11-02-37 v hEGULAh MEETING OF THE TOC N COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD TURSDAY NOV. 2nd, 1937, AT 8 O' CLOCK, P. H. AT THE TOWN HALL. PhESENT:- J. C. Outler, C. C. Howell, E. H. Thompson, Brooke G. White, Jr. , G. L. Rosborough. C. C. Howell, Jr. , Atty, also was present. Mayor Geo. H. Smith, was out of town. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 5th, were read and approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, the following bills were approved and authorized paid:- Clifford Payne & Garrison Co. , $2000. bond, E. J. Candee, $ 20.00 Clifford Payne & Garrison Co. , Public Liability & Prop. Damage. Pontiac Coach for Marshal 45.00 Geo. R. Pearson Co. , Tax Forms 7.90 H. &. W. L. Drew Co. , Plain Index Cards .60 Quinn R. Barton, Work on Truck 12. 43 Mason Lumber & Supply Co. , Survey Monuments (Material used) 2.60 Pascoe' s Garage, V.ork on truck (wrecker) 5.00 Harley-Davidson Sales Co. , Inc. , Work on Motor Cycle 3.00 Carter' s Grocery, Stove pipe for moulds for surveying work1.80 Beach Plumbing & Electrical Co. , pipe used in surveying " 11.56 The Texas Co. , Gas & Oil, 9-21-37 to 11-2-37 19. 45 City of Jacksonville beach, Turnkey charges for prisoners, 2.00 Volunteer Fire Dept. , Neptune Beach, (Julian Mood Home, 6th) 25.00 Home Utilities Inc. , St. Light $1.56 Town Hall 1.67 3.23 • C. C . Howell, Jr. , Legal Services 13.30 el72.87 Mr. Osborne, Treas. submitted his usual monthly financial reports, which were read, approved and ordered. filed. Mr. Osborne produced blank forms furnished him by the Government asking for a detailed financial report of the Town. It appearing that the Town is not in default in its obligations to the Government, upon motion of Mr. Vlhite, seconded by Mr. Howell, the blank forms were received as information and ordered filed . The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Frank D. Bisbee, complain- ing regarding his assessment and a reply to this letter was read which was approved. The Clerk read a letter from Col. V:. G. Lockwood, concern- ing the assessment on his property and a letter in reply thereto, which was approved. The Clerk read letters signed by the City Supervisor ad- dressed to the Jacksonville Light Department and to the Home Utilities in reference to moving light poles that are on points where permanent Monuments are to be set. The Home Utilities having replied favorably but no response having been had from the Jacksonville Light Department, the City Supervisor was direct- ed to follow up the matter with Jacksonville and to say that the . Council has instructed him to complete the move. The Clerk read a letter signed by the City Supervisor in reference to the status of the Park ,ownership and the mortgage thereon held by the Gulf Life Ins. Co. On motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, the Clerk was directed to draw a warrant in favor of the Gulf Life Insurance Co. , for $319. 50, ($300. to ap- ply on principal and $19.50, to paj interest now due. ) 1 41 Xi The Clerk read a letter signed by Mr. G. H. Van de Velde , making complaint as to the assessment on his property. The Clerk was instructed to reply that it is now too late to make adjustment , in as much as the Equalization Board has already met and finally adopted the roll for this year. The Clerk read a letter signed by Martha P. Wilcox, Chair- man of the Civic Committee of the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle , in which it was requested that the Garden Circle be riven permission t,o beautify street ends. The City Supervisor stated that he is now in the process of clearing, leveling and cleaning all street ends and that they will be ready to be turned over to the Garden Circle within the next two weeks . On motion of Mr. Howell, second- ed bylar. White , the Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Gar- den ircle extending to them the privileges asked and thanking them for their interest in the matter. The Chair remarked on the matter and stated that the co-operation of the City Supervisor would prob- ably be asked. On motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr . Rosborough, an Ordinance t- Amend an Ordinance fixing License Fees to be Paid by Persons , firms and Corporations to engage in certain business in the Town of Atlantic Beach, was passed on First Reading. Same was passed on second reading. Mr. Howell moved that an Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Making Cert in Rebates to Owners of Property Specially Assessed for the Construction of the Atlantic Beach Seawall" be passed on First Reading. Mr White seconded the motion, which was passed. Same was passed on Second Reading. Mr. Thompson reported on the matter of a request from residents of the Negro Settlement and E. H. Donner, owner of proerty therein, for a road into that section and the effort to obtain assistance from the Cornty. It appearing that there is i insufficient width to the road