03-01-38 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL CF ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 1st, 1938 , AT EIGHT O 'CLOCK, P. "'. AT TO.VN HALL. PRESENT; - J. C . Cutler, -' C . C . Howell , Brooke G. Mite , Jr. , Mayor George H. Smith also was present and like'r,ise C . C. Ho.vell , Jr. , Atty. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of Feby. 1st, were read and approved as read, with the exception of one correction which is incorporated herein and speaks for itself. Upon motion of Mr. Howell , seconded by Mr. White , put and carried, the following bills were approved and authorized paid. Clifford Payne & Garrison Co. , Pub. Liability & Prop. Dam $86.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. , Machine $69.60, Ribbon-1 .0o 70.60 I . R. 'Wellington, 1/2 de . field work or i th St . Ditch 5.00 Arnold Printing & Label Co. , 2000 Envelopes- 2 colours 13.00 H. & N. B. Drew Co. , Office Supplies 3 .35 Home Utilities , Inc , Street Light, $1 .56) Town Hall " 1 .92) 3.48 Cohen Brothers, Office Supplies. .11 .55 , 1 Gal . O 'Ceder oil-34.55 Dixie Culvert & Metal Co. , V. H. Culvert 16 .40 Mason Limber Co. , Nails , files , repair screen door 3.40 Atlantic Beach Hotel , 200 ballots 5.00 Joe Robbins, Work on truck 3.75 C . C. Howell , Jr. , Atty . . . 30.00 $244.53 The following amendment was directed made in the minutes of the last Regular Meeting of Feby. 1st 1938; - That 938; -That portion on page 3 , beginning with, "Mr. C . C . Howell , Jr. , " and ending "a part of these minutes" be stricken and the following substituted therefor: - Mr. C . C. Howell , Jr. , Town Attorney, then explained the deeds to be executed , which are as follows: - I I Deed Book -777 , Page 239 , of the Public records of Duval County, conveying the rights, privileges , franchise , etc . , by the Atlantic Beach Holding Co. , Atlantic Beach Securities and Trust Corporation, Harcourt Bull and Florence Bull , his wife , to the Town of Atlantic Beach. Deed Book - 777 , Page 231 , of the Public tzecords of Duval County, by the Ltlantic Beach Holding Company, Atlantic Beach Securities and Trust Corporation, Harcourt Bull and Florence S. Bull , his wife , to the Town, conveying the fees in the streets. Deed Book - 777 , Page 233 , between the Saltair Holding Company, Saltair Development Company, to the Town,of all fees in the streets in Saltair. All deeds dated Feby. 1 , 1938. Mr. White , in the absence of Mr. Osborne , Treas. , read the usual financial report and bank statement, which were approved. The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Ellen M. Gilleland, relative to her claim for homestead exemption. This matter was thoroughly discussed and it was decided that in view of the fact that Mrs. Gilleland has been sent several tax statements early in the tax year periods complained of and that this is the first time the Council has had the matter brought to it' s attention and consequently had no opportunity to make the necessary investigation to determine the then existing circumstances surrounding Mrs. Gilleland's use of her house , whether for strictly residential purposes or for commercial purposes, either In part or as the whole , no concession can be made for the years 1936 end 1937. The Clerk was instructed to so advise Mrs. Gilleland and tc say to her, that should she file an application for homestead exemption for the coming year, very careful consideration will he given it. The Clerk read a letter from the City Manager of Jack- sonville Beach, enclosing a resolution adapted by the City Council of Jacksonville Reach, relative to telephone rates at the Beach. This resolution ess addressed to State Railroad Commission- er, the City of Jacksonville and the Southern Bell Tel. and Tel . Co. and complained of rates and service. The matter was thoroughly discussed, after which, upon motion of Mr. Howell , seconded by Mr. White , put and carried, a letter to the City Council of Jacksonville Beach, was directed , such letter thanking the Council of Jacksonville Beach for calling the matter to this Council ' s attention, and assur- ing it , That Atlantic Beach Council stands ready and willing at all times to co-operate in this and all matters which may tend to bene- fit the Beach. Mr. White read the followinc* statement: - Regarding Atiuntic Leach 8s 1l costs, there was held a meeting February 24th, 1938 in Jacksonville, attended by three i:enbere of the beach council, the ipecial Auditor and two beach front property owners, for the purpose of discussing aln angles of the aseessue*Yt liens. The first point ie the interest rate of six per cent per annum charged on unpaid balances of liens. 'There is no discretion of the Council in this instance as it is mandatory by State Law, Acts of the ilorida Ztate Legislature of 1933• Since -.he bonds actually bear four per cent, the Town Council has gone on record to request the text Legislature to revise the law so that four per cent must be charged and not six. In the Town's agreement with the Federal Government, it was required by the Government that 83% of net bond issue be charged to the abutting property. lifter the final Government grant there remained $124,000.00 to be retired by special as eemseefill and advalorem taxes. No satisfactory method of assessing abutting owners bas bass advanced whereby less than *102,920.00, or 83% of $124,000,00 can be made a lien on the ocean front property. since this, of course, is an arbitrary figures the acrtital cost was established and used, namely; 83% of x+125,959.93 or $104,546.74. The dif- ference between actual cost and the federal required *Wawa is $1,626.74. If there could be any justification in spreading this sum over the entire Town's cost, half of it would fall on the ocean front property so we find we are dealing with an insigni- ficant amount for the individual property owner. Ia view of this anal difference the Toart Council and the other gentlemen present agreed that it would not be worth the effort to/justify any revision of the • assessments upon any arbitrary basis merely to arrive at a minimum Federal requirement of 83% of *124,000.00. 3ith these inherited limitations the Town ':ouncil feels that all consideration has been given the matter and that the present assessments are just and that no further poetponesr►nt of penalties for non.payment can be justified after Aril let, 1938. Page 3 - The meeting referred to in this statement was further discussed. The meeting referred to in this statement was further discussed. Upon motion of Mr. White , seconded by Mr. Howell , this statement was ordered spread upon the records, and that conies be mailea to all parties interested. The City Supervisor was celled upon for a report of the results of his conderence with J. L. Burke, Engineer for the City of Neptune , concerning the erection of an incinerator . After considerable discussion, Mr. White made a motion , which was seconded by Mr. Howell , put and carried , that Atlantic Beach proceed with a project for the construction of an incinerator by the Town on its own behalf. The matter of encroachments was again discussed and a letter was ordered written to those who have encroachments of such a nature es constitutes actual obstructions to street improvements, such as opening, widening, grading, leveling etc . , this letter to be prepared at a later date and submitted for approval by the Council . This action was directed by a motion made by Mr. Howell , seconded by Mr. White , nut and carried. Upon motion of Mr. Howell , seconded by Mr. White, the following election officers were appointed by the Council to serve at the Special Bond election, March 11 , 1938, their renumeration to be 56 .00 for the Clerk and x;5.00 each for the two inspectors. Geo. W. Pritchard, Clerk, Mrs. Genevieve Vickers, Inspector Mrs. 0 . P . Likins, Inspector. Upon motion by Mr. Howell , seconded by Mr. White, put and carried, the following resolution was adopted: - BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic beach, Florida:- THAT The Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to immediately make up , from the Registration Books, and certify a list of the names of all qualified electors appearing therein who are determined to be freeholders residing in the Town, and who are also qualified to vote in the Special Bond Election of March 11th, 1938. There being no further business for consideration , upon motion put , seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned. OF 1111 - i r // i President. Attest : - _ letu-r\-d8 •ierk. le i t''ebruary 4, 1938. Dear ..'r. • Please refer to a letter addressed to you under date of December 27 , 1937 , calling your attention to the following encroachment upon Town property at your premises, namely: Lot No. Block No. I am writing ajain to say that the Town is anxious to clear up the matter at the earliest date possible. The reason for this action is obvious - Atlantic Beach has long been placed in an embarrassing position by virtue of the fact that there has been a cloud on the title , fee in, and control of the streets , which cloud has been contrainducive to a Governmental ap.;rovel of projects for much needed street building- and repair. Your Council has worked hard to bring about aclarification of the situation and the end is now in sight. If and when the Town of atlantic Beach controls the streets in Atlantic Beach, the Town can and will go forward. So it now becomes necessary to clear the streets of all encroachments , fees in, claims , etc . , and we feel that it is only necessary to remind you that other than volunteer surrender by the form of acknowledgment recently sent you would incur added expense to the tax-payers. Maps showing all encroachments and the method by which they were arrived at by 1 . R . :jellington, Regis- tered Land Surveyor, are on file with the City Supervisor, who will be glad to explain them to you. The survey wPs checked and re-checked and appears to be absolutely correct. :iill you kindly sign the attached acknow- ledgment and mail it to C. R. Frazier , City Supervisor , atlantic Beach, at the earliest possible date? Very truly yours , Geo. H. Smith, Mayor t< "..., List of the Names of all Qualified Electors Appearing on Town Registration Books 'Nho are Freeholders Residing in Said Town end Qualified to Vote at Bond Election of March 11 , 1938: 1. Adams, Florence V. 65. Jensen, Wm. B. 2. Adams, W. H. Jr. ,' 66. Jensen, Alice ' 3. Adams, N. H. ' 67. Jensen, Peter ' 4. Adams, Laurie C .' 68. Jones, Jane L: 5. Adams, E. Gerry '' 69. Jor_es , E. L. 6. Adams , Juliette ti: 70. Johnson, J. L/ 7. Berlack, A. S. 71. Knox, E. 1! /- 8. i8. Bull , tlorence S.'-- 72. Kectner, S. G_, 9. Bull , Mary T. - 73 . Kestner, Rosa l0.Bull , Harcourt ''' 74. Kooker , V. Roy 11.Bradfiela, J . M. 75. Kooker, Gertrude ' 12.Bull , Harcourt , Jr: 76 . Knox, Stella A.` 13.Bull, Richard " 77. Laughlin, Elsie C; 14.Butler, Maude F. 78. Likins, 0. P.` 15.Butler, C. 0. '' 79. Likins, Miriam '; 16.Bradfield, Rebec K. 80. Laughlin, A. A. 17.Barber, Grace A. 81. Milam, Robert R.` 18.Barber, Vm. C.) 82. Mason, N. M.,- 19.Bull, George 83. Ludlow, Rose 20.Burroughs, P . M. 84. Ludlow, T. K.' 21.Barwald, Doris A. 85. Lowry, Sumter L. Jr.` 22.Barwald, M. N. 86. Lowry, Elizabeth P. 23.Burroughs, Sarah J. 87. Lockwood, N. G. 24.Burroughs, H. 0:' 88. Lockwood, Florence B. 25. Brown, Mrs. Frank' 89. Delia G. Meigs - 26. Blondheim, S. S. 90. Madison, John C: 27. Blondheim, Josephine. ' 91 PMueller, Pearl B. 28. Bittch, Gordon Pk- 92. Mason, ]farina Knight, 29. Blitch, Medge J. ' 93. Marshburn, T. A. 30. Bixby, H. F. '''. 94. Milam, Meriel W. 31. Bisbee, Frank D.'' 95. Mulliken, Fred L.'' 32. Bisbee, Ella S. '' 96. McClain, Gladys P.'` 33 . Braren, B . K. 97. Matthews, Alice S. 34. Barwald, Hannah M. 98. Mueller, George '� 35. Barwald, E. P. i' 99. Merrill , James C. 36. Bellamy, Stanley' 100. Merrirll , Ann B`' 37. Cronwalt, Helen `s „ 101. Matthews, John 38. Coffee, Josephine Rowland 102. Marks, Richard P. 39. Clarson, P . S. '- 103. Marks, Kathryn S. 40. Cronwalt, Myron' 1C 4.Mullikin, Helen R. ' 41. Coffee , Fred F.' 105. McCullough, E. F.