J. C. Outler,
C. C. Fowell,
G. L. Rosborough,
Brooke G. White, Jr. ,
E. H. Thompson.
George H. Smith, Mayor, also was present.
The meeting eas called to order by Mr. J. C. Outler, Pres-
The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of April 6th, 1937,
which were approved as read.
Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and
carried, the following bills were approved and authorized paid:-
Clifford A. Payne, Co. , Fire & Theft Motorcycle 25.76
' " $3,050, Town Hall, Fur. & Fixt. 48. 19
Stoddard' s Garage, work on motorcycle 3.25
H. & W. B. Drew Co. , City Licenses 7.66
Ocean Beach Hotel Co. . .Lights- Town Hall. . . . 1.02
n n n It n Street 1.52 2. 54
Pablo Garage, . . .Work on International Truck,Brake lining 1030
Labor & Cup Grease 825
Harley-Davidson Sales Co. Work on motorcycle 2.90
Ford Shop. , R. M. Stanford, Mgr. , Work on Truck 6.30
Texas Co. , Gas & Oil, 3/29 to 4/20 34.79
C. C. Howell, Jr. , Atty. , Services 9. 50
Max Foster, Lettering Signs, Police Regulations 2.00
A letter from Mr. Robt. R. Milam, copy of which follows,
was read by the Clerk:-
Jacksonville, Florida,
April 19, 1937
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Woule you be good enough to authorize us. on
behalf of the Town, to open 16th Street between Beach Avenue and
the Ocean, including the removing of the high mound and palmettoes
next to Beach Street, then taking the elevation established by the
lawn that Mr. Bradfield planted in 16th Street next to his house
as a crest, and sloping down to the level of Beach Avenue, making
a passageway of about ten feet for bathers and pedestrian traffic.
We would leave the Palm trees but not the palmettoes.
Neptune Land Company, Inc. ,
(Signed) Robt. R. Milan,
Upon conclusion of such reading, a motion was made by
Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, that
16th St. be opened as requested in said letter and in the
manner therein designated, it' s opening being at the ex-
pense of the Company represented by Mr. Milan and without
• any liability or responsibility on the part of the Town of
Atlantic Beach.
The Mayor made a suggestion that an ordinance be drawn
requiring the inoculation of dogs against rabies and also licensing
dogs, setting fee for same, etc. This matter was referred to Mr.
Howell, Chairman of Laws & Rules Committee, to draft Ordinance.
The former garbage collector, Norris Warren, having resig-
ned, upon motion put, seconded and carried, it eas voted that the
assistant, Lige Oliphant, be installed in his place at a salary of
x'50.00 per month, and that Robert Johnson be hired as assistant, at
Q40.00 per month.
A letter from Jennings & Watts was submitted, in which
they made a proposal in the interest of Mrs. Hale, widow of Eugene
Hale, to settle the taxes now due against the property of Mrs.
Hale, for $125.00. Whereupon a motion was made by Mr. White,
seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, that said proposed set-
tlement be accepted in full payment of Mrs. Hales taxes in view of
their doubtful status and the fact that they could more accurately
be designated a "claim" tather than a "tax" .
Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put
and carried, Mr. Frazier was authorized to have door opened thru
garage into lavatory, it having been pointed out that outside en-
trance was necessary in connection with Park and Playground ac-
A motion was made by Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr.
Thompson, put and carried, that the salary of the marshal for
the month of May, be $115.00, the amount of said salary to be
designated from month to month.
The City Supervisor, Mr. Frazier, made a detailed and
comprehensive report of the Town' s activities, which report was
read by the Clerk. At the conclusion of the reading, a motion
was made by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, put and car-
ried that said report be accepted as submitted and filed as in-
A motion was made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. White
, put and carried that an expression of appreciation for the ex-
cellent work done by Mr. Frazier be spread upon the minutes.
A request was made by Mrs. Welch, that she be permitted
to use the Town Hall for a Vacation Bible School. during the hours
of nine to twelve A. M. for a period of ten week days, (Monday thru
Friday) .
Upon motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Howell, put
and carried, it was voted to leave this matter for further discus-
sion and consideration.
Mr. Osborne, Treas. made his usual financial report of
Ad valorem interest, Special Assessment Int. and Regular Account,
each of which was certified by Bank Comptroller. The first two
were requested filed and the last spread upon the minutes, which
is in words and figures as follows:-
Jacksonville, Fla.
May 4th, 1937
Chairman Finance Committee,
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atla rt is Beach, Fla.
Dear Sir:-
We hereby certify that the balance standing to the
credit of the account of ;-
M. V. Osborne, Treasurer,
as shown by our books at the close of business April 30, 1937
was:- Fourteen hundred fifty-four and. 76/100 ($1454.76)
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. L. Dart, •
There being no further business for consideration,
upon motion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
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