10-06-36 v REGULAR MEETING THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH HELD OCTOBER 6t1 T 8:30 O'CLOCK P.M. AT THE TOWN HALL Present: J. C. Cutler C. C. Howell, Sr. G. L. Rosborough Brooke !!bite, Jr. Mayor Geo, H. Smith also was present. The meeting was calledto order by Mr. J. C. Cutler, President. The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of September 14th, which were approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. 1 bite, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, put and carried, the following bills were approved and authorized paid; Mason Lumber and Supply Co.Files,paint,etc. $: 5.56 Allweather Tire Co. 2 tires for truck of Mr. Marshburn, see minutes 9/14/36 - 17.90 Quinn R. Barton, Inc. Regular monthly payment on truck 25.00 Joe Robbins, Texaco Service Sta. Gas & Oil 37.45 Ocean Beach Hotel Co. Town hall lights $1.02 Street light 1.52 Vater 1 mo. 1.25 - - - - 3.79 H. & W. B. Drew Co. - - 4.25 Florida Times Union, advertising completion Tax Assessment Roll 28.89 V. E. Stolbrand, Expense a/c 6.75 Max Foster, Painting traffic signs 12.46 R. M. Stamford, Mgr., Ford Shop, Auto repairs- - - - 39.10 -$1.75 The Clerk read two letters, one from the Misses Russell, owners of Lot 20, Block 14, and the other from Geo. H. P . Sodding, owner of lots 17 and 47, Block 13, each letter making complaint of an unsightly building on the corner of East Coast Drive and 11th Street, in the neighbor- hood of their property. A the conclusion of the reading, a motion was made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. White, put and carried, that the Council go on record as having no jurisdiction in the matter, as the building was erected prior to the Zoning Ordinance, and that the Clerk write each complainant to that effect. A motion was made by Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Vihite, put and carried that the Clerk write Mr. Harvy Mabry, re his bill for $50 . commission on seawall collections, that no commission can be all oared on this, as the seawall collections are exclusively a Government obligation and all monies received must be applied on same. Page 2 Further that his bill of $200. fee for drawing Zoning Ordinance advertisements and other services in connection therewith be e'3 red°t& MrL f el l`'for of fi ci ,lL ha idl ing. A letter from Mr. Robt. E. Sugg, requesting that a statement of his taxes be handed him on the morning of October 7th, and promising to pay both said taxes and his seawall assessment of $190.76 the afternoon of October 7th, a motion was made ba Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. ,:hate, put andcarried, that if said taxes and his business license, (long since past due) should not have been paid by one week from the date he specified, these monies due the Town, be turned over to the Town Attorney for collection. A letter was received from Pure Ice and Beverage Co. , Inc. , (bottlers of Dr . Pepper) stating that as they did not sell from the truck but only to stores and have four customers only in Atlantic Beach, the license fee of $20 . was con- sidered by them as being entirely too high and unwarranted by the volume of business they do. After discussion of the matter, a motionvas made by Mr. Rosborough, secs nded by Mr. Ihhite, put and carried, that the Pure Ice and beverage Co. Inc. , be advised that no discrimination could be made and that $20.bItng the fee prescribed by law and paid by other bottling companies, it is necessary that they pay the same or discontinue operations in Atlantic Beach. The bill of the Florida Times Union for advertising the Beaches (pro rata share of Atlantic Beach being put at :18.50) having again come up owing to another bill for this amount having been received from the Times Union, a motion was made b Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, that the Town Council go on record as having no knowledge of the bill and therefore no responsibility for it. There is no record of any authoritative action in the records aad furthermore tho Council has no authority for advertising of this nature. Upon motion of Lir. White, sero nded by Ar. Howell, put and carried, it -ras voted to pay $25.00fprincipal and 32. interest on McCormack note at Barnett National Bank and renew note for the balance. Pag#3 Mr. Howell reported that the stand of Mr. Bull, taken in regard to his garage encroaching on the street, was well takan a:irl the?efor3 ;;'ze chair ~ioquested thr.t Mr. Bull' s letter be placed on file for information. 