02-01-38 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1938 , AT EIGHT O'CLOCK P.M. , AT THE T'ONN HALL • PRESENT: J. C. Cutler C . C . Howell (4 ` S. H. Thompson Brooke G. Nhite , Jr. , G. L. Rosborough mayor Geo. H. Smith also was present - likewise C . C . Howell , Jr. , Attorney. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 11th , 1938, were read and ap-,roved as read. Upon motion of Mr. dhite , seconded by mr. Thompson, the following bills were ap-)roved and authorized paid: Quinn R. Barton, Inc . , Mork on 'Truck $1.88 H. & N. B. Drew Co. , Stencils & Paper 4.45 S. B. Hubbard Co. , 3.60 Jas. r;. David , Gas & Oil 17.86 Ford Shop - Bergeron, Mr. , Labor on Brakes 1 .00 Home Utilities Inc . , - Street light - Hall " 1.92 3. 48 Gulf Life Insurance Co. - Interest or. Town Park Property 15.00 C . C . Howell , Jr. , Attendance 2 meetings 45.00 10.00 57.27 _e:r. Osborne , 'Treasurer, submitted his usual monthly report , which was received and ordered filed. Mr. Nhite introduced Mr. M. N . ulsh, Lssistant Superintendent of Garbage Collection and uisposal for the City of Jacksonville , who in turn introduced Mr. S. L. Cushman of the North American Construction Co. , who presented a plan for an incinerator suitable to the needs of the Town. Mr. Cushman end Mr. Ulsh explained the plans in detail . It developed that the plans presented would cell for en approxi - mate expenditure of 44000, and would require space 100 x 200 ft. The matter was thoroughly discussed and upon the suggestion of Yr. Nhite it vas decided to confer Nith the Neptune authorities and determine what plans, if any, they have for a garbage disposal plant , with the idea in mind that possibly the two Towns m' ght formulate some plan to erect a cooperative plant. City Supervisor Frazier was in- structed to confer with Yr. Burke of Neptune in reference to this matter and report his findings back to the Council . Mr. Ulsh offered his services free of charge in the matter of making suitable plans and in the carrying out of the plans. He also congratulated the Council crits move to make better arrangements for garbage disposal . A discussion was had relative to the seawall construc - tion account against abutting property owners. Mr. Nhite ex- lained that he had had several conferences relative to the final adjustment of this matter and recommended that a special meeting of the Council be called within the next feu days , and that Mr. Gilchrist Stockton, who has volunteered Page E - February 1 . 1938. to act as an intermediary between the Ocean Front property owners and the Town officials be invited to sit in a discussion of the matter end that Special Auditor B. E. James be requested to be present. At the conclusion of the aiscussion, it was decided to call a special meeting in the near future and that Mr. Stockton and Mr. James be asked to be present. Mr. Shite then made a resolution, which resolution was seconded by Mr. Rosborough, put and carried, that the penalty date on the third installment and now due interest payment be extended to March 1 , 1938. Mr. Rosborough read a letter received from Mrs. Lee , Secretary of the P. T. A. of Jacksonville beach Grammar School ,in reference to police protection for the school buses. It was the unanimous decision of the Council that instructions be issued to the Marshal to follow both school buses and give them the necessary protection within the confines of Atlantic Beach. The Clerk was directed to advise Mrs. Lee of this action and to assure her that it is the desire of the Town officials to afford every possible protection to school children while en route to or from school and while in Atlantic Beach. Mr. C. C. Howell read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance , by the Town of Atlantic beach, Duval County , Florida , of Municipal Building , of Streets Improvement , and of Incin- erator and Garbage Bonds , ell Under the Provisions of Section 39, Chapter 13907, of the laws of Florida , Special Acts of 1929, Vol . 2 , Part One , Approved by the Governor of Florida June 8, A . D. 1929; Under the Provisions of Sections 1 , et seq. , of Chapter 14715 , of the Laws of Florida, Acts of 1931 , An-roved by the Governor of Florida, May 21 , 1931 ; and in Compliance with oection 6, Article 9, of the Constitution of the state of Florida, as Amended at the General Election, A. D. 1930." which was passed on first and second reading on December 7, 1937, referred to the laws and rules Committee for amendments and corrections, and which at this time is presented in its amended form for consideration for Third and final reading. After the Town Attorney completed the reading of the ordinance , upon motion of Mr. C. C . Howell , seconded by Mr. Thompson , the ordinance was amended to provide for the issuance of bonds totaling 44000. for the erecting of an incinerator and the Ordinance ' so amended that the total bonds called for would be $23 ,000. instead of 420,000. Mr. C . C. Howell then moved the passage of this or- dinance on third and final reading , the motion was seconded by Mr. Thompson. The vote was as follows: C . C . Howell , For Passage E. H. Thompson , " " G. L. Rosborough, " " Brooke G. ;shite , J. C . Outler, President , " " Mr. Howell then suggested that the City Supervisor be requested to shop for rates for advertising the Bond election called for by this ordinance and to report direct to the Town Attorney the results of his investigation. So11/ orde red. Page 3 - February 1st , 1938. The clerk read a letter from the City Supervisor , recommending that the Project for Drainage and Mosquito control now under :aey in Atlantic Beach be extended. Upon motion of Mr. ,Nhite , seconded by '`r. Rosborough, the suggestion was approved end authority for payment of sponsor ' s donation for up to sixty days , in addition to the present sixty day period , if necessary, ordered, also engineer costs were authorized included. Mr. ,Vhite raised the question of negotiations now under consideration between rrie loan and the Atlantic Beach Holding Co. , Atlantic 13each Securities Corporation, Saltair Holding Co. , Salteir Development Co. , Harcourt Bull and Florence S. Bull , which these interests Proposed to deed to the Town of Atlantic Beach all their rights in, and title to, the fees in the streets