08-08-39 v Minutes of the Postponed Pegular Monthly Meeting of the Atlantic Beech Town Council , held August 8, 1939 at 8 P. M. at the Town Hall. :k '' * * Present: E. L. Chiasson, J. C. Outler, G. L. Rosborough Thomas :;'. Trout, R. E. Sugg, Mayor George F. Smith and Town .Attorney, Mr. C. C. Howell , Jr. , were also present. Pursuant to the following notice addressed to the members of the Council , the ?Mayor nd Town Clerk, receipt of which is duly acknowledged, the regular monthly meeting of August 1 , 1939 was postponed to August 8, 1939: To: Mr. George H. Smith, Mayor, Mr . G. L. Rosborough, Mr. J. C. Outler, Mr. Thomas N. Trout , and Mr. P. g. Sugg Councilmen, and Mr. C. F . Frazier, Town Clerk. You, and each of you, will please take notice that the date of the regular August, 1939 , monthly meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida , having fallen on the first day of said month, thereby rendering insufficient time for the Town Clerk to receive outstanding bills and prepare the necessary information to be acted upon, and for various and sundry other reasons, it having been deemed in- expedient to hold the said meeting at the said tire, the said meeting will be held at the Town Hall in the said Town on Tuesday, August 8, 1939 at 8 P. M. Kindly govern yourselves accordingly. Signed - E. L. Chiasson President , Town Council . SERVICE of the above and foregoing Notice and receipt of a copy thereof are hereby and severally acknowledged by the undersign- ed on the date hereinafter respectively indicated. George H. Smith August 1 , 1939. G. L. Posborough August 1 , 1939. Thomas W. Trout August 1 , 1939. J. C . Outler August 1 , 1939. Robert E. Sugg August 1, 1939. f'. R. Frazier August 1 , 1939. Pursuant to the above notice , the meeting was called to order by F. L. Chiasson, -resident. Mr. Chiasson relinquished the chair to the Vice-President, "r. Rosborough, who called for nominations for the office of President of the Council for the coming year. Mr. Outler plac- ed the name of '?. L. Chiasson in nomination, Mr. Trout seconded the nomination, the nominations were closed and Mr. Chiasson was unanimously elected as President for the ensuing year. Mr. Chiasson resumed as President of the Council and call- 411 ed for nominations for the position of Vice-President. Mr. Outler nominated Mr. Rosborough, which nomination Was seconded by Mr. Chiasson and Mr. Trout, the nominations were closed and Mr. Rosborough was unanimously elected. At this point , Mr. Chiasson commended the personnel for their activities, cooperation and interest in the affairs of the Towh with slight reservations, and asked that all members of the personnel put their shoulders to the wheel , all do their share of work. All Committees were allowed to stand as originally named, and as they have stood for the pest year, as follows: PUBLIC WORKS: R. E. Sugg , Chairman J. C . Outler E. L. Chiasson FINANCE AND TAXATION Thomas S. Trout , Chairman J. C. Outler E. L. Chiasson LANS AND RULES J. C. Cutler, Chairman G. L. Rosborough E. L. Chiasson POLICE G. L. Rosborough , Chairman R. E. Sugg E. L. Chiasson Upon motion of Yr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, Mr. Brooke G. Shite , Jr. , was unanimously elected Tax Assessor, succeeding Mr. E. P. Berwald, Mr. ,Vhite ' s term of office being for the ensuing year. The Town Treasurer, Mr. Osborne , submitted his usual monthly reports, which upon motion of Mr. Trout , seconded by Mr. Posborough, were approved ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Trout, seconded by Mr . Rosborough, and adopted, the following bills were approved and ordered paid, if and when funds are available: Name Amount Petty Expenses, C. P. Frazier X2.50 H. and N. B. Drew Co. Printing and Sta. 8.55 Wilkerson-Martin Co. printing and Ste. 3.70 Southern Bell Telephone Co. Tolls and Service 8.70 Zaum equipment Company 1.00 Gulf Life Ins . Interest on Mortg. 15 .00 Florida National Bank Truck note 63.67 Florida National Bank Truck Note 63.45 Barnett National Bank Police Car Note 48.30 The Texas Comoeny Period end. 6-26 67. 80 Town of Neptune Beach Jail Fees 18.75 Florida Machinery Co. Incinerator Acct. 11. 