10-19-39 v MINUTES OF A SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOMN COUNCIL AT 7:30 P.M. , OCTOBER 19th, 1939, AT THE TO}VN HALL. Pursuant to a call of the President of the Council with the following words end figures , the meeting was call- ed to order by Mr. Chiasson: "TO: George H. Smith, Mayor J. C. Outler, G. L. Rosborough Thomas S. Trout , R. E. Sugg, Councilmen, end C. F . Frazier, Town Clerk. You, end each of you, are hereby notified and respectfully urged to be present at a special meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beech , Duval County, Florida, to be held at the Town Hall in said Town at Seven Thirty (7 :30) P. M. on Thursday, October 19, 1939, for the purpose of - (a) Passing an Ordinance on third and final reading to fix the millage on taxable property in the Town for the year 1939. (b) Pass on third and final reading, an ordinance closing certain streets `lest of Sherry Drive as it now stands. (Note: This is to close dead-end streets that have been made because of moving the center line of Sherry Drive Lastward) . (c ) To consider several minor routine matters. Dated at Atlantic Beach, Florida , this 13th day of October A. D. 1939. " The Clerk called the roll and the following answered present : E. L. Chiasson R. E. Sugg Thomas N. Trout. The Mayor, Mr. George H. Smith, was also nresent. By motion of Mr. Trout, seconded by Mr. Sugg, the read- ing of the minutes of the previous meeting was postponed until the regular Meeting in November. An Ordinance entitled , "AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL FOP. THE YEAR 1939, AND TO DETERMINE AND FIX THE RATE OF TAXATION AND MAKE THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE YEAR 1939." , was presented on third and final reading. Mr. Trout moved the passage of this ordinance on third reading and Mr. Sugg seconded the motion. The Clerk called the roll and the following voted for r_assage: E. L. Chiasson F. E . Sugg Thomas Trout. None against. An Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USAGE ALL THAT PORTION OF OLD SHERRY DRIVE AND ALL THAT PORTION OF TdVELFTH STREET THAT LIE VEST OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 551, AS DESCRIBE . IN DEED BOOK 790, PAGE 248, AND IN DEED BOOK 792, PAGE 246 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY FLORIDA, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND TOSN CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER A DEED CONVEYING THE FEE OF SAID PORTIONS OF OLD SHERRY DRIVE AND TWELFTH STREET TO THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER." , was presented on third and final reading. Mr. Trout moved the passage of this Ordinance on third reading, Mr. Sugg seconded the motion and the Clerk called the roll , the following voting for passage : E. L. Chiasson R. E. Sugg Thomas N. Trout None Against. The Clerk called attention to the fact that the Town should have an audit of all the records for the past year, not only for the purpose of determining the correct- ness of these records , but for the purpose of establish- ing such new systems as would further expedite the work in the office. This matter was discussed end by unanimous consent , the Clerk was directed to contact Accountants living et the Beach in an effort to find some- one to undertake the audit at e reasonable figure, and to report his findings at the next Meeting. The question of N.P.I . projects was discussed et length, all members of the Council present agreeing that the Mayor and as many ''embers as possible should cell upon the State Offices of the .a.P.A. in an effort to have these projects disposed of at the earliest possible date . There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was adjourned. 4001r: 4*;16.. President, At ant Beach Town Council Attes • Ar /A O/ Town clerk