07-28-38 v MINUTES OF A SPECILL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 P. M. July, 28, 1938. PRESENT: - ( J. C . Cutler , G. L. Rosborough, E. H. Thompson. J . C. Cutler, presided. Yr. Thompson explained in detail the results of a conference between himself , as chairman of the Public Norks Committee , Rex 'Nilson, Area Supervisor of the N. P. A. , Robt. E. Hill , Engineer, Alexander Brest and Geo. H. Hodges of the Duval Engineering Company and C . R. Frazier , City Supervisor , in reference to the "l. P. A. Project to improve the streets in Atlantic Beach. The first item agreed upon was that the Duval Engineering Com- pany would carry for the Town the expense of en engineer on the Project and it was agreed that Robt . E. Hill , be employed at a salary of w150. per month, or a total of 4200. per month, Yr. Fill to furnish his own car , bear all of his own expenses, furnish all necessary instruments , drawing tables , etc . Mr. Thompson explained further that the Duval Engineering Co. , had agreed to carry the project along for several months without any cash outlay on the part of xtletxxx the Town, that they would accept settlement in cash provided if in the meantime , the Town is able to sell the bonds which have been authorized for that purpose and if at the end of the time , the bonds have not been sold , that they would accept , the bonds as payment, same to be accepted at oar , with a reasonable rate of interest. Yr. Thompson stated that this arrangement would give the Town several more months in which to pursue it' s efforts to sell the bonds to R. F. C . or to other parties. It was agreed, according to fir. Thompson, that if the Duval Engineering Co. , is the successful bidder for the materials, equipment , etc . , that the arrangement would be entirely satisfactory. Thereupon, Mr. Thompson made the motion, which was second- ed by G. L. Rosborough and unanimously passed, that the employment of lobt. E. Hill on the basis of 1200. per month , to cover all ex- penses in connection with the engineering work for such a time as his services are required , be approved. Mr. Thompson then moved that the Town Clerk, be authorized and directed to post notices at the Town Hall and at the Post Office in At- lantic Beach , calling for bids for materials and equipment , the notice to be in the following words and figures , and that the notice shall be kept Posted for a Period of two weeks `'rom this date. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rosborough and unanimously passed. - CALL FOR BIDS - TO'NN OF ATLANTIC BEACH . FLORIDA. Sealed bids will be received by the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, at the office of the Town Clerk in the Town Hall at said Town, until 5 o 'clock P. M. on the 11th day of August , L D. 1938 , for the furnishing of all materials and equipment, includ- ing the hauling , placing, rolling, shaping , grading or finishing of said materials, required by said Town, and not contributed by the Norks Program Administration of the United States for the paving with asphalt and slag pavement, having a shell base , in accordance with the plans , and specifications now on file in the office of the Town Clerk. The Town is being aided in the construction of said Dev- il ing project by the 'forks Progress Administration of the United States, which will furnish all manual labor needed in the prosecution of the work and a portion of the material required. Each bid shall be submitted in duplicate on forms aupplied by the Town Clerk of said Town. The successful bidder will be paid according to the plan of payment outlined in the proposed form of contract , copy of which is now on file with the Town Clerk of said Town. The Town of Atlantic Peach reserves the right to waive any informalit in any bid and to reject any and all bids. By order of the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida. E. J. Cendee , Town Clerk. The City Supervisor was instructed to secure materiels for the construction of a body for the new International Truck and a frame to be used on ,he Dump Body Truck for the purpose of hauling men, SPA to furnish carpenters to build the bodies. The City Supervisor was directed to secure prices on 6" cast iron pipe to be used at street intersections for drainage purposes. The City Supervisor was directed to purchase necessary material to provide stakes in setting up grade levels and center lines. The City Supervisor was instructed to set up a new record of purchase orders for the Street Improvement projects and to sign such orders when supported by requisitions from duly authorized S.P.A. officials. The City Supervisor was directe_ to have two large signs made , same to be used in connection with S.P .A. Projects end to be placed as directed by the President of the Council upon unani- mous approval . There being no further business for consideration , upon motion put, seconded and carried , the meeting adjourned. Correct: - PRESIDENT Attest: - 4' Ar A C'srn LB 111