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11-04-36 v
REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH HELD WEDNESDAY NOVEMB 4thL 1936, AT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 01 CLOCK P. Present: J. C. Outler, President C. C. Howell G. L. Rosborou{ . E. H. Thompson Brooke G. White, Jr. Mayor G. H. Smith, also was present . The meeting was called to order by Mr. J. C . Outler, President. The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of October 6th, which were approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. seconded by Mr. Yh.ompson, put and carried, the following bills were approved and authorized paid; Mason Lumber & Supply Co. Cement for fixing streets ----$27.00 Texas Co. Gas & Oil, 10/10 to 10/17, 2 trucks 14.90 Joe Robbins, Texaco Sta. Gas & Oil, 10/2 to 10/27 11.75 Ocean Beach Hotel Co. Lights, Town Hall $1.12 Lights, Street 1.52 Water, Town Hall 1.25 (1 Mo, )---- 3.89 H. & B. Drew, Office Supplies - 2.10 Clifford A. Payne Co. Bond E. J. Candee Clerk, $2000. 20.00 Ford Shop, R. M. Stanford, Mgr.Repairs to truck 30.15 Harley-Davidson Sales Co., Labor Russell .70 Gulf Life Insurance Co. Int. on Park- 19.50 T128.99 Mr. Osborne, Treasurer, submitted three letters from the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta, dated respective- ly October 13, 19 and 21, 1936, and two receipts, each of which were re P . W . A. Docket #962. Upon motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, these documents are made part of the minutes and the original papers follow herewith • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK O F ATLANTA October 13, 1936 (flb T::r. M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, Town of Atlantic Beach, c/o ;Florida National Bank, Jacksonville, Florida In Re: PWA Docket No. 962 Dear Mr. Osborne: This acknowledges receipt of your letter of October 7th, advising that the "Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida has 4,'1,372.98 available funds that could be applied to payment of a part of the matured Seawall Bonds or Coupons of the Tuwn of Atlantic Beach. ie are now in receipt of a letter from the Washington Office of the Public Works Administration, stating that the avail- able funds should be applied on the bonds of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida that matured on October 1, 1935. 7fie are, therefore, forwarding for collection today through the Jacksonville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank Totem of Atlantic Beach, Florida Seawall Bond No. 5 in the amount of "1,000.00 due October 1, 1935. Te are requesting our Branch to collect interest at the rate of 4 ' on this bond from maturity date to the date available funds are received. According to our calculation, this interest on a 360 day basis as of October 14th will amount to ;':41.44. On October 15th interest will amount to ;41.56. This bond will be presented to you for payment within the next day or so. Please give the -natter your immediate attention, and oblige . 411 Yours very truly, '' V. K. Bowman, t- ©„L -,i f 3 Asst. Cashier. i]� OCT 14 1 WT Q(7P 2 _Q lie#YVu.t 'rfq, CC: Mr. Cleo. S. Vardeman, Managing Direotor„'/( f'8pk,,,�, tit & We '&o - Branch - Federal Reserve Bank, Y / Jacksonville, Florida /0405e • • Ootobor• 20th 1906 LLr. V. X, Baan, Asst. Cashier, F.x'errl reeorvvs Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta,anta, Georgia,. De tr !lr. Bowman In res PWA Docket Bio. 962 As'requested in 'r :r letter of s:'etobor 19th, I am o olor1ng redoes' Reserve a ch nm payable to the order of ,yourselves for #120.00 representing 4% inter- est accrued from October lit 1935 to October lst 1936 on the ro: airing $3,000.00 principal amount of past due bonds of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida. i i1 ch matured on October 1st 1935. Pith kind personal regards, I an Yours very truly, �'. V. Osborne, Treasurer, Town of Atlantic Beach. '"_VO t&C 1111 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK O F ATLANTA October 19, 1936 �.'r. M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, Town of Atlantic :each, c/o Florida National Bank, Jacksonville, Florida In Re: Pa. Docket No. 962 Dear Mr. Osborne: We are in receipt of a letter dated October 15th from the Iashington Office of the Public Works Administration instructing us to request payment of the 4;/ interest accrued from October 1, 1935 to October 1, 1936 on the remaining r 3,000.00 principal amount of east due bonds of the Town of Atlantic Beach, .'lorida which matured on October 1, 1935. This interest, according to our calculation, would amount to 12.0.00. '.','e, therefore, renuest that you forward to this office a check payable to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in funds that will be immediately available at ear for f',120,0O. Then final payment of said check is received, we will be pleased to acknowledge receipt of the interest payment described above. '::e regret that we were not in a position to re- auest payment of this interest several weeks ago when a portion of the matured obligations of the Town of Atlantic Beach were paid. In this connection you are advised that our instructions from the Air Public `:orks Administration were received on various dates and for this reason we were unable to include all of the items in our original letter to you. Very truly yours, Tf . K. Bowman, Asst. Cashier. T=:VT --____- ----- -- - _-----------_.._._____-_ . ___ CREDIT TICKET TO FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION 1 -?1..36 alORROWER OR GRANTEE OF PUBLIC WORKS 0 MEMORANDUM RECEIPT . Name and Address of Custodian r l lib eiC`4. 