Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.,
J. M. Bradfield,
Jas. D. calmer,
Geo. B. Stallings,
d Harvey Mabry, Atty.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker,
Jr. , President.
Upon motion put, seconded and carried, the reading of
the minutes of April 1st, was waived.
Upon motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put
and carried, the following bills were approved and authorized paid:-
Clifford A. Payne, Co. , Inc. Insurance on Town Hall, Prem54.29
Dekle Lumber & Supply Co. , Asphalt for streets, etc 10.30
Allweather Tire Co., Balance on tires for truck 23.00
H. B. McDaniel, Work on Town truck 2.90
Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co., Fire hose 336.43
Bisbee-Baldwin Corp. , Public liability & Prop. damage truck39.00
H. & W.B.Drew Co., Office supplied 5.25
Burwell Motor Co. , four wheel bolts etc .98
Robert E. Sugg, Gas & oil. . .April 3 to May 4 29.06
Clifford A. Payne Co., Inc. , Bond of M. V. Osborne, Treas. $375.00
Harvey Mabry, Legal services Re. Seawall 250.00
M. W. Bondfield, Stenographic services Re Seawall 183.33
Southern Analytica 1 Laboratory, Inspection concrete Seawall 170.00
Southern Bell Tel & Tel. Co., Call Was'_hington, , . . . .3.50
Gov. Engineer calls. .1.05 4.55
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Scott M. Loftin, Receiver
for Fla. East Coast Railway, in reply ,to a letter of Mr. E. H. Thomp-
son, Re securing lease of property adjacent to Town Hall grounds for
the purpose of a park and beautification project, in which Mr. Loftin
stated that as the railway is no longer a solvent concern, it would
not be possible to lease it, except on a lease subject to termination
on short notice but that if the -town would be interested in pur-
chasing the property for a cash consideration, the Railway Co.
would be disposed to make negotiations to that end.
. Thereupon a motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by
Mr. Stallings, put and carried that the Clerk write Mr. Loftin and
inquire if they have fixed a price on this property and if not, that
they kindly advise when they do.
A RESOLUTION was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr.
THAT from time to time delinquent taxes have remained due
and payable on the assessment rolls of the Town of Atlantic Beach, and,
WHEREAS, it is urgent at this time that some immediate
action be instituted to collect such delinquent taxes as are out-
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Town Council of At-
lantic Beach that the Town Clerk be, and she is hereby requested
to prepare and certify to the City Attorney, a list of the de-
linquent taxes as now appear a s of record on the assessment
rolls of the Town of Atlantic Beach, in order that the City
Attorney shall properly proceed with the collection of such delinquent
taxes, either by suit or otherwise for the best interests of said
Upon motion, resolution was duly carried by a unanimous
Mr. Bradfield presented a Resolution as follows:
WHEREAS, the ocean beach in this Town of Atlantic Beach, is
used extensively at a 11 times of the year as a pleasure drive by
automobilists; and
WHEREAS, it is likewise used by pedestrians, including child-
ren for surf bathing and other recreational purposes; and
WHEREAS, these two simultaneous uses of the beach zone in-
troduce grave hazards to life and limb, particularly of pedestri-
ans; and
WHEREAS; it is desirable to compromise and/or reconcile,
in so far a s possible, these two simultaneous uses a nd to elim-
inate the dangers incident thereto,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE E RESOLVED, That the Council of the
Town of Atlantic Beach do establish a safety zone, in accordance
with due process of law, easterly of and adjoining the sea wall
now being constructed as Public Works Administration Project
No.962; and
BE IP FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Town Council make appli-
cation to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works
for a combined loan and grant in the sum of six Thousand Dollars
($6,000,) supplementing the loan and grant heretofore made for
the construction of sea wall, the said supplementary loan and
grant to be utilized for the construction of approximately Five
Hundred (500) substantial concrete posts which shall be placed
at suitable interbals, upon the e asterly line of the safety zone
aforesaid, w ith a view to preventing the use of said zone by
automobiles or other vehicles, and reserving the zone for the ex-
clusive use of pedestrians; a nd
BE TI' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the special engineers for the
Town, Hills and Youngberg, be instructed to draft application and
other papers necessary thereto and submit the same for the signa-
tures of the Mayor and members of this Town Council.
On motion made by Councilman Palmer, seconded by Council-
man Stallings, the foregoing resolution was put to a vote and
unanimously adopted.
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mir. Stal-
lings, that an ordinance establishing a Safety Zone be passed,
which was passed forthwith on 1st and 2nd readings.
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
put and carried, that
WHEREAS, By virtue of action taken by the Town Council in
regular meeting March 14, agreement was entered into between the
Town of Atlantic Beach and the Southern Analytical Laboratory of
Javksonville, Florida for certain services relating to the analy-
ses of concrete materials, the placement of concrete and the in-
spection thereof, and
WHEREAS, Subsequent to the last meeting of the Council, the
Southern Analytical Laboratory submitted a statemtnt in the sum
of $150.00 for services rendered up to and including March 31,
which statement was certified correct by the engineers, Hills and
Youngberg, and
WHEREAS, Upon the request of the President of the Town 411
Council, payment has been made by the Treasurer, with a view
to avoiding delay pending another regular meeting of the Town
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That this Council do, and
it 'hereby does, condirm the said action of the President and the
Treasurer, and
May 6, Sheet No. 2
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby,
authorized to make payment of all statements for services hereafter
rendered by the Southern Analytical Labora tory.
