08-11-36 v S"FECIAL MEETING OF THE TO'IY •COUI?CTL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AUGUST 11th, 1936, AT THE TOWN PALL- Ai 9 0 t CLOCK, P. E. S PRESENT:- J. E. Bradfield, 'Geo. B. Stallings, E. H. Thompson. In the absence of I:r. Lailrence K. Tucker, 'Jr. , Pres. the meet- ing was called to order by Er. E. H. Thompson, Vico Pres. Er Bradfield offered the following Resolution, seconded by Mr. Stallings, Nut and unanimously carried:- - R E S 0 L U T I 0 N - WHER :AS, the Inspectors and the Clerk of the General Elec- tion, held -in Atlantic Beach, on August 11th, A. D. 1936, for the purpose of electing a mayor and five councilmen, canvassed the votes cast, and did make due returns of the sane in words and figures as follows:- CETIFICATE OF RESULT OF GENERAL ELECTION OF THE Tu'"-,i OF ATLANTIC -BEACH, HELD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1936, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FIVE COUNCILMEN. Tu THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, IN DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA: We, the undersigned, being the inspectors and the Clerk appointed to conduct General election in the Town of -Atlantic Beach, on Tuesday, August 11th, 1936, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and five Councilmen, hereby certify that we conducted said election on said dace, and counted the ballots cast for and against the candidates - .Yh_ose names are printed on the ballots and find the results to be as follows: - The number of qualified voters, according to the Regis- tration Books, WAS 275 The number of such qualified voters who participated in said election, and who cyst ballots in said election WAS. 243 The number of ballots cast for Robert E. Sugg, for Mayor, WAS 74 The number of ballots cast for George H. Smith, for Mayor, WAS 169 The nuur157ber of ballots cast for Fred F. Coffee, for Councilman, The number of ballots cast for C . C. Howell, for Councilman, WAS 221 The number of ballots cast for J. C . Cutler, for Councilman, WAS 192 The number of ballots cast for G . L. (Fritz) ; os- borough, for Councilman, WAS 191 The number of ballots cast for Earle H. Thompson, for Councilman, WAS 170 The number of ballots cast for Brooke G. White, Jr. , for Councilman, WAS. . 212 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this certificate this the 11th day of August, A. D. 1936. (Signed) LyNette 13. Tillman, Inspector. (Signed) Bonnie Knox, Inspector. (Signed) J. F . Duval, Clerk. It is herewith unanimously voted that said returns be accepted as reported . Be it further resolved, and it is hereby found and deter- mined by the Town Council of Atlantic Beach, acting in the c-)ac- ity of a canvassing board, that a majority of the qualified voters, who participated in said General Election, cast their votes in favor of the above candidates as follows:- For Hayor:- George H. Smith, 169 For Councilmen:- C. C. Howell 221 J. C. Outler 192 G . L. Rosborough 191 Earle H. Thompson 170 Brooke G. '.shite 212 and it is further foundand determined that the above named candidates are elected to serve for the next two years. Be it further resolved that the ZONING ORDINAL?CE 'las been duly passed by the Freeholders at Town of Atlantic Beach as shown by Certificate of Clerk as follows and that same be ac- ceF•ted as here shown and certified- to:- llth day of August, 1936 ",Te hereby certify that 168 ballots were cast in the Zoning Ordinance Election as follows:- For 138 votes Against 30 votes Total 168 votes (Signed) Bonnie Knox, Inspector, (Signed) LyTlette B. Tillman, Inspector. (Signed) J. P . Duval, Clerk. . A motion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Kr. Brad- field, put and carried, that the Town Clerk, E. J. Candee, he al- lowed `°5.00 for." extra work in connection wit the election, same to be paid out of qualification fees of candidates. There being no further business for consideration, the meeting adjourned. Correct: P, . . . Vice Pre ident Attest:'- _v). 47 11 III MEET,? OF THE NEW TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD AUGUST llth, T 9 - 30, P. M. AT THE TOWN HALL, ON OCEAN BOULEVARD: The Roll being called, the following members answered to their names:- C. C. Howell, J. C. Outler, G. L. Rosborough, Earle H. Thompson, Brook G. White, Jr. The newly elected Mayor, Geo. H. Smith, was also present. The meeting was called to order by acting chairman, E. H. Thompson. Upon motion put, seconded and carried, J. C. Outler, was made President, Pro. Ten. Upon motion put, seconded and carried, C. C. Howell was made Vice President, Pro. Tem. George H. Smith took the oath of office as Mayor. Upon motion put, seconded and carried, it was voted that all employees remain temporarily in their present positions until the next meeting of the council, *hen permanent employees would be installed. Col. V. E Stolbrand, having resigned, as Building, Electric and Plumbing Inspector, sa id resignation to take effect August 11th, Col Stolbrand was asked to continue as such inspector temporarily, until the next meeting, when a permanent inspector would be appoint- ed. Upon motion of Hr. ',Y' ite, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, it was voted that at least three of the council, and if possible all five, get together to consider and make recommendations for officers, committees, employees etc. to be reported on at the next meeting. There being no further business for consideration the meet- ing was adjourned until the following Monday night, rug. 17th, at 8 o' clock, P . M. Correct:- • ing Chairrla tr:est :- '� /► LP arrICI AMOUNIft k, •r.. Tem.