47 Mason Lumber Company Incinerator Account 13.63 I. R. ;Vellington later gorks Project 25.00 Marsh and Saxelby Town Hall Project 100.00 Joe Robbins 3.65 Beach Plumbing Co. Saltair :Vater repairs 18.60 Beach Patrol to August 9 45.00 First National Bank, Tampa. Power Mower 12.35 C. C . Howell , Jr. 28.65 George H. Smith. Printing and Ste. 9.55 $569.32 Upon motion of J. C . Outler , seconded by Mr. Trout, which motion was adopted, the services of the Beech ='etrol is dispensed with effective August 9, 1939. S P9 The matter of a bill for 165. to cover over-employment of a 'J.P.A. Bricklayer on the Incinerator Project, and the consequent disallowance of the item by the Government and subsequent request that the Town of atlantic Beach pay this Bricklayer was discussed. For failure of a motion, the matter was not acted upon. The employment of a special police officer was discuss- ed and it was finally decided to allow the original arrange- ment to stand. Upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Yr. Outler, end adopted, the President of the Town Council and the Town Clerk were authorized to borrow from the Florida National Rank sums of money, the total of which is not to exceed Two Thousand dollars, as needed to carry on the Town ' s business between this date and the time when new tax collections are made. It was shown that approximately twenty six hundred dollars has been spent from the general fund on account of the Incinerator and street projects, financing of which failed on account of technicalities involving the bond issue. Mr. Osborne, the Town Treasurer, stated that a motion would have to be passed duly authorizing the loan, and there- upon Mr. Rosborough moved the adoption of the following motion, which was seconded by Mr. Outler and adopted: "A Resolution authorizing the President of the Town Council , and the town Clerk of the Town of ttlentic Beach, Florida, to execute promissory Notes. BE IT PESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: We , the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, do hereby appoint H. L. Chiasson and C. R. Frazier, respectively the "resident of the Town Council and the Town Clerk of the said Town, our joint attorneys for us and in our name and stead, to jointly and in their respective official capacities, draw, sign and endorse promissory rites; and to waive demand, notice, and notice of protest of all such notes. Giving and granting unto our said attorneys full power and authority to do end perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite , necessary or proper to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes , as we, acting in an aggregate officio" capacity, might or could do ; hereby ratifying and confirming all that our said attorneys shell lawfully do , or cause to be done, by virtue hereof. " An Ordinance toAMEND AN ORDINANCE E 'TITLED "AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Disposition of Garbage in the Town of Atlantic Beach , Florida, and Prescribing the Persons entitl- ed to Collection of Garbage by the Town, " was placed on Third and final reading. Pfter its reading by the Clerk, Mr. Rosborough moved its final passage, Yr. Trout seconded the motion, and all members voted for, none against, the final passage. The matter of Garbage collection on the north end, out- side the Town was discussed. The Clerk explained the fees now in force and it was the unanimous opinion of the members that 411 no adjustment should be made. The City Supervisor reported in reference to the matters raised by the colored residents for improvements , assistance , etc. , in the Donner Sub-Division: That the City of Jacksonville is now making estimates of costs for extending light lines to that section; That an examination shows that the bridge complained of is not unsafe and, furthermore, it is not on a dedicated city street; That the colored citizens are not yet ready for assistance on the proposed playground, but that arrangements had been made to give whatever assistance the Town Could afford; That all the other matters mentioned are being given attention and when conditions will permit. The matter of anpointment of a Zoning Commission was raised by the Chair , he explaining that tentative personnel had been selected, but that no action can be taken until the amendment to the Zoning Laws can be ratified. A considerable discussion was had In reference to the purchase of gas and oil for the Town ' s equipment. The City Supervisor was directed to alternate purchases between those who have paid licenses in the Town, giving each one sixty days ' business, provided of course , nrices and quality of products are equal. Mr. Trout was celled upon for information relative to work by