09-29-38 v • MINUTES OF I. S CIJ L r DJ^" 'NEB ?d.22TING OF THE fTL1NTIC B ,iCH T").VNy COUNCIL, SITTING AS LN E zUALIZJTION 90, PD, HELDSEPTEMBER 29, 1938 , uT THE TBVN H.tLL. Present: L. ''hiosson, J. C . Outler , P . E Sugg, Thames V. Trout. °revi -as notice h=wing been given, the meeting was c-.11ed to order by Thos . V. Trout , Cheirman of the Finance and T- xetion Committee , actin- ns Ch firman. Pursuant to action of the meeting held September r27th, all complaints filed at that time , w-re ?gain taken under consideration and the following changes in the temporary roll were ordered: Lots 2, 3, 4 end 5 , B1 )ck 49 , from 1750. to 1700. Lots 2 , 3 , 4 end 5 , Bl )ck 54 , from 1700. to 1650. Lots 7 and 8 , Block 60, from 1700. to 1500. Lots 8 �.nd 9, Block 63 , from 1500. to $400. Lot 11 , Block 63 , from $600. to 1650. Lot 16 , Block 33 , from S5FO. to 1650. Lots 2 , 3 and 4 , Block 63 , from 1700. to 1350. Lots 12, 13 and 14 , Block 60, from 1700. to 1650. Lot 5, Block 60, from $850. to y 900 . Lots- 5 and 6 , 431ock SO, Peal est?te, same , Irrprove- ments from $3500. to 12750. Lot 11 , Block 4, from 1450. to $400. L-ot 12 , Block F , $450. to 1400. F, ' Lot 10 , Block 1 , from $1500. to $1300. 0 Lots 12 , 14 ani 16 , Block 1 , same above . r Unplatted from 11500. to $2000. Lot 1 , Block 8 , from $800. to 1600 . 11 changes and correction -)n Lots in ftl-ntic Beech prrkwey in accordance ;pith list shown attached. Thereupon , 'fir. Outler moved , ','r . Chiesson seconded, which motion was possed, that with the corrections -nd change- noted above the en essment roll be en -)roved -rid ^ -:opted . U lon motion of „r. Outler, seconded by ?'r. Pugg, -n Ordinance to eirove end =dopt the Tax I sessment roll for the - 2 - 4 ye,r 1938 , end to determine end fix the rete of texetion and mike the annual tax levy of the yeer 1938 wee p^Csed on firet . reading . Pepeel above pPeeed on second reeding. There being no further bueine-e for const erction meetin cdjourned . 411171 �r ChairTar 6fdr