06-06-39 v i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOVN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 P,M. JUNE 6, 1939. Present: E. L. Chiasson , J. C . Cutler, Thomas V. Trout, G. L. Rosborouph Sugg advised by messenger that he was unable to attend. Mayor George H. Smith and Town Attorney C. C . Howell Jr. were also present. After correction, the Minutes of the Regular Ueetinr of May 5th, upon motion of Mr. Trout , seconded by Mr. Cutler, were approved. Mr. Osborne , Town Treasurer, submitted his usual monthly renort which , upon motion by Mr. Trout, seconded by r. Cutler, wee anproved and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Ros- borough, the following bills were approved and ordered paid: Name Amount The Texas Company April Gas and Cil acct. . . . $92.29 C. P. Frazier Miscellaneous 8.27 Clifford A. Payne Co 17.36 J. H. Oetjen Police Siren 20.00 Stoddard ' s Garage 1 .00 Florida National Bank Truck Note 63.07 Florida National Bank Truck Note . . . 63.90 Southern Bell Telephone Co. Service 8.40 Shell Petroleum Co. Oil 21 .50 Jacksonville Beach Final Light Bill 17.15 Barnett National Bank Police Car 47.70 Beach Plumbing and : lectrical Company 1 .29 Duval Motors Co. Police Car 1 .60 Pesco ' s Garage (Repair Street end Step . . 1.50 Wilkerson-Martin Co. Printing and '.tationery . . 5.45 Postal Telegraph Co. Incinerator 1.02 Neptune Fire Dept. Two Fires 50.00 Incinerator Material 71 .69 C. C . Ho ^rell , Jr. Attorney ' s Fees 54.50 $547.69 The bill submitted by the Town Attorney, which included attorney' s fee for collection without suit of the Jewell Account of Mrs. Bthel Lake was discussed. The Clerk was directed to deposit i.'rs. Lake ' s check of $611 .89 to the General Fund in order that droner adjustments may be made in reference to excess interest , excessive penalties and attorney' s fee. The question of purchase of gasoline was discussed at length. It is directed that efforts be made to have tank and pump installed and arrangements made to make ourOhases of gasoline at tank mice. Mr. Chiasson advised that the Incinerator had been completed as far as possible et this time , the work having 411 been done by Town Employees. The City Supervisor advised that he had used $130.00 of the 150.00 appropriated for this purpose and that most of the remainder would be consumed in minor details before the Incinerator would be put in operation. The Chair explained that he had had several conferences with Pex .Vilson of the :Yorks Progress Administration in reference to the three Projects for Street Improvement, ',Vater- works and Town Hall ; that Mr. 7Vilson had advised that all three projects had been passel by the Local Office end transmitted to the State Office for final checking by the State Engineer before being forwarded to .Vashington. The Chair explained that he , together with Mr. Outlev, had met with Mr. Brest of the Duval Construction and Engineering Company several times in reference to the financing bg the Town of the Street Improvement Project, past and future. Mr. Chiasson explained that an effort had been made to work out a method by which larger property holders would be extended a greater length of time to make payments on abutting property assessments, but that such an arrangement would be inadvisable and, according to the Town Attorney, would be illegal . He explained that there was some indication, however, that the Duval Construction and Engineering Company would agree to a five-year period of time with Interest at 522 per annum on unpaid balances. Thereupon, it was agreed that Mr. Chiasson and Mr. Cutler would further negotiate with the Duval Construction and Engineering Company in an effort to agree upon a five-year plan with interest at 5%, or that they would obtain the very best arrangement that could be agreed upon. 'r. Smith was requested to hold the proposed letter explaining to the taxpayers in reference to these matters in abeyance until the arrangements could be completed. Upon motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by '_,'r. Trout , the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: "WHEREAS, the Vorks Progress Administration has approved rroject 16-1-9-177 , Official Project 465- 35-2-178 for construction of a Municipal Building and Auditorium in the Town of Atlantic Beach, and " WHEREAS, it annearing that for various and sundry reasons the Officials of the Town of !!tlantic Beach do not believe that the said Project should be under- taken and completed, and " WHEREAS, a subsequent Project, 