10-03-39 v r MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL SITTING AS IN EQUALIZATION BOARD TO HEAR COMPLAINTS IN REFERENCE TO THE PRELIMINARY TAX POLL FOS THE YEAR 1939. (October 3, 1939) :'resent: E. L. Chiasson J. C. Outler G. L. Rosborough P. E. Sugg Thomas N. Trout The Mayor , Yr. George H. Smith was also present. The Meeting was presided over by "r. Chiassoh, the President. The first complaint offered was by Col . G. A. Youngberg in reference to Lots 1 and 2, Block 52. Col. Youngberg submitted photographs and figures together with a letter setting forth laic contention substantiated by the photograph of his property and various other houses in the Town of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Chalmers D. Horne called attention to Lot 6 in Block 1 , and commencing with Lot 10 in Block 1 , particularly to improvements on Lot 15 in Block 1 . He also stated that he • felt that the assessments on improvements on Lot 2, Block 2 were excessive in comparison with other property nearby. Mr. Horne, however, stressed his approval of the work done by the Taxing Body in an effort to equalize the assessment on property in the Town and stated that his objections were of a very minor nature and that he would not be contentious in any respect. H^:rcourt Bull , Jr. submitted a recommendation of change in listing on acreage in the back area. This change is due to recent changes in boundaries, etc. '"r. Bull also , ea his absolute approval of the efforts on the part of the Taxing Body to eiuelize assessments in the Town. N. H. Adams, Jr. , representing 7. H. Adams , Sr. , strenuous- ly objected to the assessment on the Hotel Reservation. He submitted a written claim for adjustment, which was received and the Council discussed at length the objections raised by ' r. Adams. G. A . VandeVelde appeared in person in reference to assessment on all real estate owned by him in Park Terrace. No objection,Aas raised to improvements. Mr. VandeVelde stated that while there was some reduction in 1938 in the valuation of the real estate owned by him and again in 1939, yet the original assessment made at the time he purchased this property was exhorbitant, and that he has on each occasion called the Council ' s attention to his contention that his property was originally greatly over-assessed. A letter was filed by Mr. Simon F. 7illiams in reference to Lots 5 end 6 in Block 20. -Mr. Nilliams was strong in his approval of the efforts of the Council to equalize taxes in the Town, but is of the opinion that the assessments on his improvements is excessive . A letter from Mr. Robert Milani in reference to Atlantic Beach Parkway vacant property was filed. A considerable reduction has been made on this property, but Mr. Milam is of the opinion that the assessment is still too high. The Equalization Board heard all the complaints , discuss- ed the various 'tangles thereof, received the written documents nerteining thereto and took all cases under advisement for the present. t • The Meeting was adjourned to October 10th at 7:30 P.V. , at which time a decision will endered in reference to all the corn - nts. • , NIPPY President At antic Beach Town Council Attest : /// �// / Town l e rk MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE TONN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH HELD OCTOBER 10, 1939 AT 7:30 P.M. PURSUANT TO THE ADJOURNMENT OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1939 TO THE DATE OF THIS MEETING. Pursuant to adjournment of the Pegular Monthly Meeting of the Atlantic Beach Town Council of October 3 , 1939, which meet- ing was adjourned to 7: 30 P.M. October 10, 1939. The President of the Council announced the further considera- tion of matters before the regular monthly meeting of October 3. '':11 members of the Council were at this time present, namely, E. L. Chiasson, President J. C. Uutler G. L. Rosborough P. F. Sugg Thomas N. Trout. The Mayor was also present. The first uncompleted matter was the selection of Election Officers to conduct the two special Elections called for October 27, 1939. Several applications were considered for these positions and after discussion, upon motion of ' r. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Trout , the following were named: Mrs . George A . Pritchard , Clerk Mrs. Pope Duval , Inspector Mrs. Victoria delsh, Inspector. By Unanimous approval , the Mayor was requested to nrenare and cause to be addressed to all prospective electors a letter explaining in detail the purpose of the tr.o Elections to be held October 27 , and to call upon all persons desiring to participate in this Election to register with the pegistration Officer; the expense of preparing and mailing this letter to be borne by the Town. Mr. Rosborough requested permission to use the Town truck to carry the Boy Scout Troup of Atlantic and Neptune Beaches to the Scout Camp over the coming week end. This matter was left in the hands of Mr. Posborough and the City Supervisor to work out. A.t this point the Council recessed to sit as en Equalization Board in accordance with the adjournment of the said Board on October 3, 1939 to this date. Upon motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Trout, an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE TAX ASSESSMENT POLL FOR THE YEAR 1939, AND TO DETERMINE AND FIX THE RATE OF TAXATION AND MAKE TUE ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE YEAR 