4':. .. t't- , ,7,a. ,:,c rt tliVba 962 ustody No. 104 6 3 611 P.W. A. No. THIS TICKET IS AUTHORITY TO CREDIT THE COLLECTION SHOWN N BELOW PRIMARY COLLATERAL® SECONDARY COLLATERAL DATE OF NAME AND ADDRESS DUE PAYMENT RECEIVED PRINCIPAL COLLATERAL OF BORROWER DATE I DATE ON PRINC. ON INT. NEW BALANCE 1�.:.-1.3 '�o rs� ;l n' �c� 1 ic- ,2 ,,,,3, tore I1N.0{ 'r7 1 4 3ftsch. Flat. hold u.:. -:-.1.a. 4; .,'wall Bonds. roma 61 .P r f ,,1 Nos. God and 649.0-30 s ACCRUED INTEREST FOR PERIOD FROM u.;-1. 35 TO l0.4+036 RATE Deposited under C. D. No, 7 Dated 1_/+_1_33N. * 1011* W``���rawal Advice 1\1(1, Dated MARK •• Z' 'payt antr r r a 3#•;4 1aIr s'''47111 part from 304.35 to 7-1- q� . r(''' ;biro_ +al amount t1 own o 4.tlaaiie Boas YU. 4 Soaral1 b+l� :yo*. 1i thru 6 that tc.atured 10-.1-35 co 1 dis '� - blanc. wttt inetructiOlIMI contained in your letter of 10-l5 - +: 4.%/ P.W.C.A.Form No.62 Approved by Comptroller General U.S.,Jan.20,1934 . 41 * 1104WW+ Met. Cashier "_ i, i.. .: o,vvu.vv pru.ilu.l.pu.i tunu uu-c 01 pas& uue oonas or cne ,own of Atlantic Beach, Florida, due October 1, 1935, which are held by us for the account of the Public '.forks Administration in connection with the above styled docket. The proceeds of the above described check have been credited to the Treasurer of the United States for the account of the Public '.';orks Administration. Please accept our thanks for your prompt remittance. Very t my • V. K. Bowman, Asst. Cashier. '.1'__.:VT • The Clerk ca:Lled attention to the fact that, just before the close of office hours on the afternoon of November 3, an employe of Fir. C. S. Ward, Iaad called and deposited checks in the amount of $330. to pay for city licenses for 11 slot machines located as follows: 3 in Sugg' s store, 3 in Neptune Pharmacy (Atlantic Beach) ) 4 in Atlantic beach Hotel and 1 in Jensen' s Store at the Post Office. She stated that she had issued a receipt for these checks (One for $300. covering check signed by C. S. '::ard and dated Nov. 3, 1936, and the other dated October 31, 1936, signed Harry J. Montague) but had not issued any licenses. Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. hite, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, that the Clerk deposit these checks with the Treasurer and get a Cashier' s check in retrun and that the matter of issuing licenses for the machines be referred to the Town' s attorney, Mr. C. C. Howell, Jr. , for investigation and opinion. Once more the bill of the Florida Times Union in the amount of $18.20, for advertising the beaches, came up for discussion, Mrs. McCondichie, who had solicited the advertisement from members of the former council, being present . She presented letters from :Ir. Palmer and Mr. Bradfield, two former members of the Council, in regard to the bill. After the reading of same, a motion was made by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, that the present Council did not authorize the ad and, furthermore, that according to uhe charter, such advertising is not legal and therefore the present council could not authorize the payment of the bill, the two letters from the former councilmen were returned to Mrs. McCondichie. The bill of Quinn rt. Barton, Inc. , re Town truck, rebuilding body, making repairs, etc., again came up for discussion and the consensus of opinion continued to be thatmthis bill is exhorbitant, unreasonable and therefore unsatisfactory. In consideration of the above facts, a motion was made by Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr . Thompson, put and carried that the Clerk write Quinn R. Barton, Inc . , that the Town offers to settl : the bill for an amount not to exceed 50f/ on the dollars A bill for $38.00 for work on Marshall' s car, having been presented by the Ford Shop, h. M. Stanford, Mgr., and it having been looked over and discussed, a motion was made by Mr. seconded by Mr. Howell, put and carried, that this bill be paid on the installment plan, viz 1/6 of $38.00 each month for six months until paid in full, and that Mr. Stanford, the manager, be advised that the council does not wish to have any bills presented unless authorized by said body. A motion was made by Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. White, put and carried that the salary of the Marl for the month of November be $115.00, the amount of said salary to be designated from month to month. It being pointed out that the plans and specifi- 411 cations of the garage apartment being built by Mr. Oosterhaudt, had been borrowed from the Town' s records by Mr. Oosterhaudt and not returned, the Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Oosterhaudt and direct him to bring them in and file them at the Town Hall. Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, put and carried, a bill presented for services in collecting delinquent seawa4l taxes, amount of bill being $38.80, presented by the Town' s A -torney, Mr. C. C. Howell, Jr., be approved and authorized paid. Mr. Osborne, Treasurer, presented his usual monthly statement of Town' s balance in bank and certified statement ©$' balances iredifferent" accountstritch were ordered filed. There being no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: Correct: ' I e'am°, zo? e rk President