13 . 1938.
Present: L. Chiesson, President ,
J. C . Outler ,
G. L. Fosborough,
Thomas V. Trout
F. E. "ugg
`' yor feorge N. Smith snd Town Attorney ' oNell were
also present.
'Previous notice having been given the meeting NP - celled
to order by Mr. Chiasson.
The reading of the minutes of the meeting of September 6 ,
1938, was postponed to the regul=ar monthly meeting of October.
The Chair calx led on Mr. T. T'. S' tchwell , e member of the
Mandalay Corporation. Mr. Setchvell pre-=anted to the Town a deed
covering all street fees , utilities right- , etc . , in the streets in
the Menaelay sub-division end a check for $942.70 togathsr with a tax
statement showing taxes on Mandalay property un to and including the
year 1937, -,:.ounting to 0. ,156 .34, the dif'erence between the Pmount
of taxes and the =:mour.t of the check being $217.64 , which was de-
ducted by the Mandalay Co. , payment for the -treet rights.
Thereupon,Mr. Cutler moved and Mr. oshorough seconded
that the ,-.,-;s )lution pissed - t the meeting of 7eotember 6 , 1938,
setting ride an agreement for s settlement of this matter in the
manner submitted -t this meeting by Mr. C tchwell be reoeeled, -
P= =sed.
Thereupon, Mr. Cutler made the following motion, ;vhich
motion was seconded by Mr. Trout and unanimously adopted :
BE IT F:;SOLVED by the Mayor en : Town Council of Atl^ntic
Beach that it cio , and it hereby does , accent settlement
of all Peguler taxes uo to and including the year 1c77,
on all lends the property of the Mandalay Corporation , on
the following basis:
Total Pegular Taxes due $1 ,156.34
Cost to Town for -treet fees , utilities
rights , etc . , s' per deed delivered on this
date 213.64
Balance paid by Floridian check '9a2. 70
- 2 -
and that the Town Merl, is instructed to attach a
copy of this resolution to the official receipt
for the shove taxes .
Ur)on motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Trout ,
nut anti carried , the followinv resolution '.vas adopted , -ccent` r.L
the preliminary Tax ' ssessment roll for the year 1938 :
NHEFEAR, the Town Tax r' ssessor has completed the pr--liminsry
Tax ' ssessment Poll of the Town of ttlantic Beech, Florida , for
the year 1938 , and has submitted the same to the Town Cour_cil ,
and ,
NREFEA S, It appears that all property , real and personal ,
in the Town of Atlantic Beach subject to taxation has been
assessed on said tax assessment roll , and the T- x Assessment
Poll is in due form,
TREF-FORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Counc' l of the Tnvn
of ftlantic Beach, Florida , that the said nreliminery tax
assessment roll be 2nd the same is hereby approved .
BE IT FURTHER F' `I ' ' D, that the Tenn Clerk shall post at
the Town Hell and at two other public places in the Town and shy-11
also be published daily for four successive days in a newspaper
published in the. City of Jacksonville , T`uvel County , Florida ,
notice the said assessment roll has been submitted to the Town
Council and approved and also requiring ell persons desiring to
have corrections thereof made , whether in the listing , valuation
of property or otherwise , to file with the Town Tax ' ssessor on
or before the 27th day of Sentember , ^ . P. , 1938 , at 8 O'clock
? . .:. , their petition to the Town Council , setting forth their
objection to said assessment nd the correctibn that they desire
made , end also that the Town Council ,ill meet at the Town Hell
in the Town of 1tlantic Bench, on the 27th day of September, 4 .
1978 , at 8 O' clock P. M. for the purpose of equalizing said
assessments and making proper corrections therein.
'Toon motion duly made , seconded end carried , it vas
ordered thetthe Town Clerk publish the following notice four
times in a Jscksonv' lle paper and host copies of same in accord-
ance with the Charter:
N 0 TI C E
TO ' LL :VHO i IT MAY CONC 'RN: You are hereby notified th' t
the prelimihery tax assessment roll of the Town of "tlentic Beach,
Florida , for the year 1938 , has be- n completed and submitted to and
approved b' the Town Council . ' 11 persons desiring to have
correction- made thereof , whether in the listing value , vel - tion
of property , or otherwise , Pre required on or before the 27th day
of 'eptember , A . D. 1938, Pt 8 o'clock °. M. to file with the Town
Tax assessor of the Town of tlentic Be- ch, their petitions to
the Town Council , s- tting forth their objections to the said
assessment end the corrections that they desire made.
- 3 -
0 The Town Council will meet at the Town Hall in the Town of
Atlantic Beech , Florida , on the 27th day of September , A. D. 1918,
at 8 o'clock P. '`. for the nuroose of equalizing said assessments
and making proper corrections therein. All persons who shell file
petitions as aforesaid vfll be given the oplortunIty to be heard
et said meeting.