-' 42. Cronwalt, Vincent, 106. McClain, C . Pak 43 . Crawford , J . T . G. 107. McQuaid, W. R.- 44 . Rogers), Wm. H. 108. McQuaid, Henrietta M. 45. Duval , J . Popei" 109. Osborne , Helen O . 46 . Donner , E. H. 110. Osborne , Marshall V. 47. Dowling, Dorothy `' 111. Cutler, Helen ‘- 48. 48. David, Irene S. ' 112 Outler, J. C. 49. Duval , Mrs. J. P. 113. Payne, Clifford A. 50. Edmondson, Louise C.' 114. Nelle V. Pritchard ' 51. Frazier, C. R. Sr..` 115. Pritchard, Geo. A. ' 52. Gaines, Chas, L. '' 116. Perdue, R. W. 53. Gaines, Lavinia Z. 117. Pelot , Lolla J : 54. Grey , Katherine S. 118. Pelot, Charles E.- 55. Goodling, D. E. v 119. Pruitt, M. W. 56. Hackett, Pearl R.fr 120. Pruitt, Ruth L. 57. Howell , C. C. ' 121. Rosborough, G. L.' 58. Haynes, Edward `' 122. Reid, John A. IP 59. Haynes, Lawrence Jr. 123. Reid, Sue Dexter ' 60. Horne , Eleanor M. 124. Rust, Julia S. 61. Horne , Chalmers DI 125. Rust, T. V. ` 62. Howell , Clara M.1- 126. Rosborough, Mary F. 63. Jones , K. N.' 127. Register, J. Alvin Iv 64. Jones , Nora F. 128. Register , Anna .\//' -2- C421dL 129. Rogers, Otelia Me1_lin 180 G. G. Wright 130. with, Geo. H. 131. Stolbrand, V. E.' 132. Smith, Helen ,Vbodbridge b 133. Stallings, (leo. B. 134. Stallings, uarlyn D.' 135, Stockton, Fannie B.136, Sa74, I . D. ' 137. Sugg, ?yi ldred " 138. Sugg, Robt. 139. Schumpert, J . E. 140Swisher, John 141. Tucker, Lawrence K. Jr-:v 142. Towers, Elizabeth M. 143 . Towers, C . D. 144. Thompson, 2. Hi:- 145. .145. Tucker, Cordelia ` 146. Tucker, Jane 147. Trout , Antonette .C. 148. Thebaut, Josephine N . 149. Trout, Leona " 150. Thompson, Mae Barber ' 151 , Thompson, Frank 152. Trout, Philip N. ' 153. Truex, Julia 0 'N ° 154. Truex F. W. I 155. Taylor, Pallie D: 156. Trout , Grace 'iilber ' 157. Trout, Geo. ;V. 158. Trout , Thomas '.V.- 159. Tucker, Finley 160. Thebaut, C. R. Jr. ,' 161. Wilcox, C. P. 1-- 162. . "162. Wilcox, Martha P 163. Williams, Mary S. 164. 'Williams, Simon Fir/ 165. Walker, E. B. 166. White , Alma O. 137. "bite , Brooke G. Jr.`" 168. Whidden, Josephine ' 169. Nilson, Eugenjra B. 170. Wood, Julian , Jr. 171. Wood, Harriett 172. Williams, Dora A. 173. Wright, June 174. Vatson, N. J. 175. Witten, Cecilia '' , 176. 'Wootton , Lucits. B. 177. Yerkes, J . B . Jr.k- 178. Yerkes, J . B . Y, 179. Youngberg, Adele de'R I , E. J. uandee , do hereby certify: That I am the proper officer in charge of the Registration Books in and for the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida; that I personally made up and prepared the above and forgoing list; and that the same isatrue and correct copy of the names of all of the qualified electors appearing on said registration books who are freeholders residing in said. Town and who-are qualified to vote at the special bond election of March 11, 1938. IITNE SS my hand and officialsseal at the Town of Atlantic ilik Beach, rrlorida, this 3rd day of :,'arch, A. D. 1938. E dee,/ 'own Clerk eerVICkuz Non-'Freeholding Qualified Voters at Town General Election Held Next Preceeding Special Bond Election of March 11 , 1938, who Were Freeholders on Said Date of March 11, 1938. 1. Mrs. T. 3. Brock ' 2. F. Cronwalt 3. Jennie Carter " 4. Carl J . Carter v 5 Max Foster 6 C. R. Frazier, Jr. 7. A. G. Hightower' 8. Elizabeth B. Hightower' 9. Betty Ann Jensen- 10 Bonnie Knox' 11 n. " . Packard` 12 Mardelle Russell '' 13 J. L. Russell u- 14. Jeanne E. Taylork 15. Marion B. Thompson 16. LyNette B. Tillman ] 17. Victoria L. ,9elch I , E. J . CANDEE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I a.m the proper officer in charge of the registration books in and for the Town of Atlantic Beac , telorida; that I personally made up and prepared the above and foregoing list from the said registration books; and that each and every, all and singular, the persons whose names appear in