Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.,
J. M. Bradfield,
Jas. D. Palmer. , -
Geo. B. Stallings
Harvey Mabry, Atty.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker,
Jr., President.
The minutes of the December 6th and the Postphoned Regular
Meeting of January 21st, were read by the Clerk and approved as read.
Upon motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put
and carried, the following bills were approved:-
Jacksonville Journal $74.50 Pd. on a/c $37.50, Bal. due now Pd. $37.00
Florida Times Union, Adv. Seawall Bids 15.00
Burwell Motor Co., Work on Town Truck. 5.39
Gulf Refining Co. (McDaniel) Tire patching, Town Truck 5.45
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., Long Distance Call Tallahassee, Seawall 1.45
Ocean Beach Hotel Co.,Lights - 1/4 Nov.Dec. Jan. 7.62
Water - 1/4 " " " 3.75. 11.37
Robert E. Sugg, Gas & Oil, 2/21 to 3/4 11.78
Fred Cronwalt, Labor putting in partition in Auditorium for
office Engineer - Re Seawall. . 4.75
S. B. Hubbard Co., 1 folding screen, Town Hall fire place 3.75
1 packer " " " " .25 4.00
Harvey Mabry, Attendance 3 council meetings, July2, Sep.10, (Nov) 15.00
W. H. Adams, Jr., Electrical Inspection 12-10-35 1.13
Vincent Cronwalt, Work on Town Truck 1.00
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stal-
lings, put and carried, that a letter received from Shore Line
Builders, Inc., in regard to driving piling for seawall, be re-
ferred to the town' s engineers, Hills & Youngberg.
The Clerk read a resolution passed at the January meeting
of -the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle, to the effect that the circle
respectfully requested the Council to urge the granting of funds
by the FERA, sufficient for an extensive beautification project and
that Mr. Forester, State FERA beautification director, be requested
to give his co-operation in planning a projecta nd securing it' s
approval, whereupon a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded
by Mr. Palmer, put and carried, that the Clerk be instructed to ad-
vise the Garden Circle that the Council think this an excellent idea
and are unanimously behind the proposal in spirit and herewith au-
thorize the Circle to act for the Council in bringing about this
The Clerk having called to the attention of the Council
a verbal offer submitted to her by Mr. Bull, wherein he stated that
when and if certain work was done by FERA to open up streets to Old
Sherry Drive and to clear and widen same, he would be glad to fur-
nish funds for transportation of men employed on the project if the
Town was unable to do so, provided that in return he receive credit
for taxes owed by him in the amount of money thus advanced.
1110 Whereupon a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by
Mr. Stallings, put and carried, that the Clerk be instructed to ex-
press the appreciation of the Council for this offer but to state
that before action can be taken on it, they should be advised as to
how many men can be obtained for this work, what period of time it
will require and what means of transportation is available and the
cost of same.
A letter received from Mr. Harvey Mabry, containing a state-
ment of fees for legal work in connection with the seawall, was re-
ferred to Mr. Jas. D. Palmer, Chairman of the Finance Committee, for
consideration and adjustment.
A letter from Southern Analytical Labratory, in which they
proposed to furnish an engineer, namely Mr. Robert W. Makemson, for
testing of concrete for the construction of seawall and ramps, hav-
ing been read, a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr.
Stallings, put and carried, that this proposal be accepted and ap-
A letter was read from Hills & Youngberg, the Townfs engi-
neers, calling attention to the provision for payment of their
services as set forth in the contract with the Town and stating
that the first installment was past due.
Whereupon a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by
Mr. Stallings put and carried that just as soon as the Town re-
ceives the money, the Treasurer be authorized to pay the engineers
the amounts agreed upon, on the date that each specified instalment
becomes due and that the Clerk notify the treasurer of his authority
to do this.
Hills & youngberg, the Town' s Engineers, having presented
a bill for $18.61, for telegrams and long distance telephone calls
Re seawall, a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr.
Stallings, put a nd carried, that the Clerk be authorized to draw
a warrant in their favor for the said amount.
The necessity of each property owner filling in behind the •
seawall, having been brought out, a motion was made by Mr. Brad-
field, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, that the City
Atty. , Mr. Mabry, be requested to ascertain from the Charter, if
the Town had authority to require this, and if not, that he be au-
thorized to prepare an act to be presented to the Legislature re-
quiring property owners to fill in behind the seawall.
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings
put and carried, that Mr. W. H. Adams, Jr., be appointed Building &
Plumbing inspector, with fee as provided by the ordinance.
The treasurer, Mr. Osborne, made his usual financial re-
port which was ordered filed and also submitted a certified state-
ment as to bank balance, which is in words and figures as follows:-
Jacksonville, Fla.
March 1st, 1935
Mr. James D. Palmer, Chairman,
Finance Committee,
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Dear Sir:-
We hereby certify that the balance stand-
ing to the credit of the account of:
M. V. Osborne, Treasurer,
Town of Atlantic Beach
as shown by our books at the close of business Feb-
ruary 28th, 1935, was Five hundred wighty-nine and
50/100 ($689.50)
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. L. Dart,
Page 3
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings,
put a nd carried that the marshal be instructed to request the Sea-
wall Contractor, that whenever possible, he use the beach for trans-
portation of heavy materials and machinery and when this is imprac-
ticable, that he use the brick paved street, known as Ocean Boule-
vard, in order that the shelled streets may not be torn up by this
excessively heavy and unaccustomed traffic.
There being no further business for consideration, upon mo-
tion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
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