16-1-B-302, has been submitted for processing and transmittal to the State ' s corks Progress administration Office provid- ing for remodeling and extending of the Present Town Hall, "NON, THEREFORE BE IT PESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach , Florida , that said Official Project 465-35-2-178 be , and the same is hereby abandoned and in lieu therefor the said Project 16-1-B-302 be submitted. "Passed by the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic 3each, Florida , this 6th day of June, A.D. 1939." The City Supervisor was directed to contract the re- painting of Street Signs and Traffic Signs. T. B. Arthur submitted the lowest bid and was awarded the contract , and a price not exceeding ti;25.00 was anoroved. The Town Attorney read in full an Ordinance Repealing Ordinance A-30, entitled: "AN OPDINANCE Authorizing and Providing for the • Issuance , by the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida , of Municiapl Building, of Street Improvement, and of Incinerator and Garbage Bonds, all Under the Provisions of Section 39, Chapter 13907, of the laws of Florida, Special Acts of - 3 - 1929, Vol. 2 , Part One, Approved by the Governor of Florida June 8, A . P. , 1929; Under the Provisions of Section 1 , et seq. , of Chanter 14715 , of the Laws of Florida , acts of 1931 , tnproved by the Governor of Florida May 21 , 1931 ; and in Compliance with Section 6 , Irti.cle 9, of the Constitution of the State of Florida, as Amended et the General Election, A .D. 1930." After the Third reading•, upon motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, this Ordinance was finally passed, 211 Members of the Council voting for its nassage. A discussion was had by the Mayor and Members of the Council in reference to the proposed Wild Life Sanctuary in the Town. An Ordinance having been prepared by the Mayor for introduction, was referred to the Laws and Pules Committee, the details to be worked out by Mr. Outler and Mr. Chiasson. The council approved the Mayor ' s orders to begin roping bathing areas on June 7 , the hours for such roping to be from 2 to 7 P.M. on week days and 10 ^ . M. to 2 on Sundays and Holidays . The City Supervisor was instructed to make all arrangements, provide the necessary ropes, etc. , and the Marshall was directed to proceed with enforcement. Upon motion by Mr. Posborough, seconded by Mr. Cutler, the Clerk was directed to advance x'10 to the Marshall for the purchase of a uniform, same to be deducted from the 1940 appropriation for such purpose. At this point, the regular order of business was suspended in order that the Council could hear from visitors present. Mrs. Ellen M. Gilleland again raised the question of her failure to secure Homestead Exemption on her home in Atlantic Beach. It apnears that the records indicate that taxes in full were charged against Mrs. Gilleland' s property for 1936 and 1937. Mrs. Gilleland contended that she filed homestead exemption, it appearing that the office of the Clerk had no record of such en application. The matter was thoroughly discussed and taken under advise- ment. Mr. Martin, Chairman of the Reach Health Council explained somewhat in detail the work being done by the Beach Health Unit and some of the needs of the Unit to carry on the necessary Health work. He explained that the facilities for administering treatment to those with positive reaction were entirely inadequate. Ry Un- animous consent , the City Supervisor was detailed as a Committee of one to represent Atlantic Reach to confer with the Officials of the other Beach Communities for the purpose of arriving at some definite plan in this respect. The Town Attorney renorted that all three of the bills relating to Town matters had passed the State Legislature and are now ready for radification by the voters of the Town. At this point , the matter of the change in interest on Seawall Assessments, as provided by one of the above mentioned bills, was thoroughly discussed. The Clerk was directed to proceed with the revision of all Seawall ilk accounts , including the installment due June 1 , 1939 on the basis of the new 4 ' interest. - 4 - Mr. Trout brought before the Council the request of Herbert Meyerson that he be relieved of penalty interest on his Seawall Construction account, provided he paid the entire amount now due. At this point, Mr. Chiasson relinquished the chair to the Vice-President, Mr. Posborough, and made the following motion: "Be it resolved that the Town Council , in the matter of the Seawall Construction !