and by the said list were, although not freeholders, nevertheless qualified to vote at the general election of the said Town held next preceeding the Special Bond election of March 11, 1938; and that each and every, all and singular, the said persons were , on the said date of March 11, A. D. 1938, freeholders in the said Town; es will more fully appear by those certain affidavits hereunto attached as a part of this certification, and designated Exhibit "Afl. 10/11 WITNESS my hand and official seal at the Town of Atlantic Beach, rlorida, this 12th day of March, A. D. 1938. Oft CITYLd 4ndee Town Clerk lor STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL ) On this da; , bcfore me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared 7• 7roct r , to me well known, who, lotting by me first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he ( she) was qualified to vote at the Town general election held next prece_iing the election of even lig date for ':`unicipal Building, for treets Improvement, and for Incinerator and Garbage Bonds; and that he ( she) now has an ii .trer.iate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-sir.ple estate in land situate within the corporate limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11 day of March, 1938. STATR OF FLORIDA) DUVAL COUNTY ) On this day, before me, the undersigned authority, personally a-:peered CronaNelt , to me well known, who, being by me first duly swell, deposes end says: That he (she) was qualified to vote at the Town general elution held next preceding the election of even date for Municipal Building, streets Improvement, end for Incinerator and Garbage Bonds; and that he (she) now has an immediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-simple estate in land situate within the corporate Melts of the Town of Atlantic Beach, f loride. Sworn to aflu subscribed before me, ilk this 11th day of March, 1938. .STATB OF F i. 2:I , COUNTY OF DUVAL ) On this day , before me, the undersigned authority, psraena71y u::: -eared envie Carter ' to z:e: well known, who, tilting by me first duly sworn, deposes end says: That he (the) wee qualified to vote at the Town general election hold next irece4 ing the election of even S data for N`uni cipal Iluildinw, for :Araste improvement, and for Incinerator end Carh9 .e :3onde; end that he ( she) nnw he!. en immediate beneficial legal el (equitable) ownership tntereet in the title to a fee•ai:.ple estate in land situate within they: corporate limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, elaride. jor "Horn to and c'Yrbecribed before me this ' day of 7:arch, 1938. ion O em) num COMM ) On thin day, before see, the undersigned authority. Weaselly a o.>esred Carl J. Crter, to es well Means who, being first duly sworn, deposes and sapid That he (she) wee qualified to vote et the I Than goners! election held most proeeding the election of even date for 1 unicipsl Building. for streets Improvement, and for Incinerator sad Garbage Bonds; and that he (she) now hes an 'mediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest is the title to s fere-simple estate in lead situate within the corporate limits of the Uwe of Atlantic !leach, Florid*. )001111i0 4 f' warn to end subscribed before Allispor/ this lith day of arch 1938. 111 MATZ OF FL; `:.IDL) DUVAL COUNTY ) On this day, before me, the undersigned authority, personally apesred Max Foster, • to ire well known, who, being first duly sworn, deposes And say e: That he (she) wes qualified to vote et the Torn general election held next preceding the election of even date for Municipal Building , for :reets Improvoront, and for Incinerator and Garbage Bond and that he ( she) now has en immediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-simple estate in land situate within the corporate limit* of the Town of Ltlentic Beach, Florida. 74 'worn to and subscribed before mos thi a 11th day of ':larch 1938. 