yrs. Lake credit in the sum of X7.20 against the taxes due. The Town A_ttorney advised that Mr. Richard P. Marks had advised that he could not make payment on his seawall account until sometime in July 1939, at which time he had promised to substantially decrease the amount due. The matter was referred back to the Town Attorney for proper handling. A letter sgned by Florence V. Adams, president of the parent-Teachers Association, in which the Council was requested to use efforts to have work expedited on the Beach School Projects was discussed and each member of the Council agreed, as a member, to contact all officials concerned and use their best efforts to bring about the results asked for in her letter. Upon motion of Mr. Sugg, seconded by Yr. Rosborough, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: "WHEREAS, the finest and most wonderful natural 'each known to the world is situated along the eastern border of Duval County, which affords more anneal to v' sitors and Tourists entering Duval County than any other scenic attraction in the community, and stimulates and arouses within them a desire to linger and remain there to enjoy motoring along the wide expanse of smooth sand beach and marvelous health giving sunshine, fresh air and recreation- al activities such as surf bathing, beach play, fishing, golfing, boating, bicycling, etc . , all of which results in direct financial benefit to the business and commercial interest of Duval County as reflected by the remarkable development and growth of the several Beach Communities with the accompanying steadily increasing population and tax producing improvements, and "WHEREAS, an asset of this type should be advertised and publicized with every means available, and "WHEREAS, Duval County owns a signboard located at the intersection of the St. Johns River Bridge end Riverside Viaduct upon which an attractive sign might be placed calling attention of motorists to these famous beaches - 4 - and the route leading thereto, and "WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners heretofore authorized the use of said signboard for the aforesaid purpose, but subsequently revoked said action upon petition of a few filling station and tourist cottage - operators lined along a road leading through a far less attractive and unsettled portion of the County, who desire to divert traffic away from said beaches. "NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of Atlantic Beach that the aforementioned action of the Board of County Commissioners in revoking the afore- said permission for use of said signboard be protest- ed, and that said Board be urged to immediately re- instate its former, action, reinstating permission for aforesaid use of said signboard. "BE IT- FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolu- tion be sent to the Board of County Commissioners of Duval County, the City Council of Jacksonville Beach and the Town of Neptune Beach. Passed this 2nd day of May, 1939. " The City Supervisor was directed to secure estimates and information relative to the renewal of speed signs and street markers. The City Supervisor was directed to cause house numbers to be placed on all houses in Atlantic Beach as soon as sufficient residents have returned to the Beach to ,justi • - fy such work. • By motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Sugg, authorization was granted for—the purchase of a siren for the Police car, provided it does not cost more than $20. Upon motion of Mr. Trout, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. A-30, entitled, "An Ordinance Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance by the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida , of Municipal Building, of Streets Improvement, and of Incinerator and Garbage bonds , all under the Provisions of Section 39, Chapter 13907, of the Laws of Florida , Special Acts of 1929, Vol. 2, Part One, Approved by the Governor of Florida June 8, A. D . 1929; Under the Provisions of Section 1 , et seq. , of Chapter 14715, of the Laws of Florida , Acts of 1931 , Approved by the Governor of Florida May 21 , 1931 ; and in Compliance with Section 6 , Article 9, of the Constitution of the State of Florida, as amended at the General Election, A. D. 1930" , was passed on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Trout, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, this Ordinance was passed on second reading. . There being no further busi -s,) for c90". -ration, the meeting was adjourned. , 0.41 4114i• A ?resident -. t1 • Peach Town Council Attest: ,/ t ///K� Tdw Clerk •