11-01-38 v MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH HELD NOVEMBER 1 , 1938, AT 8:00 P. M. AT THE TOWN HALL. Present: E. L. Chiasson J. C. Outler G. L. Rosborough R. E. Sugg Thomas W. Trout Mayor George H. Smith. The meeting was called to order by Mr. E. L. Chiasson, President. The Glerk read the minutes of the meeting of October 4,1936, which were aporoved as read. M. V. Osborne , Treasurer, read his usual financial report, which was approved and ordered filed. Mr. Osborne called attention to the note due on this date at the Florida National bank in the amount of $500. ,plus interest 44.1?. After discussion, upon motion of Mr. Fosborough seconded by Mr. Cutler, the President of the Council end Town Clerk were authorized and directed to renew the note for sixty days and to pay the interest now due. Mr. Rosborough moved , which motion was seconded by Mr. Outler, end unanimously passed, that the Town negotiate with the Gulf Life Insurance Go. for a renewal of the mort- gage on the Town Park on November 12, 1938, due date , that the renewal be for a period of three years or before due date. The Clerk was instructed to confer with the Gulf Life officials in reference to the matter. Upbn motion , seconded by Mr. Trout , the following bills were approved and ordered paid: Geo. R. Pearson Co. ( ptg) $13.90 ''uinn R. Barton Co. On acct 50.00 C . C. Howell , Jr. (Atty's Fees) 27.50 • Texas Co. , (Gas & Oil ) 10.10 Pascoe 's Garage (Wrecker) 5.00 H. & W. B. Drew Co 1.95 Sou. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. , 7.60 - 2 - Home Utilities Co. , (Lights & 'Water) 15.46 atlantic National Bank 103.23 Arnold Printing Co 7.50 Wilkerson Martin Co 7.30 Clifford A . Payne Co. (Clerk's Bond) 20.00 Jacksonville Journal (Acct. in full ). . . ... . 25.00 Barnett Bank (Police Uar) A4 45.30 Quinn R. Barton (Truck Payment) 65.00 hell Petroleum Co 98.21 493.05 At this point, the Chair dispensed with the regular order of business and went into the matter of a proposed Golf Course , such Course to be a resurrection of the old Golf Course located in the property of R. C. B. S. Corporation, west of Sherry Drive and North of the Plaza in the Town. Mr. Chiasson explained in detail the proposal of certain citizens to raise by pledge a sufficient sum of money to provide a Sponsors contribution on a W. P. A . Project. He explained the results of en investigation made by him into the proper cost of maintenance in the future. After considerable discussion which was entered into by the other members of the Council , Rex Wilson , Area Super- visor for W. P. A . , Mrs. June Wright , Harcourt Bull , Jr. , Eugene Peacock and others the matter was passed on account of a lack of a motion, Mr. Chiasson to seek further informa- tion relative to future maintenance , etc. Committee reports weee called for by the Chair: Mr. Outler, Chairman of the Laws end Rules Committee, reported on the matter of a contract with the Engineering Co. , on the Street Improvement Program and stated that an agreement had been reached by which the Duval Engineering & Construction Co. would take settlement of the account in bonds if at the time the project is completed the bonds have not already been sold, same tobe accepted by them at par with 5% interest. Mr. Outler also reported at this time that he had been advised by Henry Isaac and Fred Alien that they were • interested. in, the, purchase of all of the bonds of the Town and that they would submit a bid in writing within the next few days. - 3 - The sale of the bonds was discussed at length. The Chair brought up the matter of proposed changes in the Zoning and building laws. The matter was discussed and it was decided to call a meeting of the Town Council to sit es a committee of the whole to consider ell proposed changes, the meeting to be held at the Town Hall at 7:30 P. M. November 8, the Town officials ell to be present. Mr. Trout reported regarding the purchase of a power mower. After discussion the Clerk was directed to advise Mr. S. W. Merritt, of Tampa, Florida, that the mower left here by him is still, being considered along with others but that if he so desires he may take it away. He was also directed to advise Mr. Merritt that the mower is not in use. Mr. Trout brought up the matter of a complaint re- garding the assessment against the property of Hayden Crosby. The matter was discussed but in view of the fact that Mr. Crosby was not represented es had been agreed, it was agreed to pass the matter to the December meeting, the Clefk to advise Mr. Murchison, Attorney for Mr. Crosby, that the matter had been passed for the reason stated above. The Chair read a letter signed by R. R. Milani in re- ference to the failure of the Town to extend homestead exemption on the home of Mrs. Lorenz Wilson, stating that the exemption form had been executed and apparently sent to the Town Clerk. The Clerk advised that there was ho exemption claim on file in his office. By motilin of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Trout , homestead exemption was granted Mrs. Nilson. The Lhair read a letter addressed to C . R. Frazier, Clark, 14. Mr. J. Alvin Register, concerning an interest charge of t8.80 against the delinquent taxes of Mr. Register for 1937 , in which Mr. Register asked to be relieved of the charge. Thereupon , Mr. Chiasson reline+uished the Chair to Mr. Trout 410 and moved that Mr. Register be informed that the charge be allowed to remain against his property. The motion was - 4 - seconded by Mr. Sugg, and unanimously adopted. The matter of penalty interest on Seawall Construction accounts was raised by Mr. Trout. At this point the Chair read a letter with statements attached showing delinquent payments, interest and penalty interest on Seawall Construction Assessments. The matter was thoroughly discussed. Mr. Outler made the following motion: "BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk be instructed to furnish a statementto the Town Attorney of each Seawall Con- struction account showing delinquencies for three or more years end that the Attorney be instructed to undertake collection without suit and in the event of failure to secure results by this method to file the necessary suit against said properties in arrears." Mr. Outler introduced a form of ordinance entitled an"Ordinance to Prohibit the digging into, tearing up or Damaging the nerd Surface of any Street, Road or Pathway in the Town ," and moved its passage on first reading. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sugg and the bill unanimously passed First Reading. By ration of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. 6ugg, the Bill passed Second Reading. Mr. Outler introduced a form of proposed ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Providing for Arterial Highways in the Town of Atlantic beach" and moved its passage on First Reading. Mr. Trout seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed on First Reading. Upon motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Trout, the bill was passed on Second Reading. Mr. Sugg introduced an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relating to the Delivery,Shipment or Sale of Farm Slaughtered Animals and Providing for Fees to be Charged for the Dispersion Thereof" and moved its passage on First Reading. • ti The motion was seconded by Mr. Trout and unanimously passed. - v - Mr. Sugg moved end Mr. Trout seconded the motion, which was passed, that the bill oe passed on Second Reading. Upon motion of Mr. Trout , seconded by Mr. Sugg , the City Supervisor was authorized to provide materials for the construction of. a 'tool house and storage room at the inciner- ator site , said structure to cost no more than 1200. The matter of F. H. A. ruling on insurance on loans in certain areas in Atlantic Beach was thoroughly discussed. It was decided to await a more clearly defined case then those already rejected before further effort is made to secure a reversal . The Li ty Supervisor made a report on the standing of the street improvement account. There being no futther business, the meeting ad- journed. I311111111111110 r —. - -resi• en Aolor v/1�� 07- ,1