411 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF DUVAL ) On this day, before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared C . R. Frezier, Jr. , to me well known, who, b ing by me first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he (she) was qualified to vote at the Town general election held next preceding the election of even 400 date for Municipal Building, for streets Improvement, and for Incinerator and Garbage Bonds; and that he ( she) now has an immediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-sir:ple estate in land situate within the corporate limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida. �, � 4 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11 day of March, 1938 STATE OF FLORIDA) DUVAL COUNTY ) On this day , before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared A. G. Hightower , , to me well known, who , being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he (she) was qualified to vote at the 'Town general election held next preceding the election of even date for Municipal Building, for Streets Improvement, and for Incinerator and uarbage Bonds; and that he ( sne) now has an immediate beneficial legal ( equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-simple estate in land situate within the corporate limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, riorida. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of March, 1938.38. a STATE OF FLORIDA) DUVAL COUNTY ) On this day, before me, the undersigned authority, personally aJ.peared Elizabeth B. Hightow r o me well known, who, being by me first duly scorn, deposes and says: That he (she) was qualified to vote at the Town general election held next preceding the election of even date for Municipal Building, Streets Improvement, and for Incinerator and Garbage Bonds; and that he ( she) now has an immediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-simple estate in land situate within the corporate limits of the Town of Atlantic 3each, rlorida. /k4AA-- IA. i Sworn to and subscribed before me, t11-- this 11th day of "arch, 1938. • STATE OF FLORIDA) DUAL BOUNTY ) On this day, before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Setty Ann Jensen, to me well known, who, being by me first duly swoIIn, 40 deposes end says: That he ( she) was qualified to vote at the Town general election held next preceding the election of even date for Municipal Building, for Streets Improvement, and for Incinerator and. Garbage Bonds; and that he ( she) now has am immediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-simple estate in land situate within the corporate limits of the Toan of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Worn to and subscribed before me thiel ti day of March 193: . ,moi :! STATE OF FLORIDA) DUIAL DOWiff On this day, before moo the undersigned authority, personally appeared 41601E44.44) to me well known, who, being by u first duly sworn, deposes end says: That he ( she) was qualified to vote at the Town general election held next preceding the election of even date for Lunicipel Building, for Streets Improvement, and for Incinerator end Oerbage Bonds; and that he ( she) now has an "mediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest In the title to a feesimple estate in land situate within the corporate limits of the Ton of Atlantic Beach, rlorida . 111 worn to and subscribed before no thiel day of larch 1 9 NEM OF FDA) DUVAL COMITY Os this ikey. before as the eedeveisped ertheettpo prrrseeelif s pssr d H. E . Packard, Me soil tam, she, brim by se first dolt' ae spa, dopoass led swot ?het be (sae) gee gaslifird to tote et the Town esttsl election hold most prosodies the elestton of even date for Ironiflipsl ntr arta impIo essat, sad for issisrrat©r eed Com. ; sad that he (she) Meter has ea imaril.te beastielai 1551 teeettsble) osesrehlp interest Is the title to a tee-simple estate in land •ltuste within the eerp►otnis limits of the toren of £tiantio Leh, deride. morn to owl sub*bribed betas's se, litis itth dey of mirth. 