in ,tlentic Beach as described by plets on file in the office of the County Court Clerk of Duval County , Plat Book 10 , pages 8 , 15 and 16 , Plat Book 5 , Page 69 , Plat Book 5 , page 64, Plat Book 6 , Page 1 , and made the motion that the Town forthnith enter into an agree- ment with the above named interest, complete the necessary mechanics of the deal as soon as possible and do all neces- sary to close the deal . The '_.ayor then explained the deal in detail , setting forth that for a deed covering all utili- ties, rights , ownership of poles , equipment , pipes , etc . , the Town would give to the said corporations a check in the amount of 0000. That Mr. Bull would in turn give the Town a check for 0000. to be applied es far as necessary on the payment of all back and current taxes now against property owned by the above corporations , Harcourt Bull end Florence S. Bull , his wife. Then the Town would receive a deed from Mr. Bull to all the fees in the streets in Atlantic Beach to which to above named hold title , the Town in turn to give Mr. Bull a check for X1000. and Mr. Bull in turn give the Town a check for 41000. to be further applied on taxes , delinquent and current , end the Town to hold any balance after all taxes have been paid as a credit to the account of the Bull interest to apply if and when et a later date other obligations on the part of Mr. Bull become due and payable . Mr. Howell seconded the motion and it was unani- mously passed. See - Mr. C. C . Howell , Jr. , Town Attorney , then ex- f & rr . plained the deeds to be executed, copies of which are VI„Illaxek attached and made a part of these minutes. i5113 It was unanimously agreed that all necessary offi- ciels of the Town wo.:ld meet wit'-. the grantors at the Florida National Bank at 9 A . M. , February 2 , 1938, to complete the transfers and the necessary exchange of checks , etc. and that all expenses of stamps, recording , etc . be borne b:. the Town. Upon motion of Mr. `.shite , seconded by Mr. Rosborough, the following resolution was unanimously passed: :WHEREAS, the Town of Mantic 3each is now the sole owner of a certain artisian well in Salt- air, Town of Atlantic Beach, situated at or near the Southwest corner of Park Avenue 2nd Pine Street, as shown on plat of galtair, Section 3 , • Flat Book 10, Page 16 , Duval County records and of a certain 3" water main running from said well Northwesterly to the Southwest corner of Park Avenue and Salt Air Boulevard , and certain other Page 4 - February 1 , 1938 pipes connecting, the said 3" Tains with certain houses end buildings in the said Saltair sub- division of the sown of Atlantic Beach, and NHEREAS, the Town of Atlantic Beach exercises complete control over the said water supply, and has it to offer for sale to any and all residents and buildings now or which may hereafter be , located in Saltair, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Town Counc' l that the said water service is hereby offered to the said premises at the following rate ; to wit: $1.00 a month per residence. Mr. Thompson read a letter of the Uity Supervisor as follows: "Jan. 31 , 1938. Mr. J. C . Outler, President, Town Council of Atlantic Beach. Dear Mr. Outler: Mr. G. H. Van de Velde makes the follow- ing offer to the Town: (a) to deed the 4" artisian well located on his property to the north of the Town Park, to the Town. (b) Deed to the Town the right to open the ground on his premises to his property line for the purpose of laying connections to the well (c ) and perpetual easement to the Town for this purpose. :.;TIPULATION: Mr. Van de Velde asks that the transaction be made on the on, dollar basis and that proper deed be drawn by the Town and expense of recording be borne by the Town. His only other remuneration for the well is free use of water therefrom forever as needed for his premises . Respectfully, (Egd) C . R . Frazier U . R. Frazier City Supervisor After reading the above Mr. Thompson made the motion that the Town immediately accept Mr. Van de Velde 's offer and that the Town Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary deed. The motion Nes seconded by Mr. Mite and unanimously passed. Upon suggestion of Mr. White , the Clerh- was directed to write a letter to Mr. Van de Velde and thank him for this • expression of public spirit in tendering the well to the Town. Page 5 - February 1 , 1938. At this point , the Chair asked consent to take the floor and present some tentative plans for street improve- ments in Atlantic Beach, which improvements are to be under- taken at once and which are not dependent on the outcome of the bond election. Mr. Outler read memorandums prepared by the City Supervisor calling for repair, opening, straighten- ng certain streets and for labor projects. After consider- able discussion the City Supervisor was directed to proceed at once with a plan of operation, looking to immediate work on streets . On motion of Mr. Nhite , seconded by Mr. Thompson, a total of X1000. was immediately set aside , to be placed in separate account from the Budget item of Highway and Drain- age , made available for immediate use and ordered expended for the purposes sat forth above. Mr. Shite agreed to make arrangements for the pur- chase of a typewriter. The matter of collection of first and second instal- ments on the seawall construction account , several of which are now long passed due : as thoroughly discussed. Action in this matter was delayed for a few days , Pending further dis- cussion and conferences. Mr. C . C . Howell , Jr. , 'own Attorney, presented an assignment of suit in the case of Atlantic Beach Holding Co. vs. N. H. Adams , and upon motion of Mr. Howell , seconded by Mr. Nhite , put and carried ,the Council accepted the assign- ment in the cause on the part of the Town of Atlantic Beach. The matter of encroachments, regarding which letters had been sent , based on a survey by I . R. Wellington, and to which a number of property owners had not replied with an acknowledgment , was further discussed. It was decided that individual letters , as per the attached form, now be addressed to those who have not signed acknowledgment. There being no further business for consideration - the meeting adjourned . / e5 Correct: - ifiviv President. Attest: - 4 Clerk.