JULY 6th, 1936, AT 8 O ' CLOCK P . M., at THE TOlN HAIL
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. ,
George B. Stallings
J. E. Bradfield
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K.
Tucker, Jr., President .
Upon motion put, seconded and carried, the reading of
the minutes of the Special Meeting of June 15th was waived.
Upon motion of Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
put and carried, the follow -_- bills were ordered paid:-
Harvey Mabry 10;: Com. on e183.31 . . $18.33
Harvey Mabry - Safety Zone Ordinance - 1; 10.00
Amending Electric " - 5.00
Amending Plumbing " - 5.00 , . 20.00
Beach Plumbing & Electrical Co. - Labor on Manholes
10th St. , lashlight . . . 4.50
H. & W. B. Drew Co. - Office Supplies 8.25
H. B. McDaniel - Repairs on truck 21.50
The S. E. Hubbard Co. , - Implements 26.00
Jax. Fishermen' s Supply Co., - Rope 53 lbs. (23 23 12.19
Clifford A. Payne Co. Inc., Fire & Theft - Motorcycle
Liability & Prop. Dam.
L:otorcycle 39.53
Mason Lumber & Supply Co., . 7.50
Ocean Beach Hotel Co. - Lights - May $2.54
June 2.54
tater - May 1.25
June 1.25 7.58
A. DeLandry - 7 signs reach Closed at X2.00 per 14.00
Ocean Beach Hotel Co. , Pole for Life Guards etc 20.30
V. E. Stolbrand - Expense Account 5.04
Harley-Davidson Sales Co. , 131.15 '
Shell Petroleum Corp. - Gas & Oil 5/30 to 6/24 124.15
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by IEIr.
Stallings, put and carried that it be
RECO LVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic
Beach, Florida, that every candidate for the office of Mayor or
for membership on the Town Council to be elected at an election
o be held on the 11th day of August, A. D. 1926, desiring his
name to be printed on the official ballot, shall notify the
Town Clerk, in -.writing, on or before the 1st day of August,
A. D. 1936, at six o' clock, P . LI. , and each candidate for Mayor
filing such notice shall he required to pay a fee of Ten Dollars
010.00) and each candidate for member of the Town Council, a fee
of Five Dollars (35.00) at the time of filing said notice.
RESOLVED FURIEER, that the Town Clerk shall have pre-
pared for said election, a printed ballot with the names of the
candidates compl;;ing with the terms of this :resolution and there
shall be printed under each office to bevoted for in this elec-
tion blank lines equal i n ber tp the names of the persons
who may be elected to fill at oice.
Page No. 2.
The form of ballot to be used at said election shall be
in substantially the following form:-
Election August 11th, 1936.
:iahe cross Marl (X) before the name of your choice.
Vote for one.
For Mayor
Vote for Five.
• For Town ouncil
• .
RESOLVED FURT ITEl , that the Mayor shall appoint three
Inspectors -to hold said election whichshall be held and conducted
• as 'nearly as maybe the same as State Elections and it shall be
• the 'dlItyof the Inspectors to Certify the result of said election
to the Town Coinci 1, which shall meet at 8 o'clock P . M., on the
said August 11th, 1936, to receive the ,,turns of said election
and declare the results thereof.
' RESOLVED FJRTHM, that the person receiving the highest
' vote 'fori Mayor shall be declared elected and the five persons re-
' ceiving "the highest VOte for Town Council shall be declared elected
' for •the ensuing te,rM.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that this Resolution s' all be posted
' at the Town Fall and also published in a newspaper published in
Duval County, Florida, on or before the 24th day of July, A. D. ,
Approved this 6th day of July, A. D. 1936.
(Signed) ROBE;T E. SUGG,
(Signed) Lawrence H. Tucker, Jr. ,
President Town Council. •
(Signed) E. J. candee,
Town Clerk.
Col. Stolbrand read some recommendations which he had
prepared, in reference to certain improvements that could be made
in the Town upon conclusion of which a motion was made by Mr.
Pare ITo. 3. 7/6/36
Stallings, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put and carried that these
be referred to the Planning Committee for report and recommenda-
tion at the next meeting.
A motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr.
Lradfield, put and carriedthat the Ordinance increasing the
Electrical fee to 25.00 be pa ssd on the 3rd and final reading.
A not ion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Hr.
Bradfield, put and carried that the Ordinance increasing the
• Plumbing fee to $25.00 be passed on the 3rd and final reading.
Col. Youngberg, being present, gave a comprehensive
discourse on the placing of posts in front of the seawall, the
advantages, estimated cost, etc. After quite some expression
pro and con from those present in regard to the matter a notion
was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, j t and
carried, that this natter be given more time for consic oration.
The Marshal made his report of polices proceedings which
upon motion of Mr. S :.ailings, seconded by Hr. Bradfield, put and
carried, were accepted a s read and ordered placed on file.
A motion was made by !Ir. Bradfield, seconded by Yr.
Stallings , put and carried that the Zoning Ordinance be passed
by title only on the first reading, at this meeting.
Me Treasurer, Mr. Osborne, presented his usual finan-
cial statelaent which was ordered filed and certified copies of
the different accounts balances wIlich are in words and fiires
as folio-Is:
M. B. Osborne, Treasurer Account 810.44
Town of Atlantic Beach, Fine and Borfeitu_lre Fund91.25
Town of Atlantic Beach, Ad Valorem Inc. Account 250.78
Town of Atlantic Beach, Construction Account 2,440.93
Town of Atlantic Beach, Special Ass. Int . Account4,671.11
There being no further business for consideration,
upon motion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
C erect:-
President .