APRIL 20, 1936, A'I' 8 O ' CLOCK, P . 1J. AT THE TO'V;T HALL.
Lawrence K. Tucker,
E. H. Thompson,
Jas. D. Palmer.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K.
Tucker, Jr. President.
The minutes of the meeting of Earch 2nd, were read
and approved as read.
U on motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
put and carried, the following bills wer .. approved and ordered
paid: -
Clifford A. Payne Co. , Inc. Fire & Theft. .$33.65
Pub. Liabil. 39.00 $72.65
Paid on a/c 25.00 Bal. 47.65
Clifford A. Payne Co. , Inc. Ins. on Bldg. & Fur. & Fixt . ;ext Mo.
S. B. Hubbard Co. , Garden Hose & Sprinklers. . . . . 24.00
Cohen Brothers, Office supplies . 1.25
H. & 1'I. Dred Co. , Office supplies 16.09
Harvey Mabry, Preparing Ord. Slot Machine $7.50
" Liquor 7.50 15.00
Harvey Mabry, Commission of .:130.90, Taxes collected 13.00
S. B. Hubbard Co., Hoe & Pruning shears 1.35
Ellis-Curtis & Kooker, Map of Atlantic Beach 5.00
Ocean Beach Hotel Co. hater for Park, Cut in Feby.11, 1936,
Balance of year 13.13
Ocean Beach Hotel Co. , Lights & water, Town Hall 17.58
H. B. McDaniel, Repair, Town Trucks 8.05
James E. David, Gas & Oil 3/17/36 to 3/31/36 (Two trucks) 20. 25
George H. Smith, ; Typing & reproducing Town Planning. . 9.60
A motion :as made by Ir. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
ut and carried, that Sec. 3, of the Building Ordinance be amend-
ed to read as follows:-
"All buildings repaired in said Town of Atlantic Beach,
which said repairs do not exceed the sum of Three Hundred ($300. )
Dollars, may be repaired without issuance of any permit or in-
spection by the Building inspector of the Town of Atlantic Beach."
A11 other sections and wording of said Ordinance shall re-
main and be in force and effect as originally passed."
A motion was made by -Mr. Thompsoh, seconded by Hr. Pal-
mer, put and carried, that the appointment of J. L. Russell, as
marshal, which was ms-' ; by Mayor Sugg, be confirmed and that he
be hired from month to month, at a salary of $100.00.
Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Palmer, put
and carried, the appointment of Col. Stolbrand as Building, li-
cense and plumbing inspector, bras confirmed.
Upon motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, it war voted that the Town' s Atty. Mr. Mabry,
be instructed to write the Government concerning cancellation
of Town' s bonds, Michhave been paid or were to be cancelled,
in accordance with government agreement.
• The Clerk read a cope of a resolution passed by the
City Council of Jacksonville Beach, at a meeting held March 24,
1936, to the effect that said Council recommends that the City
Commission take the necessary action in co-operating with the
Towns of 'ieptune and Atlantic Beach, in providing adequate Beach.
transportation by upholding the Acts of the 1935 Legislature,
Chapter 17531 & 17515.
Whereupon, the Chair instructed the Clerk to write Mr. Carl
Smith, Town Clerk of Jacksonville Beach, that this matter is in the
hands of the Attorney for the Town of Atlantic Beach, a nd that he
is doing everything pos, ible to press the Beach interests.
A letter having been ,received from Mr. Harcourt Bull, re-
questing that the plat of Selva Marino be vacated by resolution of
the Town Council, and the matter having been investigated by said
members, the following resolution was presented by Mr. Palmer,
seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, , that:-
. WHREAS, a Petition, dated April 6, 1936, has been pre-
sented by Atlantic Beach Holding Company, the owner of a tract of
land containing about fifty acres a nd known as Selva Marina, pray-
ing that the plat of same be vacatedby the Town Council of the Town
of Atlantic Beach, and
WHEREAS it appears that this tract of land has always
been assessed and taxed by the Town of Atlantic Beach as
acreage property and that no part of same has ever been im-
provec-, or sold, but that a portion of the same on the east
and a portion of the. same. on the north,. have been deeded by
the owners to. Duval County. for park purposes, thereby reducing
the acreage and the number of lots originally shown on the plat,
WHEREAS all Town taxes on said lands up to and includ-
ing the year 1935 have been paid.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the plat of Selva
Iriarina, same having been recorded in Plat Book 12, page 64,
of the Public Records of Duval County on July 29, 1926, be
and the same is hereby vacated.
The report submitted by the City Planning board was much appre-
ciated and upon motion of 1,r.. Palmer, seconded by IIr. Thompson put
and carried, the Clerk was instructed to write the members that the
Council requested that they submit from time to time, certain recom-
mendations incorporated in the report which they considered ripe for
carrying out now. Also that they endeavor to be present at the next
Council Meeting and make suggestions as to what should be carried
out first .
The Treasurer, Mr. Osborne, made his usual monthly report
which was ordered filed,and a certified statement of bank balance which
is in words and figures as follows:-
Town of Atlantic Beach, Construction Account 2,440.93
Town of Atlantic Beach, Ad Valorem Int. " 258.78
Town of Atlantic Beach, Special Ass. Int. Acct 4,360.18
M. V. Osborne, Treasurer 1, 627.80
Above certified to April 2, 1936, by J. L. Dart, Comptroller.
There being no further business for consideration, upon motion,
put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
X4414 .Cji /C W
Attest :-
r '
i'own Clerk.