August 14, 1939.
E. L. Chiasson
G. L. Rosborough
J. C. Outler
The Town Attorney, Mr. C. C. Howell , Jr. was also
present , the Mayor sent regrets on account of a physical dis-
Pursuant to the foll - wing notice , the special meeting
was called to order by E. L. Chiasson, President:
TO: George H. Smith, Mayor
J. C . Outler
G. L. Posborough
Thomas V. Trout
Robert E. Sugg, Councilmen, end
C. " . Frazier, Town Clerk.
You and each of you are hereby notified of, and respect-
fully urged to be present at a special meeting of the Town
Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida,
to be held et the Town Hell in said Town at 8 o 'clock P, M. ,
on the 14th day of August, 1939, for the purpose of
( e) Considering, passing, discussing or taking whatever
action is warranted by all circumstances then existing,
all Ordinances, Resolutions, etc . , in reference to a
proposed bond issue to sponsor a Garbage incinerator,
waterworks system, street improvements program past and
contemplated and remodeling the 'Town Nall.
(b) To consider for final passage an ordinance provid-
ing for registration of voters in the Town of Atlantic
(c ) Prepare for an election to ratify amendments to the
Charter passed at the recent Legislative Session.
Dated at Atlantic Beach , Florida , this 8th day of August
( Signed) E. L. Chiasson, President
Atlantic Reach Town Council.
Upon motion of Mr . Outler, seconded by Mr. Posborough,
the reading of the minutes of the Meeting held August 8, 1939,
was deferred to the next Pegular Monthly Meeting.
Yr. Howell , Town Attorney, explained in reference to
the various Ordinances necessary to pass to provide for regis-
tration, call en election for bond issues end en election to
ratify the three Legislative Acts passed at the 1939
'.'.r. Howell then explained in detail the tentative draft
of an Ordinance calling for the Bond Election; he set forth in
sum and substance the provisions thereof end read the caption
411 Thereupon, Mr. Outler moved that the Ordinance calling
for the Bond election be nassed on first reading. Mr.
Posborough seconded the motion end the Clerk called the roll ,
which showed the following vote :
For Passage :
E. L. Chiasson,
J. C. Outler
G. L. Rosborough
Against Passage m„ ,,
Outler then moved tie passage of this Ordinance
on second Fending. Mr. Fosborough seconded the motion; the
Clerk called the roll end the following vote for passage on
Second Feeding was shown:
For Passage :
E. L. Chiasson
J. C. Outler
G. L. P o sb orough
Against Passage :
An Ordinance providing for the manner of registration
of voters, naming a registration officer, same being Ordinance
No. 49, was called for Third and Final Reading. The Town
Attorney read the ordinance, entitled:
"AN ORDINANCE in Feference to General end Special
Elections in and at the Town of Atlantic Beech,
Duval County, Florida; Providing for the Registra-
tion of Electors; Outlining; their qualifications
for and Prequisites to Voting; Formally Establish-
ing the Office of Registration Officer; and Repeal-
ing Ordinance No. A-6, Entitled 'AN Ordinance Pro-
viding for the Registration of Voters in the Town
of Atlantic Peach. '"
Thereupon ,"'r. Fosborough moved its passage on Final Feeding.
Yr. Outler seconded the motion and the Clerk celled the
roll with the following results:
For Passage :
E. L. Chiasson
J. C. Cutler
G. L. Fosborough
Against Passage :
None .
The Town Attorney presented for consideration an
Ordinance entitled:
"AN ORDINANCE Calling a Referendum Election for the
Ratification and approval by the "ualified Electors
of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida , of (a) Chapter
19686 , Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1939, Entitl-
ed, 'An Act Relating to the Town of Atlantic Beach,
in Duval County, Florida, Providing for the Construc-
tion of Seawalls, Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds
for that Purpose ; Authorizing end Providing for
Special Assessments against Abutting Property to pay
a Portion of the Cost of seawalls, or the Bonds
Issued for that Purpose , and Other "afters in
Connection therewith or Relating Thereto' ; of (h)
Chapter 1PP 7, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1939,
Entitled 'A Bill to be Entitled, 'An Let to Amend
Sections 28, 31 and 33 of Chapter 13907, Laws of
Florida , Acts of 1929, the same being 'An Act to fix
the Territorial Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach,
to Provide for its Government, and Prescribe its
Jurisdiction and Powers' ; and of (c ) Chapter 19688,
Laws of Florida , Special Acts of 1939, Entitled "An
Act Authorizing the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval
County, Florida , to Provide for, and Prescribe
Zoning Regulations; and Repealing Chapter 16313, Laws
of Florida, special Acts of 1933 , Entitled (An Act to
Provide and Authorize the Town of Atlantic Beach, •
Duval County, Florida to Provide and Prescribe Zoning
Regulations. '"
Thereupon Mr. Outler moved that this Ordinance be passed on
first Reading. Mr. Rosborough seconded the Motion, the
Clerk called the roll and the vote for passage on First Feed-
ing was as follows:
For Passage:
E. L. Chiasson J. C . Cutler G. L. Fosborough
Against Passage:
Mr. Outler moved the passage of this Ordinance on
Second Deeding. Mr. Rosborough seconded the motion, the Clerk
called the roll and the vote was as follows:
For Passage on Second Reading:
E. L. Chiasson
J. C. Outler
G. L. Rosborough
Against Passage :
None .
A general discussion was had pertaining to the proposed
improvements .
There being no further bus • - , the me- ing was
adjourned. � -�
0 .
President ,
Atlantic Beach Town Council
Attest: //
own _erk