08-03-36 v i.JGULA': MEETING OF THE TOI' N COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. , HELD AUGUST 3rd, 1936, A'l 8 O ' CLOCK, I . M. Al' THE i'U'.i. HALL. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. E. E. Thompson, J. IT. Bradfield, Geo. B. Stallings, Jas. D. Palmer. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , President. The reading of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 6th, and. the Special Meeting of Jul-;; 27th, upon .motion seconded, put and carried, wa: waived . Upon motion of Yr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put put and carried, the following bills were approved andauthor- ized paid:- Quinn R. Barton, Inc. Work on truck r 15.64 Clifford A. Payne Co. ,, Inc. v orkmens Compensation 53.00 ' Harley, Davidson Sales Co. , . . .Case oil p transportation6.40 Florida Times Union, Notice General Election 20.16 Ocean Beach TTotel Co. , Lights . . . ..2.54 Mater 1.25. . 3.79 H. B. McDaniel, Viork on Town truck 14.97 Gov. Surplus Goods Co. , Lawn mower 7.75 Eppinger Russell Co. , Lumber for Signs 44, Pd. on a/c 20.44 Beach Lumber c.: Supply Co. " " " 7.49 Mason Lumber Co. , Lumber for street markers 10.92 Quinn R. Barton, Balance on truck, ' 120. P Int. Pa: 25 In. 25.88 Harvey Mabry, Legal services connection with Posts30.00 216.4-4 Upon motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded Mr. Stallings, put and carried, the bill of Robt . R. I;ilam, amounting to "'61.35 for . costs expended with respect to the .ordinance control measure on the beach, was approved. The Clark read the resignation of Col. V. E. Stoibrand as Inspector of Buildings, Plumbing, and Electricity, as melt. .of other duties and responsibilities, to take effect as of the lith of August, 1933. Upon conclusion of said reading, a notion was made b, i:,radfi eld seconded by Mr. Thompson, mut and carried that his resignation be accepted. Thereupon a notion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Palmer, put and carried, that the Clerk be instructed to write Col Stolbrand, expressing sincere appreciation of his ser- vices during his term of office. • The Clerk read a letter from Mr. C. R. Frazier, aslrin.r . that. his license fee be reduced from 10.00 to $5.00 in con- _ formity with others, owing to the fact that he did not now sell . gas and oil a nd had not done so since some time before license became due. Thereupon a motion was made by IIr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put and carried that the license fee of Mr. Frazier, be reduced to `-135.00 to conform with others of like nature. The question having again come up as to going forward with, or withdrawing application to PMA for concrete posts to be installed on the beach in connection with the seawall, and 1110 a general discussion of sane having taken place, a motion was ,made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Bradfield put and carried, , that said application be withdrawn. A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield seconded. by Mr. Pal- mer, put and carried that the bill of X73.50, presented by Col. Gilbert A. Youngberg, for professional se- vices in connection with the ap- plication to P?'TA for a loan and grant to cover ,costs of fabricating and installing permanent traffic control posts, be approved. The Clerk read a letter from Er. C. P. -\iilcox, Chairman, Sub-Committee of Planning Board on VIPA Projects, in regsrd to work now in progress and recommending that certain work being done at present, be deferred until street ends to ocean are improved. and, other specified work done. Unon completion of reading of Mr. Wilcox letter, the Chair referred the matters therein contained to the Chairman Pub. Works Committee. Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, a permit revokable at the pleasure of the Town Council, was granted Col Gilbert A. Youngberg to remove weeds, grade sandy cut muck, and grass .from that part of 13th St. lying between seawall on the east and Beach Ave. on the ..rest. It was made clear there is no intent or purpose to prevent the use of the street by the public desiring to go to and from the beach, but it is proposed to place a few posts on the property line so that motor trucks and other vehicles will not be able to use the street. As a Natter of fact, there is no occasion Or excuse for the use of the street far vehicular purposes. The Clerk brought up the question which had been called to her attention in reference to "The Jacksonian" , a pictorial advertising magazine, the issue being as to the advisability of ordering a certain ,number of copies and if such should be .the case, how many. No action was taken. The Clerk .read a letter from Good Hope Water Co. , pro- testing against a fee of10.00 being charged them when other .water companies operating at the beach were only charged 45.00. Thereupon a motion was made, seconded put and carried, that the Good Hope Co: , be charged X5.00 the same as other companies -of a like nature. . Col. Gilbert A. Youngberg, read a a report on Grouting of -Defective Joints Between Panels in Cutoff Wall, said report .being dated July 31st, 1936. This report was unanimously ap- -proved. A motion was made by LIr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Brad- field, put and carried, that the _speed signs be changed from 25 miles to 15 miles per hr. on the beach and that on Beach Ave. four or more signs, if necessary, be erected, each to read 15 miles per hour. Hr. Pelot being present pointed out that there was a de- fect in the Zoning Ordinance as regarded Lots 7 and 8, Blk. 36. ";hereupon a motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Stal- lings, put and carried, that Mr. Llabry, City Atty. be instructed to take care of this matter of fractional Lots 7 and 8, and cor- rect the statement in the Zoning Ordinance affecting them. Mr. Osborne, Treas. made his usual financial report, which was ordered filed, and submitted certified statements as to bank balances in the different accounts, which were in =words and figures as follows:- July 31, Town of Atlantic Beach, F. & F. Fund . 