J. C. Outler
C. C. Howell
G. L. Rosborough
Earle H. Thompson
Brooke G. White, Jr.
Mayor Geo, H. Smith also was present.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. J. C.
Cutler, President.
The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of Aug.
lith: and Adjourned Meeting of August 17th, which were
approved as read.
Upon motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, the following bills were approved and
authorized paid:
H. B. McDaniel, work on trucks $31.56
Joe Robbins, Texaco Station, Gas & Oil, 8/9 to 8/1 24.43
Eppinger & Russell Co. Lumber for si s, ($55.44)
Paid on acct. 20.44 Bal.- - 35.00
Shell Petroleum Corp., 8/1 to 8/23, 104.04, less($5.19)
Federal exemption -Y-17- - - 98.55
Clifford A. Payne Co. Inc. Additional Worlamans
Compensation Pay roll Prem. 17.47
Stoddards Neptune Garage, tamp welded, street work 1.00
H. & W. B. Drew Co. , Office supplies 18.34
Financial News, Publishing Zoning Ordinance - - - 174.00
Bisbee-Baldwin Corp. , Fire and Theft on Ford
Truck Sept.27 to Sept .27 - 5.25
Beadh Plumbing and Electrical Co. Flash light
batteries - - - - - - - - - .90
Beach Lumber and Supply Co. Lumber 1.92
S. B. Hubbard Co. , Rakes, Coke Fort*, etc. - - - - 6.65
Ocean Beach Hotel Co. , Printing Ballots 8.50
Mason Lumber & Supply Co. , 23.13
Dick Weber, Cycle Tire and tube 8.60
Ocean Beach Hotel Co. Bt. light last Mo. 1;52
St. light this Mo. 1.52
Lights, Town Hall 1.32
Water, Town Hall 1.25 - - - 5.61
Florida Times Union, Election Atlantic Beachp - - -15.02
Quinn-R. Barton Inc., $20. and Int. $5.88 25.88
-1301.83 _
A motion was made by Mr. White, sear nded by Mr. Rosborough,
put and unanimously carried, that Mr. C. C. Howell, Jr., be
IIIappointed Town Attorney.
A motion was made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr.
Thompson, put and carried, that an Ordinance requiring
property owners to number buildings be passed on its first
A motion was made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr.
Thompson, put and carried that an Ordinance requiring
property owners to number buildings, be passed on its
second reading.
The question of who should inspect slot machines having
arisen, it was decided that this duty devolved on the
License Inspectal and the Clerk was instructed to inform
Col. Stalbrand that he is requested to attend to this matter.
Upon motion, seconded, put and carried, the following
letter of Mr. Harvy Mabry was vpted spread upon the minutes:
"September 12, 1936.
Hon. J. C. Cutler, Chairman,
and Members of the Town Council,
Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Recently I was directed by your Board to take up the
matter with the Federal Governgent of completing the requi-
sitions on the bulkhead recently completed by the Government,
and secure an allotment of the grant which the Government
had heretofore promised.
This matter was only turned over to me last month, and I
beg to report that I have at this time conferred with the
Auditor of the Federal Government, drafted the allotment
blanks, placed the proper amount on each of the allotment
blanks, and secured the signature of the Chairman of your
Council to these blanks, and have forwarded same to the
Federal Government for final action as to a requisition
for cancellation of bonds totalling the amount the Government
promised to give, which I understand from the Auditor
will amount to approximately $2,500. This matter was
placed with the Director of the State of Florida for the
Federal Emergency Administration on September 5, and allotment
should be forthcoming at an early period, at which time I
will at once advise the Council.
I aslo wish to advise that in securing this allotment I
drafted resolution which recinded the action of the former
Council in applying for $6,000. additional for the construction
of posts in front of the Seawall, and also recinded its action
in executing the Amendatory Agreement to the original Seawall
Contract. This matter was also presented to the Government
on the same date as the requisition for the final grant on
the seawall.
I am making this report so that you may file this in
your minutes showing the progress in this matter, according
to my instructions of approximately a month ago.
Very truly you-rs, •
(signed) Harvey Mabry
Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put
and carried, the following resolution was ordered passed,
accepting the preliminary Tax Assessment Roll for the
year 1936.
WHEREAS, the Town Tax Assessor has completed the pre-
liminary tax assessment Roll of the Town of Atlantic Beach,
Florida for the year 1936, and has submitted the same to the
Town Council, and,
WHEREAS, it appears that all property real and personal,
in the Town of Atlantic Beach, subject to taxation, has been
assessed on said tax assessment roll, and the tax assessment
Roll is in due form,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the
Town of Atlantic Beach, that the said preliminary tax
assessment Roll be and the same is hereby approved,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall post
at the Town Hall and at two other public places in the Town
and shall also publish for four successive days; in a newspaper
published in Whip City of Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida,
notice that said assessment Roll has been submitted to the
Town Council and approved and also requiring all persons
desiring to have corrections thereof made, whether in the
listing, valuation of property or otherwise, to file with the
Town Tax Assessor on or before the 6th day of October, A. D.