1 STATE OF FLORIDA) DUVAL COUNTY ) On this day, before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared r: rdell Russell , to me well known, who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he (she) was qualified to vote at the Town general election held next preceding the election of even date for Municipal Building, for Streets Improvement, and for Incinerator and Garbage Bonds; and that he ( she) now has an immediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-simple estate in land situate within the corporate limits of the Town" of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of March 1938. I" STATE OF' FL RIDA) DUVAL COUNTY ) On this aey, 'bef e , t undersigned authority, personally appeared - A:,. e4.4,41.4e. , to cue well known, who, being ; :.rat duly sworn, deposes and says: That he (she) wae, qualified ied to vote at the Town general election held next preceding the election of even date for Municipal Building , for Streets Improvement, and for Incinerator and Herbage Bonds; and that he ( she) now 11.as an immediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-simple estate in land situate within the corporate limits of the Town of Ltlantic Beach, Florida. P ' 7?'/( - ,worn to and subscribed before me tthis l:.th day of parch 1938. mom, or PLUM/ a rij 4 on thin day, before se, the undersigned out!K6riter, e!rotonelly e;= entre # Jeanne E. TC� lor t4 MO ils21 known, shoo bent? b!" me f treat duly morns deposes end 1001►s$ h (who) was quell/led to votes at kuJs few general election held mitt pre a ing the Ototton of even date for "> rniaipel. Banding, fitrernte *c prove►mea t, end for !rcinoretor ens I`rr age was; and that ho ( she) new bc-1 or i ,.,meds rte benef'inisl Legal (equitable) ownership interest In the title to o feet-e.~Iirple estate In ?r,rtc: cituete r fain than oftrporato limits of tho Tarr: of Atlantic 3esoh, y l or dn. 4 - . .. iuI*rn tf, 30d subscribed before moo 111- Ws s th der of h, % A. r / int asr-Uffmqs M std jwt powompo pus o2 VICY/WkLerr Lj j, — t=a'c '14rSIS stain pp goo& eta JO Min 44140d403 044 amps I$SMI PSC tit Mme* 40111104641 • al et414 WO s1 pologin dtWassise (S L 4oi t ) titt oloui4 oompow t go set; sou ( ) 5V $ tis !spU 4101100ime pus a sm.0 ssi i pas 4au silorte ti s#u+ai. iOj OPP o©, 3© uif s • •11 araPseead 3 pts 1111%o.I• WOWS Oft *Ri io s*N► *i 100131 sois OW) M $U I miss pos • lemur £tai 4441,3 rs £ fsj *op *ism um es o uosQwo y •a uol.zBr1 wilmodde its •4;tao44ets imasciapun eta 4043 SJ.j q 01 ale fle I A41400 "!eind (TuI10,4 40 Wm a ' i ilt &s V of f i 't A) -'. 00UMTY ) +y �� On this doer, before we, the } acerire* ta h'uori L"y , po gonu11y epposred . J.•'fG �ii1 .L�ig al.� 1i+��1R1r'rr►wlw ■ 10 set Pell hto n, The, being by ee first duly *sown, deposer end mays: That ha (sale) mere` qualified to vote at the Teen gcnersi eleetios held next prersdilip the election of tees ditto far k'unlelpel wilding, for Streets Iserore nt, and for Incinerate, an dtrba • Donde; end that he (ohs) no4 hte os lesedleto beseftelsl le11 l (equitable) eonorOhlp Interest in the itle to a fae.eiople estate in lend situate within the corp rete limits of the ?o: n of itl,r tic dee~eh, t loi'i0a, 16 here to and subscribed before me Ifttsl dad; of M.rct 191111. if ,if 11, STATE OF FLORIDA) DUVAL COUNTY ) On this day, before me , the undersigned authority, personally appeared Victoria L. ,'delch, , to me well known, who , being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he ( she) was qualified to vote at the Town 4001 general election held next preceding the election of even date for Lunicipal Building, Streets Improvement, and for Incinerator and Garbage Bonds; and that he ( she) now has an immediate beneficial legal (equitable) ownership interest in the title to a fee-simple estate in land situate within the corporete limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, 1,lorida. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 1 th day of March, 1938.