J. C. Outler,
C. C. Howell,
G. L. Rosborough,
Brooke G. White, Jr. ,
E. H. Thompson.
Geo. H. Smith, I.Iayor, also vias present.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. J. C. Outler,
The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of June 1st,
which were approved as read.
Upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Howell,
put and carried, the following bills were approved and authorized
Harley-Davidson Sales Co. , Work on motor cycle 3 5.50
Jax. Fishermen' s supply Co. , 3 coils rope for beach rop-
ing 42. 25
Beach Plumbing and Electrical Co. , 16 pipe stands L X1. 25 19.00
Joe Burnett Sign Co. , 4 Signs 30.00
St. Lukes Hospital, (Expense for Marshal Russell (Bill sent)
(Clifford Payne Co. , They to pay bill. ) 00.00
Fla. Hardware Co. , Ice Box, wheelbarrow, etc 9.65
H. & W. B. Drew Co. , Office Supplies 2.64
Towers Hardware Co. , Metallic Measuring tape 6.85
Kohn-Furchgott Co. , Cheesecloth for ropes - 3.80
City of Jacksonville Beach, Expense taking care prisoners. . . 4.75
Clifford A. Payne Co. , International Truck, Insurance 51. 48
Shell Petroleum Corp Gas & Oil 17.87
Texas Co. , Gas & Oil 12.92
Ocean Beaches Lumber Co. , Material Roping Leach, Cover for
Garbage Truck etc 9.08
Home Utilities Inc. , Lights, Town Hall. . . 1.04
Street 1 56 2.60
Excess Water 9.95. . . 12.55
C. C. Howell, Jr. , Services 15.50
Red Cross, Donation 5100. to be paid 25 per. month 25.00
Guinn '��. Barton, minc. , xtr mbrac°es onuno&r' bf' Tfnick •
Mr. Osborne, Treas. submitted his usual financial 'e Jo'r
which was read and filed for information.
The Chair, after considerable discussion, instructed the
City Supervisor to negotiate with Mr. Gerald Van de Velde, in ref-
erence to the use of water from his well for Town Purposes and
authorized a contract on a reasonable basis, not exceeding $3.00
per month, the Town to furnish the extra pipe to make the connections.
The Clerk read a letter from the Jacksonville Je3ish Centre
setting forth an advertising proposition in their Year Book and on
motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rosborough the letter was
ordered filed for information, in view of the Charter provision
prohibiting the sub-sidising of advertising by the Town.
The proposition of tendering the East Coast Drive to the
County was discussed at length and by unanimous consent, the Chair
directed that the Town Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution
• tendering the thoroughfare to the County.
Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Thompson, an
Ordinance, "Prohibiting the running at large of dogs in the Corpor-
ate limits of Atlantic Beach and requiring the innoculation of dogs"
was passed on its Third and Final Reading, all members present vot-
ing for its passage.
Mr. Howell moved that an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance
to prohibit the construction of wells within the corporate limits
of the Town of Atlantic Beach" be passed on third and final reading" .
The motion was seconded by Mr. White and all members of the Council
voted its passage.
The Mayor explained the Project proposed under the direc-
tion of the State Board of Health for the drainage of ponds and low-
lands at all of the beaches and looking to mosquito control in that
After some discussion, a motion was made by Mr. White,
seconded by Mr. Thompson, that the Town Council appropriate the
sum of $25.00 per month for a period of six months, as the pro
rated part of the sponsors donation to the VPA for this project.
The motion, was adopted by a unanimous vote.
A discussion of proposed taxation for the coming year
and the preparation of a budget was led by Mr. White. Mr. Bar-
wald, the Tax Assessor, was present and presented his views rela-
tive to tax assessment. Mr. Barwald was asked to prepare the ass-
essment roll before the August meeting if possible.
Upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. White,
the Clerk was instructed to re-imburse Marshal Russell for clothes
damaged in a recent motorcycle accident; amount $9.50.
Upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. White,
the appointment by the Mayor of Mr. J. Howard Richards for a
periodof six weeks from date of appointment (July 2, 1937) at
$5.00 per day for week ends and holidays, as assistant marshal,
was approved.
The matter of changing the time of roping off the beach
was thoroughly discussed and it was proposed that the time be changed
from the present hours to - "From 2 to 7, PM. week days; 9 AM to
4 PM, on Saturday and 9 AM to 2 PM. Sundays and Holidays. There-
upon a motion eas made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. White, put
and carried that "An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance, entitled -
"An Ordinance Creating and Providing for the Continued Maintenance
of Safety Bathing and Recreation Zones Along and Upon Ocean Front
in the Corporate Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida"
was passed on its first reading.
Same was passed on its second reading.
The matter of Otling the streets was discussed. It was
decided to make additional effort to obtain a spreader and the
City Supervisor was instructed to try further• and Mr. White was
asked to contact the Jacksonville City Department.
The matter of establishing street lines and markers
was thoroughly discussed . The City Supervisor submitted an estimate
from Engineer Wellington and stated he would secure an estimate
from Mr. Burke of Neptune. Under this same discussion, came the
letters, which were read by the Clerk, addressed to Mr.Haydn Crosby
and Chas. L. Gaines, relative to encroachments at 7th Street Ramp.
Mrs. 0. P . Likins made some remarks. A letter was also read from
Mr. Crosby in which he agreed to remove the beautification, if
and when the Town asked for it. The Mayor also advised that Mr.
Gaines had verbally likewise agreed to do so.
The Chair, by unanimous consent, directed the City
Supervisor to employ labor• and purchase necessary material to
repair street (manhole) on Tenth Street, the expenditure not
to exceed ten dollars. ($10. )
The Citi- Supervisor, by direction of the Chair, by •
unanimous consent vaa..@s directed to secure bids from B.B. McCormick
to open Fifteenth Street from Mandalay westward to the Old East
Coast Right-of Way and grading same to a depth of 6 inches, 150
feet in length and 16 feet wide.
A motion was :_ado by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. How-
ell, that the name of Miss Janet Ramsdell be substituted for
Miss Mary Guess as Park Supervisor.
rage go
July 6, 193
Mr. Bazwvald, the Tax Assessor, brought up the subject of
promiscuous discharge of fireworks. Discussed with a view to pre-
peration of an ordinance regulating same.
The Town Attorney was requested to furnish the Town Clerk
with instructions relative to the disposal of personal property,
held as security in bonds before the Police Court and forfeited.
The monthly report of the City Supervisor was received,
read and approved and requested filed.
There being no further business for consideration, upon
motion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
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