PROVIDED That such statements for services shall be duly certi-
fied by the engineers, Hills and Youngber, and approved for payment
by the President of the Town Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
put and carried that the letter received from James E. Cotton, State
Engineer, of which the subject matter follows be referred to the
Engineers to be carried out
"This to advise that no assignment by the con*- °:.ctor of any
principal construction contract or any part thereof, or of the
funds to be received thereunder by the contractor, will Use recog-
nized by the PWA unless such assignment has had the approval of
the awarding authority and the State Engineer, and the surety has
been given due notice of such assingment in writing."
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put
and carried, that the Clerk furnish Col. Youngberg, with a list of
all Ocean Front property owners to the end that he furnish each such
owner with specific information as to back fill, saving of material
Mr. Davis of South Jacksonville being present in person and
having submitted a proposition whereby he be employed as night
police, by the towns of Neptune and Atlantic Beach, they to share
jointly in the expense, a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, second-
ed by I.Ir. Palmer, put and carried, that this matter be referred to
the chairman of the Plice Committee for investigation and recom-
The advisability of painting the Town Hall having come up for
discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr.
Stallings, put and carried that Mr. Palmer, be authorized to ob-
tain bids and to let the work to the lowest and best bidder.
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
put and carried, that the street ends, terminating at the seawall,
be mucked, the Town to pay the cost of said mucking, and that the
Chairman of the Public Works Committee, be authorized to obtain
prices for the performance of this work and to let it to the lowest
and best bidder.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
put and carried, that the nuisance of advertising by means of a
loud speaker, which traveled from one end of town to the other
on Sunday and holliday afternoons be stopped by the marshal who
should notify them that broadcasting cannot be permitted within
the Town of Atlantic Beach.
Councilman Bradfield, Chairman of the Seawall Committee, ex-
plained briefly the history of the contract made between the Town
and the firm of H ills and Youngberg, Engineers for the Seawall
Project, and presented the following
WHEREAS, on July 8, 1933, the firm of Hills and Youngberg,
Engineers, made a proposal to the Town of Atlantic Beach for pro-
fessional engineering services necessary to the design and construc-
tion of a protective seawall along the ocean front,and
WHEREAS, the said proposal was accepted by action of the Town
Council at its meeting on July 26, 1933, and
WHEREAS, the said proposal and the acceptance by the Town
constitute a contract wherein, by virtue of Section 1, Paragraph (e) ,
the said firm of- Hills and Youngberg were obligated to maintain
a competent resident engineer upon the work at all times that his
presence may be required, and
WHEREAS, The circumstances and conditions under which the said
contract was made have been very materially chaned in the time that
has elapsed since it was made, particularly in connection with the
fact that the work has been financed and is being constructed un-
der terms and conditions imposed by the Public Works Administration
and which were not anticipated, and
WHEREAS, The engineers have represented that these terms and
conditions have imposed an expense upon them far in excess of that
contemplated by them, or by the Town, when the original contract
was made, and
WHEREAS, it is in accordance with the code of practice of the
American Society of Civil Engineers (the leading authority in the
U. S. ) for the client to assume the costs of surveys, resident
supervision and/or field inspection
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of Atlan-
tic Beach, in regular meeting assembled, that the contract herein-
above cited be amended to the extent that that the Town of Atlantic
Beach will a ssume the cost of compensation to the resident engineer
in the sum of $235.00 per month, effective as of February 8, 1935,
upon which date he entered upon the work, and that said sum shall
include his salary, room rent, postage and various other incidential
wxpenses and shall be in full of all pay for services, allowances
and expenses of said resident engineer; Provided, however, that the
said resident engineer (also called field engineer) shall be subject
to the orders and instructions of the firm of Hills and Youngberg
as engineers for the seawall project in respect of all duties and
responsibilities which may properly devolve upon said resident en-
gineer, or field engineer, in connection with the project, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothing herein shall operate to
alter or amend in any respect the duties and responsibilities de-
volving upon the said engineers, H ills and Youngberg, in connec-
tion with the seawall project, nor shall it operate to alter or
amend the terms and conditions relating to compensation now due
and payable, or which may hereafter become due and payable, under
the terms of the contract hereinabove cited, which provides for a
total fee equivalent to 5 per cent of the actual cost off' construc-
ting the work - said cost being determined in the manner customary
in like cases by the amount earned by the contractor, or contract-
ors, for the project.
Upon motion made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Palmer and
submitted to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted
The treasurer, Mr. Osborne, made his usual financial report
which was ordered filed and also submitted a certified statement
a s to bank balance, which is in words and figures as follows:-
Jacksonville, Florida,
May 6th, 1935
Chairman,Finance Committee,
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Dear Sir:
We hereby certify that the balance standing to the
credit of the account of -
L. V. Osborne, Treasurer,
As shown by our books at the close of business
April 30th, 1935, was ; One thousand four hundred forty
nine and 58/100 ($1,449.58)
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. L. Dart .
There being no further business for consideration, upon motion, S
put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
) Correct;(22 .
Attest; President.
C e