J. C. Cutler,
G. L. Rosborouph,
Brooke G. White, Jr. ,
E. H. Thompson.
George H. Smith, Mayor, was out of Town.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. J. C. Cutler, Pres-
The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of Aug. 3rd,
which were approved as read.
Upon motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rosborough,
put and carried, the following bills were approved and author-
ized. paid.
Elliott W. Butts, For 2 blue prints for surveying work $ 3.00
Charles A. Walker, Clerical work for application for mu-
nicipal Bldg 25.00
Ford Shop, Work on International truck 3.65
Dickinsons, 2 grass cutters 2.00
Ocean Beaches Lumber Co. , miscellaneous material 13.40
Cohen Bros. , Furniture Polish 2.00
Florida Hardware Co. , Manure Fork, Coke fork etc 5.25
, ' The Florida Times Union, Notice Re Preliminary Tax Assess-
ment roll 31.36
Home Utilities, Inc. Lights - Town Hall. .$1.04
- Street 1.56 2.60
Clifford Payne & Garrison Co. , Add ' l. Prem. per woxkmehe
Compensation policy 26.69
Mason Lumber & Supply Co. , Lamp Black, Turpentine, etc .50
Beach dumbing & Electrical Co. , 52 ft. - 1/2 in. pipe 5.70
H. &. y+. B. Drew Co. , Docket Sheets for Police Record. 1. 90
Jax. Beach Police Dept. , For turnkey & meals, J.V.. Ramsdell 4.85
The Texas Co. , Gas and oil, $25.31, less federal refund24. 26
Shell Petroleum Corp. , Gas & Oil, $29.93, less Federal Re-
fund 28.43
Stoddard' s Neptune Garage, Spraying, Polishing motor cycle
7 times 6.25
C. C. Howell, Jr. , Collections $34.86, Attendance 1 meeting,
$5.00 39.86
J. R. Jarboe, Helping out when Ivlarshal Russell was hurt5.00
Mr. Osborne, Treasurer, presented his regular monthly financial
reports which, upon motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Thompton,
were read, Considerable discussion was had however, in reference to
the Seawall construction account, it appearing that there is not at
this time, sufficient visible funds to meet the payments on account
of interest and retirement of bonds due on October 1, 1937. Mr. Brooke
White was requested to immediately get the report of auditor James, so
that statements could be sent out at once to those who desire to make
their full payments. Mr. Osborne is to keep in touch with the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank in Atlanta in reference to the amount of funds
available to meet the obligations of October 1st.
The Clerk read a letter addressed to Mr. Adolph Rothman, in
41/ reference to filling in his Lot 2, Block, 41, and also readcor-
responcence with Mr. E. B. Walker, in reference to this matter.
The following letter was addressed to Mr. Rothman by Mr. C. C. How-
ell, Jr. , Town Attorney in reference to this
3rd September, 1937
Mr. Adolph Rothman,
700 North 63rd Street, Re depressions in North 10 ft. of Lots 1
Philadelphia, Pa. and 2, in Block 41, Atlantic Beach, Floria- -
Dear Sir:-
The Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida hereby notifies you
under Chapter 17121, Laws of Florida, 1935, that unless all de-
pressions and doles in your above described property are filled
in to the level of the abutting lots within thirty days from
date hereof, then the said Town will undertake such work, and im-
press a lien for the payment thereof upon the said property.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) C. C. Howell, Jr. ,
COZY :- Town Attorney, acting herein for
Mr. J. C. Outler, and on behalf of the Town of
President Town Council. Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Mr. C. R. Frazier,
City Supervisor.
Mr. E. B. Walker,
1633 Hubbard Street.
The Clerk read correspondence with the Airport, Manager
of the Municipal Airport, Jacksonville, in reference to the
Town' s complaint concerning air traffic violations on the part
of an unknown aviator at Atlantic Beach.
The Clerk read a letter from Chalmers Horne, in which
he requested the Town to withhold a building permit on Lots
1 and 3, in Block 1, for any construction except a fully re-
stricted residence. The letter was referred to Mr. Howell,
Chairman of the lags and rules committee for the purpose of
determining the legal requirements in this connection.
On Motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Thompson, "An
Ordinance to Amend an Ordinance, regulating the sale, etc. ,
of alcoholic beverages" was passed on Third and Final Reading.
On Motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
an Ordinance "Regulating the driving of motor vehicles in the
Town of Atlantic Beach" was passed on First reading.
Same was passed on Second reading.
A discussion was had in reference to the proposed tak-
ing over by the County, of the East Coast Drive. Mr. E. P.
Barwald was present and stated that he would confer immediate-
ly with the County Engineer, Mr. Long, in reference to this matter.
The City Supervisor was instructed to continue his work in re-
gard to this
A motion by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, was
passed setting the date for discontinuing the roping off of
the Beach for the current season as of October 1, 1937.
On motion by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, unan-
imously passed, the position )f Recreation Supervisor, was or-
dered discontinued as of September 15th. The Clerk was instruct-
ed to advise the sponsors for the library, that the Town would not
be in a position to assume responsibility for the library work,
that Town officials would not have time to attend to it and sug-
gesting that the library be conducted by volunteer custodians.
On motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, put
and carried, the City Supervisor was instructedto keep a crew of
four laborers on street, garbage, and clean-up work during the ,
month of September.
Sept . 7, 1937
Page - 2 -
On motion of Mr. hosborough, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put
and carried, an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting the
Operation of slot machines in the Town of Atlantic Beach" was pas-
sed on first reading.
Same was passed on second reading.
Ivr. W. H. Adams, Jr. , raised the question of licensing
persons who are furnishing water to other residents from their
own private wells. This matter was referred to the Town At-
torney, Mr. Adams having been requested to furnish a statement
relative to the matter, which statement is to contain all of the
facts complained of, a list of those who are furnishing water in
this way, which statement is to be supported bj an affidavit .
There being no further business for consideratio , up.
motion, put, seconded and carried, the meeting - - �• , i1; 4 .
•or : /
i'k .SID Al
Attest :-
I - ow C er .
J. C. Outler,
G. L. Rosborough,
Brooke G. White, Jr. ,
E. H. Thompson.
Geo. H. Smith, Mayor, was absent.
The meeting was called to order by l.:r. brookeG. White
whom the president had requested take the Chaim.
Upon motion of Yr. Outler, seconded by I+Ir. Rosborough,
put and carried, it was voted to reduce the assessment on the
house of Col. G. A. Youngberg, to 0.,000. , he having set forth
in writing that same was too high and not in conformity with other
assessments and after due investigation and discussion, it having
been ascertained that his contention was correct.
Upon request of Mr. 1 . H. Adams, that his assessment,
which had been increased 70 per cent, be reduced to a 50% in-
crease, and after due investigation and discussion, this re-
quest being considered fair and equitable, a notion was made by
Mr. Cutler, seconded by kr. Thompson, - ut and carried, that the
assessment on the hotel and grounds be placed. at ; 125,000.
A motion was made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. ':hhite,
put and carried that an Ordinance to approve and adopt the Tax
Assessment Roll for the year 1937, and to determine and fix the
rate of Taxation and make the an,.ual tax levy of the year 1937, be
pas: ed on first reading.
A motion was made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. White,
put and carried that an Ordinance to approve and adopt the Tax
Assessment Roll for the year 1937, and to determine and fix the
rate of taxation and make the annual tax levy of the year 1937
be passed on second reading.
There being no further business for consideration, upon
motion, put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
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