10-10-39 v i
Pursuant to adjournment on October 3 , 1939, the Town
Council reconvened as an Equ-lization Ba8rd to further consider
complaints of property owners in reference to their 1939 assess-
All Members of the Council were present on the occasion.
Yr. Chiasson presided over the meeting. a.4,
The complaints filed at the Regular Meeting were discussed
ano the following action was taken.
Chalmers D. Horne . After thorough discussion, Mr. Outler
moved that all assessments against the property of Chalmers D.
Horne , for the year 1939 , be allowed to stand as shown by the
Preliminary Assessment Roll , except the assessment on the im-
provements on Lot 15, Block 1 , and that in case of improve-
ments on Lot 15, Block 1 , in view of the representations made
by Mr. Horne end further investigation by the taxing. body, that
the improvements on this lot be reduced from •; 1350 to "'1000.
Mr. Rosborough seconded the motion, which was unanimously
Simon F. .Yil.liams. After a thorough discussion of the
assessment against the improvements on Lots 5 and 6 , Block 20,
and upon recommendation of the Tax Assessor, Mr. Outler moved
that the assessment on these improvements be reduced from
76900 to ';;5500. Mr. Rosborough seconded the motion, which
motion was unanimously adopted.
Robert F. Milam. After a thorough discussion of the
complaint submitted by Mr. Milam covering property listed as
Atlantic Beach Parkway, Mr. Outler moved that the assessment
against this property stand as assessed in the preliminary
assessment roll for the year 1939. Mr. Trout seconded Mr.
Outler' s motion, which was unanimously adonted.
G. r. . VandeVelde. After a thorough discussion'and upon
recommendation of the Tax Assessor , Mr. Trout moved that the
assessment on the property listed as itlantic Beach Terrace ,
owned by G. A . VandeVelde, stand as assessed for the year
1939. Mr. Rosborough seconded the motion, which motion was
unanimously adopted.
Hotel `reservation. This in reference to all the
properties owned by V. H. Adams , sr. , and V. H. Adams , Jr.
Much discussion was had in 'reference to the matters set forth
in a letter signed by I. H. Adams by I. H. Adams , Jr. There-
upon, Mr. Sugg moved, which motion was seconded by Mr. Trout,
that the assessment for the year 1939, as shown by the
preliminary assessment roll , stand without change . The
motion was put and unanimously carried.
Col. G. A. Youngberg. A Discussion was had in reference
to Col. Youngberg' s brief in reference to tax assessment.
ft this point, the Tax Assessor stated that the figures
submitted by Col . Youngberg in no measure proved an
excessive assessment on Col Youngberg' s pronerty. There upon
Mr. Trout moved, Mr. Sugg seconded the motion , which motion
was put and carried that the assessment on this nronerty for
the year 1939 stand as assessed in the preliminary assessment
Harcourt Dull. The written complaint of Harcourt Bull
had to do with listing of certain properties in the back area
011, only, the error in listing being due to change in boundaries
and it was unanimously agreed that the request of Yr. Bull
in this connection be granted and that the Tax Assessor be
directed to make the necessary corrections in listing.
A verbal complaint was registered at the beginning
of this meeting on October 3 , as to' the relative assess-
ment on improvements on Lots 1 end 2, Block 42 as
compared with the assessment for improvements on Lots 3
and 4 of the same block. Mr. Bull did not complain as
to the correctness of the assessment against his im-
provements except insofar as they compared with improve-
ments on Lots 3 and 4. There upon Mr. Trout moved that
in view of the fact that the assessment against the
improvements belonging to r'r. Bull appear to be correct,
that it be allowed to remain as assessed for the year
1939. Mr. Outler seconded the motion and it was put and
unanimously carried .
By direction of the Chairman, the Clerk was directed
to advise all of the above named r)ersons of the action
taken at this meeting.
There being no further business for consideration, the
meeting adjourned.
Atl is Beach Town Council
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