him on the Tax Roll . He explained that he had made no definite arrangement, that he had studied the figures prepared by the City Supervisor , but that he was waiting on the determination of the needs of the Town before setting any definite figures for assessment. He stated that he ex- pected to leave for an extended trip in about one week, which trip would keep him away practically all of the month of September and thereupon relinquished this end of his committee work to Nr. Outler, a member of the Finance and Taxation Committee, Mr. Outler agreeing to undertake the work. Mr. futler, Chairman of the Laws and Rules Committee, reported two Ordinances mending to set up appraisal Boards for abutting property valuations on Lhe Old Street Project and the proposed new one. These ordinances are ready for final passage but upon advice of the Town Council they were temporarily passed for consideration. Mr. Cutler raised the matter of proposed election for bonds and other purposes and introduced and moved the pass- age on First reading an Ordinance : "AN ORDINANCE in Reference to General and Special Elections in and at the Town of ttlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida; providing for the Registration of Electors; Outlining their 'uelifications for and PrereQuisites to Voting; Formally Establishing the Office of Registration Officer; end Repealing urdinance No. A-6 , Entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Registration of Voters in the Town of Atlantic Beach. " Mr. Rosborough seconded Mr. Cutler' s motion and the Ordinance was passed on First reading. Upon motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, the urdinance was passed on Second Pending. • Mr. Rosborough reported in reference to a visit to the office of Hon. Claude Tepper, U. S. Senator, concerning the Town' s N. P. A. Applicata ons . Mr. Posborough secured certain information as to procedure and it was agreed that he and the Clerk should take such steps at an early date. P9 5 Mr. C . C. Howell , Jr . , asked that the „?125. already appropriated for retainers fees to Thompson, AVood and Hoff- man, New York Bond Attorneys for service in bond matters be sent to these attorneys in order that they may consider at once the Ordinance and other matters concerning the proposed bond issue. It was agreed that the appropriation having already been made that the money should be Haid to them. Yr. Outler moved that an aiplication be filed with J.P. A. for the grubbing and grading of ain -street, Section H, with the understanding that all abutting property assessments be in the hands of the Town Clerk before such work is under- taken, and provided , of course , the street is duly and proper- ly dedicated to the Town. vr. Rosborough seconded the motion, which motion was adopted, the President of the Council and City Supervisor being designated to sign same . By Unanimous consent, the City Supervisor was directed to sell the Model A Ford belonging to the Town to the highest and best bidder, either at public sale or by closed bids. The City Supervisor was authorized to purchase ten gallons of gasoline per week for his own private car to take care or nis transportation during the immediate future when outside work is not so active , subject to revision upon opening up of additional outside work. The Chair raised the question of Court fees and attorney' s fees in the case of the Town against F. P. Meyerson on account of Seawall assessments. He explained that Mr. Meyerson had settled the account except for these fees and that Mr. Meyerson was not opposed to paying the Court costs, but he did object to the payment of X25. for attorney ' s fees. It was agreed that this is a matter to be settled by the Town Attorney and he was so instructed. The President gave notice of a special meeting to be held on Monday August 14th at 8 P. M. at the Town Hall, for the following purposes , to wit: Consideration of all Ordinances, Resolutions and other action necessary in connection with the proposed bond election to be held at an early date and for the purpose of passing on final reading an Ordinance setting up the manner in which registration of voters must be held, providing for Registration Officer, etc. The notice Was then and there acknowledged by each member of the Council , one by one. .00111- There being no further b to discs -ed, the meet- ing was adjourned. - �' : residen c Beach Town Council Attest: // Joobr,/ •wn Cl:irk