1936, at 8 o'clock P. M. , their petition to the Town Council,
setting forth their objection to said assessment and the
correction that they desire made, and also that the Town Council
will meet at the Town Hall, in the Town of Atlantic Beach,
on the 6th day of October A. D. 1936, at 8 o'clock P. M.,
for the purpose of equalizing said assessments and making proper
corrections therein.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was
ordered that the Town Clerk publish the following notice
four times in a Jacksonville paper and post copies of same
in accordance with the Charter.
TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that the
preliminary tax assessment roll of the Town of Atlantic Beach,
Florida, for the year 1936, has been completed and submitted to
and approved by the Town Council. All persons desiring to have
corrections thereof made, whether in the listing, valuation of
property or otherwise, are required on or before the 6th day
of October A. D. 1936, at 8 o'clock P. M. to file with the
Town Tax Assessor of the Town of Atlantic Beach, their
petitions to the Town Council of said Town, setting forth
their objections to the said assessment and the corrections
411 that they desire made.
The Town Council will meet at the City Hall in the Town
of Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the 6th day of October A. D.
1936, at 8 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of equalizing said
assessments and making proper corrections therein. All persons
who shall file petitions as aforesaid will be given the
opportunity to be heard at said meeting,
(signed) E. J. Candee
Town Clerk and Tax Collector
of the Town of atlantic Beach,
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Harco-r t Bull
in reply to one received from the Town re the encroachment
of his garage upon Beach Ave. Upon conclusiion of the reading
the Chair directed that these letters be turned over to
Mr. Howell for study and repo mmendation.
It being called to the attention of the Council that
the Neptune Beach Fire Department had responded to four fire
calls in Atlantic Beach, a motion was made by Mr. Thompson,
seconded by Mr. y"hite, put and carried, that the Clerk be
instructed to draw a warrant for $100. in favor of said
Fire Department as a token of appreciation from the Town
Council and the citizens of Atlantic Beach for this service.
A motion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr.
White, put and carried, that Mr. T. A. Marshburn, project
Superintendent, be allowed two new tires (same not to
exceed $9.00 each for his personal truck, he having run
it continuously during the entire term of the project,
back and forth through the Town and some trips outside,
all in the interest of said Town.
A motion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by
Mr. Howell, put and carried, thatbthe bill of Marietta
Franklin in the amount of $9. for services in preparing
20 copies of the Town Charter, be approved and authorized
The Clerk brought up the question of two bills, one
from the Florida Times Union in amount of $18.20, and the
other from the Jacksonville Journal, in the amount of $16.50,
each being for advertising the Beadles, these amounts being
the pro rated share of Atlantic Beach, the question of
paying these bills had been pending some little time and
had been thoroughly gone into and upon conclusion of a
discussion of same, a motion was madd by Mr. Rosborough,
seconded by Mr. White, put and carried, that the Clerk be
insbructed to write each of these publications that the
Town Council did not authorize this advertising, know nothing
of it, and request that the Town' s account be relieved
of this charge .
A plat of Atlantic Beach Parkway, being the property
comprising the former F. E. C. Ry. right-of-way, extending
from the Plaza to 12th. Street, and now owned lid Neptune
Beach Terrace Inc. , was presented by Mr. Robt . R. Milani,
and upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. White,
put and carried, was approved and accepted.
A plat of Park Terrace, being the property comprising
the former F. E. C. Ry. right-of-way, extending from 8th
Street to the N. side of The Plaza, and now owned by Gerald
H. and Margaret May Vande Velde, was presented by Mr. Robt .
R. Milam and upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr.
White, put and carried, was approved and accepted.
Upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. White,
put and carried, the bill of the Ford Shop, Neptune Beach,
amounting to $16. for repairing concrete mixer, bovrowed •
from Neptune Beach, was approved and authorized paid.
A motion was made bj Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. White ,
put and unanimously carried, that the Town Council meet the
first Tuesday in each month instead of the first Monday.
Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Rosborough,
put and unanimously carried, it was voted that a letter
of appreciation be sent Mr. Harvey Mabry for his services
as Town Attorney during his tenure of office.
Upon motion, put seconded and carried, the Treasurer,
Mr. Osborne, was authorized to transfer the fine and
forfeiture fund of $219.07 to the General Fund as of
date of Sept. 26, 1936, and hereafter to eliminate said
fund and enter all fines and forfeitures in the General
There being no further business for consideration,
upon motion, seconded, put and carried, the meeting
Attest Correct:
er President