09-05-39 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TONN COUNCIL CALLED FOP SEPTEMBER 5, 1939 at 8 P. M. AT THE TONN HALL, AS PFOVIDED FOR BY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL. The Clerk called the roll and the following members answered present: E. L. Chiasson G. L . Posborough There being a lack of quorum present , after diligent effort to muster a ruorum, the meeting adjourned to September 6, 1939. On September 6, 1939, the Clerk called the roll and no member answered present; adjournment was automatic to September 7 , 1939. On September 7, 1939, the Clerk called the roll and the following members answered present. E. L. Chiasson, J. C. Cutler, G. L. Fosborough R. E. Sugg The Town Attorney, Mr. C . C. Howell , Jr. , was also present. The President of the Council was Acting Mayor in the absence of Mayor George H. Smith. The Clerk read the minutes of the regular monthly meet- ing held August 8, 1939, which minutes, upon motion of Mr. Posborough, seconded by Mr. Sugg, were approved as read. The Clerk Peed the minutes of the special meeting held IngAugust 14, 1939, which minutes, upon motion of Mr. Posborough, seconded by Mr. Sugg, were aoproved as read. Yr. Osborne , Town 'Treasurer, submitted his usual month- ly financial report, which upon motion of Mr. Sugg, second- ed by Mr. Rosborough, was approved and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by "r. Sugg, the following bills were approved and ordered Haid: Name Amount H. and V. B . Drew Company Printing .85 Duval Motors Repairs, P. Car 2.50 Florida Hardware Company Safety Bathing 1 .43 Vilkerson-Martin Company Printing 1 .70 Southern Bell Tel . Co. Tolls and Service 7.70 Florida National Bank Truck Payment 63.97 Florida National Bank Truck Payment 63.75 Barnett National Bank Note , Police Car 46. 87 Beech Plumbing and Elec. Co. Fire Protection 3.40 Town Hell 1 .50 N. A. Reifsnyder .75 Mason Lumber Co. 16. 58 The Texas Company 59.74 Petty Exense , C. P . Frazier 2.30 C. C. Howell , Jr. 15.00 Pasco' s Garage 1.25 Robert Angas 150.00 '439.29 In regard to the above bills , the one submitted by Mr. Robert Angas, Engineer on the Streets Project was discussed and it was determined that Mr. Angas ' bill is now due and payable . This item having been previously approved, no motion was necessary for payment thereof. ; A discussion was had in reference to insurance premiums due the 61ifford A. Payne-Garrison Company on account of all types of insurance , end upon motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Sugg end unanimously adopted, Mr. Posborough and C. R. Frazier, Town Clerk were authorized end directed to make arrangements with the Clifford A. Payne-Garrison Company for the financing of all premiums now due or to become due shortly. The matter of elections with which the Town is now faced was thoroughly discussed. The Town r.ttorney celled attention to the fact that an additional issue would have to be decided. The Town Officials of the Town have ruled that the debt limit for bond purposes would have to be raised. The Town Attorney pointed out that en enabling act vas passed in 1933 , allowing the Town, by Ordinance , to be ratified by the voters to extend the debt limit to not exceed 2O of the assessed valuation. It appearing that former officials of the Town having failed to carry out the provisions of the Legislative "ct, it is now necessary to complete the arrangements for increased indebtedness. In reference to all issues to be settled by elec- tions , it was decided, after much discussion, that these matters would have to wait until formally nassed upon by the Town' s Bond ! ttorney. ' t this point a discussion was had with reference to information received by the Local Area Supervisor of the ;Yorks Progress Administration that the Departmental Engineers in '2ashington have questioned both the 'Dater 4orks Project end the Street Improvement Project. That the question of carrying these projects into undeveloped arees owned by individual interests is the, controlling factor. It was the opinion of all members of the Codncil, that both-nrojects are set-un on e business basis and followed a plan believed to be sound in every respect. At this point, the City Supervisor read a rough draft of a letter to be sent to the Assistant Chief Engineer of the forks Progress Administra- tion in ;Iashington fully discussing the reasons why the areas questioned have been included in the original applica- tion. All members of the Council enproved this letter and it was directed that it be prepared for signature of the President and mailed to 'Vashington at the earliest possible date. rembers of the Council also agreed to contact Col . Lockwood and other persons who might be in a position to enlighten the Vashington Engineers in reference to these projects. The Clerk was directed to certify to the Town Treasur- er a claim of $ 3.19 for over-payment on Seawall Construction account by P. P. Meyer. This over-payment having been caused by en error indicating two stairways , when only one was furnished. A letter from 7rnest Anders , City Commission of Jacksonville , relative to the extension of light lines to the Donner Sub-Division was reed and received as information. The City Supervisor having prepared a tentative budget set-up for the coming year, distributed copies to all members for their consideration. The Town Clerk submitted a report of "eawall Construc- tion collections indicating that sufficient funds are now on hand in the Seawall account to retire the !7000 in bonds due October 1 , the semi-annual payment of interest on that date , refund excess interest payments and nay the semi-annual interest due Ppril 1 , 1940. The report indicates that a balance will be carried to the 1940 assess- ment. At this point, the matter of delinquent seawall accounts was discussed. The Clerk advised that eight persons were now delinouent on the fifth installment, two are delinquent on three installments end two on four installments. It ;vas decided that inasmuch as the account stands in a favorable • light, that a suit is now Pending on the account of N. H. Adams, Sr. , and delinquent accounts ere drawing 1% penalty interest, it would not be necessary to take any immediate action in reference to the remaining delinquents. Further discussion was had in reference to the various matters involving pest and contemplated improvements end it was decided that no action would be taken at this particular meeting, except that indicated above. It was determined, however, that a special meeting would be necessary in e very short time. There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was adjourned. 41IL 4 IIIMMOMW President Atlantic Beach Town Council_ Attest: / 11/ . 1"7, T. in Cl rk • •