offered , Mr . Thompson moved, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rosborough, that matter be re- ferred back to Yr. Donner because of this reason. So ordered. A letter was read from the City Supervisor in reference to the proposal of Mr. I. R. Wellington to make a further survey in reference t:. encroachments in the Town of Atlantic Beach for the purpose of forming a basis for proper action to have relief from such encroachments . The City Supervisor was instructed to proceed with the work. On motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, an ordinance Providing for the Elimination of ,,Tui— sances on property in Atlantic Beach", was passed on Third and Final Reading. Mr. Howell moved the following resolution be adopted, which motion was seconded by Mr. White , and unanimously passed . BF IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR ANL TOWN COUNCIL OF AT- LANTIC BEACH, that :- A resoluti n entitled "A resolution Approving and Ad- opting the Preliminary Special Assessment Roll of Real estate Abutting the Seawall within the Corporate limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and Providing for the Publication and Final Confirmation thereof", passed by the Town C:ountil at the Regular meeting of October 5th, 1937, be and the same is hereby recinded. The City Supervisor retortedthat no action had been taken by the County Commissioers in feference to the proposed adoption of a substitute route through the Town for the East Coast Drive . The account of B. E. James , auditor, was passed to the ne III next meeting. Mr. Rosborough moved that the marshal's salary be placed at P125.00 per month and d„.5.00 per month allowance for gas and oil until further notice . November 2, 1037. On motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Yr. '.':'bite, put and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION ,HEREAS , the comm, ngled and concerted growth of weeds, grasses and underbrush upon the following lots ; in the Town of Atlantic Beach , Fla. , to wit : All vacant property comprising that portion of the Old East Coast Right of '':ay extending from Atlantic Boulevard to 7th Street, Lots 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11, Block 33, Lot 1, Block 10, Lot 1, Block 2, Los 2, Block 4, Lot 20, Flock 9, Lot 2, Block 11, Lots 1 and 2, Block 12, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 29, Lots 4 and 6, Block 31, amounts to and consti- tutes a nuisance endangering the general health, safety and welfare of the community at large ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVFI: BY TLE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, That it hereby de- clares the condition on said lots a nuisance endangering the general health, safety and welfare of the community a large , an re- commends to the Mayor that he proceed in the manner provided by law to correct and abate said nuisance . The City Supervisor was instructed to prepare a list of delinquent taxes and to report to the President as soon as possible so that a meeting may be called to consider action to be taken in reference thereto. There being no further business - meeting ad- journed. Correct :- President. orrect :-President. Attest :- ' I cim C E Cle k. • • 4101 WHEREAS A resolution was parsed by the Town Council, of Atlantic Leach at its regular monthly meeting held at the Town Hall in Atlantic Leach on October 5, 1937, providing for a news- paper advertisement giving notice to abutting property owners of their corrected seawall construction assessement account, as shown by an audit submitted by Special Auditor b. E. James, setting the amounts to be assessed against them in accordance with this report, and, 4410 li;hereas, it has been found from the records that a previous council had complied with the requirements of law by giving notice of publication cf individual assessments against abutting property owners and subsequently making publication as is required by 4 Law, by a resolution adopted May 23, 1931, and subsequently holding a Special Meeting of the Town Council on June 18, 1R31, 1934 to hear complaints of all concerned and to make adjustments in said assessments, and did on that date make adjustments in accordance with law, and WHEREAS, by the terms of the Act of the Lepiilature of 1933, Chapter 16311, Number 86, such changes and alterations in assessments are permitted so long as they are not prejudicial to the tax-payer, and there having been no changes in said asssessments which do re-act against the property owner and tax-payer but on the other hand materially reduce such assessments, THEREFURE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Town Council of Atlantic Beach that the Resolution passed. October 5, 1937, calling for a re-advertisement of said assessments and giving notice of another meeting for the purpose of considering adjustments, be , and the same is hereby recinded and ordered stricken from the records.