06-01-36 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOi N COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD JULIE 1, 1936, AT 8 O ' CLOCK, P. M. , A THE TO'..TI HALL . • PRESENT:- Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. ,' George B. Stallings, E. F. Thompson, James D. Palmer The meeting was called to order b; Hr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , President . The minutes . of the meeting of May 4th were read and approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. "2homps on, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, the following bills were approved and ordered paid: V. E . Stollbrand - Expenses $4.55 J. L. Darke , Surveying on Beach Avenue 7.50 American iced Uro ss Volunteer Life saving Corps - Donation for supi'lies and equipment 100.00 Bisbee-Baldwin Corp. - Pub. Liability and Property Damage Ford Truck . . 46.00 S. B . Hubbard Co. , - Sprinkler Pots - $2. 20 Cartridges - 2.30 4.50 Clifford A. Payne Co. Inc. , - Premium on Bldg. •F. . F. $54.29 Paid on account 25.00 29.29 Cohen Brothers - Office Supl,lies 2.20 Government Surplus Goods Co., Equipment for Marshal Mason•Lumber a Supply Co., Supplies for P.W.A. Workers • and one drawing board. 9.46 • Harvey Mabry - 105 Com. o_-1 $359.86 Delinquent Ta,:^s Co11.35.99 • Florida • ±nes Union - "Mice re Clean-Up Week. 1.50 Ocean Beach Hotel Co., - Printing Permits & Summons 37.50 Pettibone Bros. Mfg. Co. , Equipment for Marshal 6.27 Petroleum Corp. , Gas Lc Oil 5/2 to 5/27 76.45 : 365.61 A motion was made by M... Falmer, seconded by :..r. Stallings , put and carried, that $200.00 be transferred from the $400.00 fund appropriated for Lot cleaning, to the street depart- ment, as it was stated that $200.00 would Le sufficient fm , clean- ing up certain lots which would be chosen and designated on a map by a cross mark. A letter from Mrs. C. P. '..'ilcox, Chairman Playground Committee, Atlantic each Garden Circle, was read in which she stated that the planting in the park had been completed but that the tennis courts in which all .:ere specially interested bad not yet been started and asking for a contribution for this project. Thereupon a motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded b,; Mr. Thompson, put and carried that $75.00 be donated to the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle, same to apply on material for the tennis court. A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Ahompson, put and carried that Col. Stoibrand be authorized to have lettered and set up, thirty-three street signs at a cost of approximately $100.0(). A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, that Col. Stoibrand_ be authorized to have speed limit signs rade, same not to cost in excess of $25.00. That he confer with Mr. George H. Smith regarding this matter, as IIr. Smith advised that he had Imowledge which would facilitate obtaining the work at' a 'specially low figure . Mr. Arthur Pratt, of the Life Savings Corps, was present and made a plea that the Town contribute 5100 .00 to assist the corps in obtaining much needed equipment, the other beaches having contributed proportionate amounts to this cause. Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, that the Clerk draw warrant in 'favor of American Red Cross Life Saving Corps for this amount. The Chair instructed Mr. Mabry, Town' s Attorney, to get in touch with the Government and, get a final allotment made and ' get interest cancelled as to unused bends. An ordinance establishing a safety zone and park and prohibiting vehicles from parking in or being driven through such safety zone and parkw.s ili ssed on the third and final reading by a majority vote of the Council. Mr. Stallings reported that no proposals for waterworks, (other than the one already submitted by Mr. ichheimer) had been recieved; thereupon a motion was put, seconded and. carried that • action on this question'be deferred until the.next meeting. • A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thompson, • put- and- carried that the plumbing and electric licenses, starting June 1st, be raised. to ?25.00 each instead of X5.00, the former • fee: Mr; Osborne, Treasurer, submitted his usual financial statement 'which was ordered fildd and'certified ' copies of bank balances for the different accounts, which are in words and figures • as follows: - Town of Atlantic Beach, : eawall Construction Account $2,440.93 Town of Atlantic -Beach, Special Assessment Int.Accou :!: 4, 419.52 • Town of Atlantic Beach, Ad Valorem Int . Account 258.78 • M % V. Osborne, Treasurer Account 1,635.29 There being no further business for consideration, upon • motion put, seconded and carried, the i eetirig adjourned. Correct: - /C • • President. Attest:- G e rk. 1111