1939. " , was passed on Ptrat reading. Upon motion of Mr . Rosborough, seconded by Mr . Trout , this ordinance was passed on second reading. There being no further busines 1 onsii ation the meet- ing was adjourned. .! , es en is Beach Town Council Attes411110 'own erk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TONN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL, OCTOBER 3, 1939 AT 8 P. M. Present : E. L. Chiasson J. C. Outler G. L. Rosborough R. E. Sugg Thomas Trout The Mayor, Mr. George H. Smith and Town Attorney, '.'r. C . C. Howell , Jr. , were also present. The Meeting was called to order by the President, Mr . Chiasson. The Clerk read the minutes of the Eegular Monthly Meeting held September 7, 1939, which, upon motion of Mr. Cutler , seconded by Mr. Rosborough, were approved as read. The Clerk read the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 15, 1939, which, upon motion of Mr. Outler, second- ed by Mr. Rosborough, were approved es read. 1010 The Clerk read the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 20. Upon motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Sosborough, these minutes were approved as read. In the absence of the Town Treasurer, Mr. Outler submitted the usual monthly bank statements , which were approved and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Cutler, the following bills were approved and ordered paid: Name Amount ' uinn . Earton, Inc . Repairs and Repl . $7.90 Wilkerson-Martin Company Printing and Stn. 2.90 Joe Fobbins Repairs end Repl . 7.00 The Texas Company Gasoline ' 57.05 Florida National Bank Truck Notes: $64.05 64.27 128.32 Clifford A.Payne-Garrison Co. 39.52 -atrick Ice and Coal Company 2.50 C. C . Howell , Jr. Attorney ' s Fees 10.00 ' 255.19 In reference to bill of A. F. Cogswell , the Clerk :ias direct- ed to take this matter up with the Engineer of the Vater Vorks Project , Mr. Feicheimer, to determine whether or not it is his contention that the Town should pay this bill . discussion was had in reference to the 'J.P.A. projects. The Chair exelained the results of the letter direct- ed to the V.P.A. Engineers in Veshington, copies of which letter were furnished 'Orr Members of Congress. The Project has been referred to the State Office. Efforts are to be made to have this project reviewed and returned to :;ashington as early as possible . Upon motion of Mr. Outler , seconded by Mr. Trout, the following budget for the year 1939-1940 was approved and adopted. CONTEMPLATED FEVENUE Requirements for Town' s Share of Seawall "1 ,237.00 Total Gross Tax Poll $1,305,299 at 1 Mill l ,305.C9 Fevenue for General Purposes Total Gross Tax Roll $1 ,305.299.00 Less Homestead Exemptions 237 ,294.00 1 ,068,005.00 Assessment at 10 mills 10,680.05 Less 20% Delinquents $8544.05 Less Discounts 160.00 8384.05 Penalties from all sources 250.00 Delinquent Taxes 1000.00 Fines and Forfeitures 700.00 Licenses 800.00 Garbage Collection 300.00 Building Fees 100.00 'Nater, Saltair 100.00 Franchise Tax (City of Jacksonville ) 400.00 Refunds from Special .Accounts 2000.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Total Fevenue 14234.05 Plus Bank Balance , October 1 , 1939 end Cash on hand 498.53 14732.58 BUDGET FOP 1939-40 Garbage Collection , Street Department, Parks and Up-keep. Budget No. 1 1-A Salary of Driver $800.00 1-B Salary of Assistant 480.00 1-C Repairs end Fenlacements 300.00 1-D Gas and Oil 250.00 1-E Extra Labor 400.00 1-F Extra Culverts, etc. 100.00 1-G Street Fetching Material 100.00 $2430.00 Police and Public Safety Budget No. 2 2-A Salary of Marshall 1300.00 2-B Special Officers 200.00 2-C Repairs and replacements 150.00 2-D • Uniform 40.00 2-E Safety Bathing 150.00 2-F Traffic Signs, etc. 50.00 2-G Life Savings 100.00 2-H Gasoline and Oil 240.00 11990.00 240.00 Office and Administrative Budget No. 3 3-A. Salary of Clerk-Supervisor 1600.00 3-B Office Assistant 600.00 3-C Printing and Stationery 200.00 3-D To;vn Hall Incidentals 200.00 $2600.00 4 Deferred Payments on equinment 875.00 5 All Insurance 500.00 6 Judge ' s Fees 150.00 111 7 1ttorney 's Fees 600.00 8 Debt service 2000.00 9 Mortgage , notes and interest 1760.00 10 Fire Protection 300.00 11 Contingent 22.87.5`8 x'14732.58 411 The matter of appointing a Clerk end Inspector for the October 27th Election was deferred to October 10th. An Ordinance entitled, "AU ORDINANCE closing to the Public Usage all that Portion of Old Sherry Drive end all that Portion of Twelfth Street that lies Vest of County Foad No. 551, as Described in Deed Book 790, page 248, =nd in Deed Book 792, Page 246 , of the Current Public Records of Duval County, Florida , and Authorizing and Directing the 'eyor end Town Clerk to Execute and Deliver a Deed Convey- ing the Fee of said Portions of Old Sherry Drive and Twelfth Street to the Abutting Land Owner" , was introduced and upon motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Trout Vas ra-sed on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Trout, this Ordinance was passed on Second Reading. A discussion was had in reference to repairs and replacements and the advisability of a trade-in on the Police Car. Decision in this matter was postponed to a later 410 date . The meeting was adjourned to October 10 at 7 :30 7.r. , and at this time the Council went into session as an Equalization Board. 414. '111"- -1000 INMAW President Atlantic Beach Town Council Attest:.61 4111 ✓'f own ►lerk