James D. Palmer,
Geo. B. Stallings,
E. H. Thompson.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. J-s .D._ Pal n.er,
acting chairman in the absence of Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , Pres-
Upon motion put, seconded and carried, the reading of the
minutes of January 16th, was waived.
Upon motion of Li . Thampsogseconded bj Mr. Stallings, put
and carried, the following bills were approved and ordered paid:-
H. B. McDaniel, work on truck r - - - -? 15.25
Dekle Lumber & Supply Co., material for Park beautifi.Proj . 1.34
Ocean Beach Hotel Co., Balance & current 10.12
Robert E. Sugg, Gas w Oil -• 26.06
quinn R. Barton, Inc. Truck chassis 150.00
Kr. Palmer reported that he had obtained an extention
of time from Mr. W. H. Adams, Sr. , in connection with his agree-
ment concerning option to purchase his waterworks system b;, the Town ,
for a sum not to exceed ?10,000.00; which option expired January 1,
1936. Mr. Adams agreed to extend the time to March 31, 1936.
Thereupon, a notion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by
Mr. Stallings, put and carried that the Clerk write a letterto Mr.
Adams, expressing appreciation of this courtesy.
A letter from the Atlantic Beach Committee on City Planning,
was read by the Clerk, in which it eas called to the attention of
the Council, that they had practically completed their work but
that it was felt the typing of same could not be undertaken by the
Committee or any -of it' s -members. It -was stated -that it was not thought
the cost of this would exceed ?10.00.
Thereupon, on notion of K: .Tho::npso;, seconded by Mr. Stallings,
put and carried, the City Planning -Board was authorized to have this
typing done at a cost not to exceed ?10.00.
Upon motion of Mr. Stallings, seconded by lr.Thompso4, 1ut and
carried, it was voted that the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Or-
dinance be passed on the second and third reading.
A motion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Stallings,
put and carried, that the former resolution of occupancy and acceptance
of seawall, .adopted at the meeting of Town Council, Jany. 16th, be re-
considered; THEREUPON:-
Upon motion of lir. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Stallings, the
following resolution was put to vote and was unanimously adopted.
'-'IHEREAS, Mills and Youngberg, Engineers for the Town on
the project for the construction of a seawall and ramps with ap-
purtenant structures, designated as Public Works Administration
Docket No.962, have reported that the North American Construction
Company, the Contractor for the work, has completed the same in
full accordance with the terms and provisions of the contract n,. ,
11. the aipurtenant drawings, plans and specifications and/or duly
authorized deviations substitutions alterations, and /or additions,
all of which have been authenticated or conditionally approved by
the State Engineer or other duly authorized agent of the Federal
Emergency Administra tion of Public ';.'orks; and
1HEREAS, the Contractor has furnished evidence which is
satisfactory to the Town that he has paid, or will pay, for all
materials, labor and other obligations incurred by him in the con-
duct of his work; and110
WHEREAS, the Contractor, acting under instructions from
the representtltives of the Public Works Administration, has sub-
mitte.. his final statement of account; and
WHEREAS, we are informedthat the District Project Auditor
of the Public Works Administration has made his final audit
and has submitted his report thereon to the principal Public 11orks
Administration authorities in Washington; and
WHEREAS, the loan agreement and the regulations of the
Public Works Administration require that the Town shall furnish
the_ Engineer-Inspector with a certificate of occupancy to show
that the project has been satisfactorily completed and accepted;
NUL, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of
Atlantic Beach do and it hereby does declare and certify that
the project has been satisfactorily completed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council of. Atlan-
tic Beach do and it hereby does accept the project; and110
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution
be transmitted to the District Project Auditor, the State Engi-
neer, the State Engineer-Inspector and the Resident Engineer-
Inspector, all of the Public Works Administration.
Mr. Osborne, Treas. submitted his usual financial report,
which was ordered filed and a certified statement of bank balance
which is in works and figures as follows: -
At close of business Jany 31st 1936 -
M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, $ . 927.11
Town of Atlantic Beach, )
Special Ass. Int. Acct.) 1,927.96
Town of Atlantic Beach )
Construction Account ) 14, 214.81
Town of Atlantic Beach, )
Ad Valorem Int . Acct. ) 258.78
There being no further business for consideration, upon 110
motion, put, seconded and carried, the meeting aduourned.
Attest :-
Torn C • rk.