09-15-39 v MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATIANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD PURSUANT TO A CALL OF THE PRESIDENT AT 7:30 P.M. SEPTEMBER 15, 1939 IT THE T0'NN HALL. Present : E. L. Chiasson G. L. Rosborough J. C. Outler R. E. Sugg The Mayor , Mr. George H. Smith and Town Attorney, Mr. C. C. Howell , Jr. were Also present. Pursuant to the following notice duly executed end served on each member of the Council , the meeting was call- ed to order by E. L. Chiasson, President: NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOVN COUNCIL OF THE TO'VN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. TO: George H. Smith, Mayor J. C. Outler G. L. Rosborough Thomas V. Trout Robert E. Sugg , Councilmen, and C. 7. Frazier, Town Clerk. You, end each of you are hereby notified of , and respect- fully urged to be present at a special meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida , to be held at the Town Hall in said Town et 7:30 O'clock P. M. on the 15th day of September 1939, for the purpose of: To adopt e preliminary Tax Roll for the year 1939. To pass all Ordinances , Resolutions, etc . , and to take such other steps as are warranted in connec- tion with W.P.A. Projects for street improvements, water works , Town Hall and Incinerator. Dated et Atlantic Beach , Florida , this 9th day of September 1939. ( signed) H. L. Chiasson, President Atlantic Beach Town Council . The reading of the minutes of the last regular month- ly meeting was postponed to the next regular monthly meet- ing. The ulerk advised that the Tax Poll had not yet come into his hands for preliminary adoption. The Town ittorney read an ordinance entitled , "AN ORDINANCE Affecting the Government of the Town of Atlantic Beach, iuvel County, Florida ; Providing for an Increase in the Limit of Bonded Indebtedness and Calling for a Special Election for the Approval Thereof" . Mr . Rosborough moved the passage of this Ordinance on first reading and Mr. Outler seconded the motion. The Clerk celled the roll and the following vote was cast for its passage on first reading: Mr. Outler For passage Mr. Rosborough For Passage Mr. Sugg For Passage Mr. Chiasson For Passage. Mr. Rosborough moved t^e passage of this Ordinance on Second reading, Yr. Outler seconded the motion and the Clerk called the roll . The following votes were cast: Mr. Outler For Passage Mr. Rosborough For Passage Mr. Sugg For Passage Mr. Chiasson For Passage yr. 0. P. Cannon end other personnel of the N.P.A. Office appeared before the Council in reference to the pay- ment of 06.25 to J. J. 1-'arriss, a bricklayer on 7. P.A. whose services were rendered on the Incinerator end who, because of a mix-up on the payroll failed to receive compensation for the work done. Mr. Cannon explained in detail in reference to this matter and after much discussion it was moved by Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Cutler that the Town assume this obligation provided payment could be made on the basis of 26.25 in the next few days and two payments of w20 each at thirty day intervals thereafter. The vote for adoption of this resolution was as follows : For Adoption: Mr. Cutler Mr. Posborough Mr. Sugg Mr. Chiesson Against: None. It this point the President directed the Clerk to forthwith issue a notice for a special meeting of the Council to be held at the Town Hall at 7: 30 P.M. September 20th, for the purpose of considering, adopting passing and making such other arrangements es are necessary and appurtenant thereto, all Ordinances , Resolu- tions, etc. , calling for (a) a Referendum on the three legislative Acts passed by the lest Legislature providing (1 ) For Amendment to Zoning Ordinance , (2) Changing the interest on Seawall Bonds and (3 ) Changing the basis law in reference to methods of tax collection; (b) An Ordinance calling for a bond election to be held for the purpose of providing the sponsor ' s donation for street improvements , remodeling the Town Hall , providing a ',Vater "Yorks System, construction of a Garbage Incinerator, and (c ) To adopt a preliminary Tax Roll end set a date for Equalization Meeting. The President served notice . . all members present of this call for a Special Me . „ • There being no furth•' .usi ' -ss , t - -eting was adjourned. .4017 411V-01110/ President 4/I' ic Beach Town Council Atte i pr . Nn Cl rk •