`ccount of Herbert Meyerson, hereby refuses to waive any penalty interest now due on the account of Herbert Meyerson in the payment of this account; that a revised statement, on the basis of 4/ on the unassessed balance , be prepared and furnished to the Town Attorney and that the Town Attorney be directed to proceed with settlement of the account on this basis." The motion was seconded by Mr. Outler and unanimous- ly adopted. Yr. Posborough relinquished the Chair to the President. eort Mr.- Trout made inquiry with reference to police protection for residents outside the Town limits o the North end of the Town. It was explained that the could no longer extend protection and collecees there- for, but that the Tenn would extend such police protection to those who pay a fee of $15.00 per year. Mr. Trout called attention to the fact that the Home Utilities Incorporated, upon the disposal of their Electric Light Plant in the Town to the City of Jackson- ville, had refused to refund the deposit made by P. J. Watson. This matter was discussed from the standpoint of those living within the Town and it was determined that this rias not a matter for the Town Council to act upon even for those inside the city limits and in this instance certainly not, because Mr. Vatson lives outside the Town Limits. Mr. Trout moved and Mr. Rosborough seconded the motion, which motion was approved that Mrs. Ellen M. • Gilleland be given credit for regular taxes for 1937, provided Mrs. Gilleland filed with the Town Clerk an affidavit asserting that she had duly filed application for Homestead Exemption and that she occupied the property as a resident on lam; 1 , 1937. Upon request of the Mayor, an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Disposition of Garbage in the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and Prescribing the Persons Entitled to Collection of Garbage by the Town" , was intro- duced. Upon motion by Mr. Outler, seconded. by Mr. Trout, this Ordinance was passed on first reading. Upon motion by Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Trout, the Ordinance was passed on second reading and thereupon referred to the Laws and Rules Committee. The Mayor raised the question of setting in motion the rre chanics for putting into effect the new Zoning Law. It was pointed out that this new law would have to be radified by the voters of •the Town, but at the same time it was considered advisable to start work, looking to an expedient reconstruction of the Zoning requirements. Thereupon, the Chair designated the Mayor , the City Super- visor and himself as a Committee to select names to be - v - submitted to the Council for appointment to the Zoning Committee as provided for by the new law. The Mayor brought to the attention of the Council the fact that Mr. F. E. Sugg had not yet paid his occupa- tional licenses for the pest year and asked the Council ' s wishes in the matter. It was decided that the Mayor would personally see Mr. Sugg before taking further steps in the matter. Upon motion by Mr. Trout, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, an Ordinance entitled, "An ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF LICENSE FEES AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH LICENSE FEES TO BE -'AID BY PERSONS, FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND A SSICIATION S TO ENGAGE IN OF MANAGE ANY BUSINESS, PFOFESSION OR OCCUPATION IN THE TONN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA" , was passed on first reading. Upon motion by Mr. Trout , seconded by Mr. Posborough, this Ordinance was passed on second reading. On motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, it was decided that the Beach Patrol service be put into effect on June 7th, same being in line with the plans followed last year. Mr. Trout introduced a discussion in reference to tax assessments for the coming year. The town Clerk was direct- ed to Prepare further figures in reference to improved property and the Chairman of the Finance Committee directed to have same ready for consideration at the regular July Meeting. In view of the fact that there is no licensed liquor dealer in the Town of Atlantic Beach, the letter addressed to the Town Council by Mrs. V. H. Adams , Jr. , concerning the sale of intoxicating liquors to minors was received as information and ordered filed. There beim, no further business for consideration, the meeting adjourned.. Attila( • ,u/ President Atlantic 3each Town Council . Attest : �J / �l To Clerk