C . P . Frazier , To Clerk and Tax
Collector of the Town of Atlantic
3eec , Florida .
The date of the equalize=ticn meeting to be determin=d by
the clerk ulon the completion of all entries In the Tax Poll , but
tentatively set for ten uays from "eptember 15th.
The matter of Insurance on =11 insurable property of the
Town was discussed and Mr. rosborough explained the method for
financing- this insurance; that is , the Town to nay for this in-
suranceon regular monthly installments -t the tlentic flank under
a note executed in accord• nce with the provisions of a resolution
adopted at the meeting of September 6th.
Upon moti_en by Mr. Cutler , seconded by Mr. rosborough ,
the arrangement completed by Mr. Fosborough end the Fesolution of
September 6 , 1938 , covering this transection , were further - lsroved
and confirmed .
The clerk was directed to draw a verrPnt in favor of
Clifford Payne Garrison Co. , for 1150. as initial oeyment on
r ) this account,
Mr. Fosborough reported on the eurche e contract with the
Duval Motor Co. , for the purchase of an 85 Ford tvo-door sedan to
be used in Police end official Town business end preCented a cony
of the sales contract . Upon motion of Mr. Trout , seconded by Mr.
Fosborough, the action taken in this matter , Ps provided for in a
resolution adopted = t the eptember meeting Fes confirmed -nd
9y consent of the Council Marshal J. L. Fussell was
granted leave of absence from September 15th to 25th i -clusive .
• Mr . Fussell explained that he had made arrangements with Censtahle
Nalter Floyd to take care of his work during his absence , upon the
Town furnishing the gesnllne end oil for Floyd' .= car.
fit this tire an ordinance which was passed et the meet .ng
- 4 -
of August 11 , 1938 , on first and second res- ing regulating
and restricting unnecessary noises was brought up for dis-
cussion. Yr. Sugg objected to the ordinance in its present
form and explained that it does not fully cover the situ-tion
as objected to by the citizens of Neptune and Atlantic Beaches.
He moved the amendment of the ordinance so that it would pro-
hibit the playing of mechanical musical instruments except
within buildings .
Thereuo on Mr. Outler made a motion, Pith the con-
sent of Mr. Sugg that this motion he amended by providing that
the bill when finally nassed on third reading he held he the
Mayor for signature to a .wPit like action on the pert of the
Town of Neptune and th'=.t the Mayor be requested to veto the
measure should Neptune fail to pass a like ordinance :
THEREUPON an ordinance prohibiting unnecessary
and unusual noises and regulating the use of
public address and land speaker equ' nment was
passed on first reading - same second reading.
The motion to amend , es amended by Mr . Cutler ' s
motion vas seconded by Mr. rosborough and pereed.
Mr. Outler brought before the Council the Britten
contract between Duval Bngineer ng A Construction Co. , and the
Torn covering verbal agreement heretofore m-de with me.,hers of
th- Duval ;_ngf neeri.ng & Construction Co. , relative to financing
the g. P. A . Street TTrprovement Droject. 'Tr. Cutler explained
that the contract was in form in every respect except one ,
namely , that the agreement in reference to the acceptance in
payment for the bills incurred :,:ith the Town' s bonds had not
been inserted. By unanimous consent of the Council the
contract was turned back to the Town attorney with instructions
to re-write page 3 of the contract so that it would provide for
cash payment in the event the Town sells its bonds before the
due date , or payment by bonds at par et a reasonable rate of
interest, in the event the bonds are not sold before due d-te .
1 1F
Mr . Outler read a letter addressed to the Liity
Supervisor by general -Limiter Lowry in ref=rence to the surplus
dirt in connection with the s•treAt Project. uo.vever , the City
4upervisor exple fined that the `i )wn ,.ould now need =11 surplus
dirt to grade the 11th Street extension.
The Clerk was directed to advise the P. P. C . ,
that the Term preferred submitting annual reports at the close
of its fiscal year, September 30.
Mr. Trout raised the suestion submitted by the City
Supervisor that some study be mane of assessments -_ainst
=butting Property owneta for street im ,rovements. This matter
NSF discussed and o= s ed to the Pctoer meeting.
Mr. ug,g moved that the fee for aarhaRe collect ons
outside the Town Emits be raised from $10. per year to $15. per
year or 110. for six months. Mr. Trout seconded the motion which
was unanimously -dopted , this new rate to become effective upon
renewal of contracts.
Mr. Trout moved, end Mr. Sugg cecondsi , that the
Tovn Clerk he sutmorized to employ Alen Pritchard as an office
assistant at the rate of -',5. per month, neyc ':ls et "12.50 0-
the 1st end 15th of each month respectively.
There being no further business for consideret ` n
the mePtineadjourned.
' :2ti— D
/��� President