03-02-36 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TGF: N COUNCIL OF ATLALlIC BEACH, HELD MARCH 2, 1936, AT EIGHT 0+ CLOCK, P. M. AT THE TOWN HALL. PRESENT:- Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , Geo. B. Stallings, E. H. Thompson. The meeting was called to order by Er. Lawrence K. `fucker, Jr. President. The minutes of the meeting of Feby. 3rd, were read and ap- proved as read. Upon motion of Er. Thompson, seconded by I,Ir. Stallings, put and carried, the following bills were approved:- Frank G. Hoover, 2000 Printed envelopes rm 3.95 7.90 ' Clifford A. Payne Co. , Inc. , Fire & Theft 33.65 New Truck Pub. Liabil. 39.00. .pn..sic 25.00 Packard, Fla. Motors Co. , 2 Goodyear tires 27.42 2 inner tubes 5.46 32.88 Harvey Mabry for collecting x439.32 delinquent -Taxes, 1043.93 Packard, Fla. Motors Co. Amt. advanced to purchase license, transfer of `title, etc. . . (Track) . . 3.25 Harvey Mabry, Preparing Ordinance, So. Bell Tel. Co 10.00 H. B. McDaniel, Repairs - To�•rn Truclr 3.75 La;=rrence K. Tucker, Jr. .Telephone- calls - Long distance3.00 Robert E. Sugg, Gas & Oil, Feby. 17 to Ech 2 23.85 roa.56 The Report of the WPA Park Project, sponsered by the Town a nd the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle, was read, and upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, it was voted that this report be accepted as read and be filed for record. Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Stallinrr., put and carried , an amendment to Building permit, whereby no fee should be charged for repairs under x300.00, was passed on first reading. Upon motion of Er. Thompson, seconded by Er. Stallings, put and carried, a slot machine Ordinance, was passed on 1st read- ing. Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Er. Stallings, put and carried, a Liquor Ordinance was passed on 1st reading. The question of posts being placed in front of the sea- wall having come up for discussion and there being controversy as to the number which would furnish adequate protection for each front foot, the Chair appointed a committee, composed of Messrs. Thompson, Wilcox and. Smith to look into the matter and make re- commendation. The Chair appointed Mr. Stallings Chairman of a Committee, to be chosen by himself, to investigate watemiorks situation and report on sane to Council. Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Mills and Youngberg, Engineers for the Town on the project for the construction of a seawall and ramps, with appurtenant structures, designated as Public ';forks Administration Docket No.962, have reported that the North American Construction Company, the Contractor for the work, has completed the sane in full a ccorda nce with the terms and provisions of the contract of January 24, 1935, and the anpurtenent drawings, plans and specifications, and /or duly s^atthdrized deviations, substitutions, alterations, and/or additions, all of which have been authenticated or conditionally approved by the State Engineer or other duly authorized agent of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works; and I WHEhEAS, the Town Council has directed the Treasurer to pay to the Contractor the net balance remaining due; and WHEREAS, it thus appears that the engineers have com- pleted their work under the contract entered into with them for engineering services on the project cited: no'; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of Atlantic Beach do, and it hereby does, direct the Treasurer of the Town to pay to the firm of Rills and Youngberg, the sun of {l,460.76, being the balance of their fee remaining in ac- ' cordance with statement of account furnished by the said engi- neers. Lir. Osborne, Treas. submitted his usual monthly Financial Statement which was ordered filed and a certified -balance, signed by J. L. Dart, Comptroller, on the four different accounts stat ing that on 'Feby 29th, 1936, the balance on each was as follows:- Construction account ';14, 718.94 Town of Atlantic Beach, ) Ad Valorem Int A/C ) . .., 258.78 M. V. Osborne; Treas. A/C 1,452,06 Town 'of 'Atlantic Beach, ' Special Assessment Int. A/C 2.849.09 'These, certifieC statements above listed, as well as the fi- nantial report, are on file, in the Town Records. • ' There being no further business for consideration, upon • motion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned . Correct:- . t iilovii /c / 4„......6#1, President ' Attest:- f antcl e dil , III ( Y di