J. C. Cutler, President,
Brooke G. White, Jr. ,
G. L. Rosborough.
Mayor Geo. H. Smith also was present.
The Laws and Rules Committee, Mr. C. C. Howell, Sr. , Chair-
man was represented by C. C. Howell Jr. , Town Attorney.
The meeting eas called to order by J. C. Cutler, President.
Upon motion of Mr. Brooke G. White, Jr. , seconded by Mr.
Thompson, put and carried, it was voted to purchase a new Internat-
ional Truck for use by the Garbage Department, same to be purchased
from Q,uinn R. Barton Co. , on the following basis:-
Total cost price delivered fully equipped with dump body
as outlined in bid and spe�'ifications submitted under date of May
21, 1937 $1361.71
Less Allowances for International and Ford Trucks 465.00
$ 896.71
Less Cash payment 98.71
' 798.00
Balance to be in 12 monthly notes bearing 8% simple interest, the
Town to carry fire and theft Insurance.
The City Supervisor was instructed to purchase a lawn-
mower from Towers Hardware Co. , and eas authorized to spend not
in excess of $2.00 for a yard man to work on the Town Park.
After considerable discussion the City Supervisor was
instructed to prepare for the next meeting (June 1, 1937) a state-
ment as to the services of an architect and to prepare the necessary
resolutions to make application to the Government for funds to erect
a Municipal Building and Auditorium, same to be located on the South-
west side of the Town Park, to have provision for the municipal of-
fices and an auditorium having a five hundred seating capacity.
Upon motion of E. H. Thompson, seconded by Brooke F. White,
Jr. , put and carried, the Town Clerk was authorized to issue a war-
rant to the American Red Cross VOluntier Life Saving Corps, a total
of $100.00 to be divided into four monthly payments of $25.00 each.
Upon motion of Brooke G. White, Jr. , seconded by E. H.
Thompson, put and carried, it was directed that a resolution be pre-
pared for presentation to the next regular meeting, in response to
a resolution on the part of the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle, thank-
ing the Garden Circle for deep interest in the Town Park project
and officially taking over for future regulation, control and main-
tenance of the Park and Tennis Courts by the Town.
Upon motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put
and carried, the Town Clerk was directed to adjust the taxes of the
Atlantic Beach Terrace Co. , for the year 1935 on the following basis.
Divide the total assessment for the year ($203. ) in half
($101. 50) and deduct all taxes paid on lots in the sub-division for
that year from the latter amount and send General Sumpter Lowry, Jr. ,
a bill for the balance ($34.50)
The Franchise drawn by the Laws and Rules Committee and
• the Town Attorney eas thoroughly discussed and it was decided to
tender it to Mr. W. H. Adams, Sr. , to be submitted for the one
submitted by him, covering lights and water.
There being no further business for consideration, upon
motion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
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