77.57 " 31, " 11 " " Special Ass.+t . Int. Account 4759.66 " 31, " " " " Ad Valorem Int. Account . . . . 258.78 " 31, " " " " Construction Account 2440.93 31, " M. V. Osborne, Treas 734.90 • There being no further business for consideration,. the meeting adjourned. "'Co recta i President . Attest:- ri4 Cler 74* r J✓ - c8,,,Q.dts2.01_ "-6Lst._@.tin • GILBERT A.YOUNGBERG COLONEL ENGINEERS I U.S ARMY.RET, CONSULTING ENGINEER JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA POST OFFICE BOX 36 August 3, 193 ; 411 The Honorable Town Council Atlantic Beach, Florida Subject: Beutification of East End of 13th Street. Gentlemen: A -oermit, revokable at the pleasure of the Torn Council, is requested by the undersigned to beautify that part of 13th Street lying between the seawall on the east and Beach Avenue on the west. The purpose is to remove the weeds, to grade the sandy cut , to place some muck on the surface of the sand and plant same to grass and other vegetation suited to the site. There is no intent or purpose to prevent the use of the street by the public desiring to go to and from the beach, out it is proposed to niece a few ^osts on the property line so that motor trucks and other ilk vehicles rill not be able to use the street. As a matter of fact , there is no occasion or excuse for the use of the street for vehicular purposes. Very truly yours, 4 Gi?bert ' . Ynua=oer:( • G. Y/'n. 'TAO( Le.11Unl r- 1,11-qa,t,Tykt. — , • Excerpts of Regular Meeting of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Flori 4a , August 3, 1936. The following members were present: Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , J. M. Bradfield, James Palmer, George Stallings and E. H. Thomp- son, all of whom voted on the resolution. Thereupon Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , made the following resolution. F E 0 LUT T 0 N 40 Whereas heretofore the Town Council at a ret-ular meeting held in the Town Hall of Atlantic Beach on the 2nd day of March A. F. 1936, did approve, ratify and execute an Oridnance No.K-1 which ordinance is styled as follows: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A LOAN AND GRANT AGRFEMFNT BEEN THF TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AND TEE U'NITT:D STATES OF AMFPICA, AND AUTHORIZING TTS EXECUTION the original of which has been forwarded to the Public Works Ad- _n.inistration of the United States Government. That on the 2nd day of March A. D. 1936, resolution was prepared, ratified and executed by the Town, covering the sane matter, excerpts of the minutes as aforesaid of which were forwarded to the Public F orks - Adrqinistration of the Jnited States Uovernment for their records , all of which pertain to a loan and additional supplementary agree- mont by the Public Works tidministration of the United states Government to the Town of atlantic Leach, for a grant of funds not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of Six Thousand Dollars , which was to finance said Town of Atlantic Beach in constructing traffic posts in front of seawall. That thereafter on April 26, 1936 I resolution No. L-1, beiri; styled A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDATORY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AND THE UNITED STATT S OF AMERICA, AND AUTHORIZING ITS EXECUTION was duly Passed and copy of the excerpts of the minutes of the special sleeting of the Town Council held on April 2b, 1936, was forwarded to the Public works Administration of the 'united :,tatee Government for ineir records , together with the original Amenda- tory Agreement executed in the form and manner prescribed by the Public Works Administration of the ^united w tater overnment. rThat since said execution negotiations have been carried on by and bet een the Town of Atlantic teach in an effort to secure said Amendatory loan. That since said Amendatory Agreement has been executed the said. Town has been notified that said funds were available under said supple•nental agreement. That at a subsequent general meeting of the Town Council, to-wit on nugust 3, 1936, further consideration was made by the Town council with reference to said Amendatory Agreement referred to herein, wherein the Town after due consideration deems it advisable to rescind, cancel and nullify its former action in passing said resolution, and said lor ordinance , and in executing said Amendatory Agreement, and that said project be abandoned and that the jublic Vvorks Administration of the United states loverninent be requested to accept the attach- ed supplemental loan agreement heretofore delivered to the Town of Atlantic beach and to approve , declare null, void and of no effect the ordinance and resolution and amendatory agreement, and with draw such funds as have been heretofore allotted by reason of said Amendatory Agreement for the purpose of erecting posts in front of said seawall. That a copy of this resolution be certified to and • 1111/ forwarded to the Public Works Administration of the United Etatea Government with the request that it will take immediate action as to the nullification of the said Amendatory Agreement. Thereupon Mr. Bradfield seconded said motion that this reso- lution be passed and upon vote same was unanimously passed, and the attorney, Harvey Mabry was directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of said resolution to the Public Works Administra- tion of the United States vovernment for its approval and ratifi- cation and to withdraw the funds so allotted to the Town of Atlantic beach for the construction of posts in front of said seawall. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution heretofore passed by the Town Council on the i' oresaid date and the excerpts of the minutes herein con- tained are a true and correct transcription of thy► matters and doings at said meeting. 11, TOWN CLERK.