1 corrmunication from the Ocean Beach heport9r, Jacksonville Beach, requesting a monthly contribution during the winter months, having been read, a motion was made by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, that the Ocean Beach Reporter be advised that our Charter does not permit us to advertise nor subsidize any advertising proposition. A report having been made by the Marshall on the status of the work of filling up the holes in the streets and it being pointed out that there yet remained many bad holes rhich required attention, a motion was made by Mr. put and carried Ho-ell, seconded by Mr. Rosborough,/that an extra $25. for material to work onthese holes be authorized. A motion was made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. :"bite, put and carried that an Ordir.a-113 requiring property owners to number buildings be passed on its third and final reading. Thereupon the ordinance was read in full and passed on its third reading by a unanimous vote of Council. A motion was made by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, put and carried that an Ordinance to approve and adopt the Tax Assessment Roll for the year 1936, and to determine and fix the rate of Taxation and make the annual tax levy of the year 1936, be passed on first reading. A motion was made by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, put and carried that an Ordinance to approve and adopt the Tax assessment Roll for the year 1936, and to determine and fix the rate of taxation and make the annual tax levy of the year 1936, be passed on second reading. • A motion was made by Mr. Rosborough, seceded by Mr. White, put and carried that beginning October 1st, the Marshall be allowed $115. far month of October only, he to install telephone in his residence and furnish his own uniform,. gas and oil. Page 4 The Chair requested that the following receipt received by Mr. Osborne, Treasurer, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Ga. , be incorporated in the minutes: GRRVIT TICKET TO p. FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION BORRO%tR OR GRANTEE OF PUBLIC WORKS 10-4-36 MEMORANDUM RECEIPT p � Name and Address of Custodian " "'a' " =M�, , ;itt=`*1 :1 +14 y4 1$'1 CUSSOOT W.). V4. P. W. A. No. 63580 THIS TICKET IS AUTHORITY TO CREDIT THE COLLECTION SHOWN BELOW PRIMARY COLLATERAL 0 SECONDARY COLLATERAL 0 DATE OF NAME AND ADDRESS DUE PAYMENT RECEIVED COLLATERAL OF BORROWER DATE — — PRINGPAL DATE ON PRINC. ON INT. NEW BALANCE 1Q-1-33 wo of .t.I :. -. .. 'Rot, +4�t 4nt io L ••1+�j k ` head Ltll " c> : +�aCsh, I�'1�.. Addi4i�1► 1 Wit. �- . .. , . .._.__ . � • ��� R51;:';g1 # aoavmil 13xfor 361 030. av *Whit & 140. xO. �{ F�6 Kx 7 ACCRUED INTEREST FOR PERIOD FROM. ' it,>r*r . ;�, 1,(' .,.. ..' 1,. :� RATE 1 P ' Ct. r • '19 1m today. Deposited under C. D. No. t Date/6,„2„r Withdrawal Advice No. REMARKS. . , ► Dated `.•• ,,35. 6 saturit[iiot noxa withhold ;r ; 'tet Ye" true AWonda p*ld woro 'No'ss 1-4) P.W.C.A.Form No.64 Approved by Comptroller General U.S.,Jan.20,1934 � t Upon motion of Mr . White, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, it was voted to authorize Mr. Osborne to pay the Federal Government $1000. and toy cancel additional bond and at the same time make an effort to expedite payment of the grant. On account of the extra work entailed by getting out the new tax roll and the tax statements to property owners in connection therewith, a motion was made by Mr•. White, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, that Mr. C. R. Frazier be employed to assist the Clerk at a salary of $15.00 per week for a minimum of three weeks. The Clerk having called to the attention of the Council the application of M. S. Slaughter to open a • sandwich and cold drink stand on Atlantic Boulevard near interestion of Mayport Road, without paying license fee, he stating that he is a disabled World War Veteran, a motion Page 5 was made by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, that the Clerk request him to show disability certificate and honorable discharge papers, and if such are presented to issue license without charge. There being no further business for consideration upon motion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned. Corr o/ • President Attest /• • SPECIAL EQUALI2.ATION BOARD MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD AT THE TOWN HALL OCTOBER 6th?x.936, AT 8 O'CLOCK P.. M. Present : J. :. Outler C. C. Howell G. L. Rosborough Brooke G. '.'bite, Jr. The meeting was called to order by Brooke G. :bite, Jr. , who acted as chairman at the request of the President . There were no complaints about assessments. Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, put and carried, it was voted that the assessment Roll as submitted by the Tax Assessor, be adopted. There being no further business for consideration, upon motion, put, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: Correc AfOrf 410 Cle717 res i ent • A