Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.,
J. M. Bradfield,
Geo. B. Stallings,
E. H. Thompson,
Harvey Mabry, Atty.
The Meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker,
Jr. , President.
The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of June 3rd,
which were; approved as read.
Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings,
put and carried, the following bills were approved and authorized
Duval Motor Co., Repairs on truck $ 5.56
Dekle Lumber & Supply Co. , 1 drum asphalt 6.00
Clarence Young, Muck for 16th St. End. . . . 20.00
J. M. Bradfield, Labor for spreading muck and planting
grass or 16th St. end 4.00
Stoddard' s Neptune Garage, Service & parts, Town truck4.30
Refund to Seawall, a/c of errors. Town had taken this amt
out of seawall account which was found
did not belong to it 21.70
$ 61.56
R. A. Gray, Copying Bill 1482 Concerning filling in prop-
erty adfacent to seawall. (Send to Mabry) . . . . $ 1.00
For Exp. of R. J. Carroll, Gov. Eng., Telephone calls
Re- Seawallto be transferred to town a/c by
Treasurer 2.15
Harvey Mabry - Re Services Rendered. - Seawall project
Retroactive resolution 10.00 .
Resolution on Resident Engineer 10.00
Application additional funds to
place posts easterly of seawall 10.00
Ordinance estb. zone for posts
in front of seawall and providing
for construction thereof 15.00 45.00
To legal services in preparing and.
introducing act to fill in back of
Trip to Tallahassee 25.00
Telephone calls 4.50
Preparing legislative act and se-
curing passage 50.00. . 79.50
Mabry - $125.50
Telephone 2.15
Total Seawall Bills $127.65
Upon motion of lair. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, a resolution was passed to the effect that as
Mr. Harvey Mabry is representing the Town of Atlantic Beach and
being paid such fees as he finds lett 1 for 11 work exx' or d iiy
1110 him for the Town, it therefore is n63t in, order to pay- nim o.0
for attendance at each meeting and that the agreement made to
that effect be rescinded and be retroactive to Dec. 6, the date
of the Regular December Meeting.
That from said date, he shall receive $5.00 for attendance
at such meetings only, as he is specially requested to attend.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. G. S. Blondheim, Re- condit-
ion of street which runs between Mrs. H. L. McCulloughs and Mrs.
Arthur Macduff' s properties, being 12th St. at the Seawall. He
called attention to the fact, that altho the seawall had been com-
pleted about a month, yet no effort had been made to clear up ex-
isting conditions, so that this only available way to ocean in
this vicinity could be used.
Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put
and carried, this matter was referred to Col. Youngberg.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. L. J. Lazelere Re- property
owned by him in Atlantic Beach in which, among other things, he
of the high assessment.
A motion .was thereupon made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by
Mr. Stallings, put and carried, that the Clerk be instructed to
write him that ,all assessments were made according to a regular
schedule and that his assessment is in complete accord with all
others in the same vicinity.
Mr. Harvey Mabry, Atty. being present stated that he had
received a similar complaint from Mr. C. W. Zaring, in regard to
his property, whereupon a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, se-
conded by Yr. Stallings, put and carried, that a letter setting
forth the same facts as to absolute impartiality and strict ad-
hereance to schedule being employed in all assessments, be sent
Mr. Zaring also. .
A motion was mad3 .by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by IJr. Stal-
lings, put and carried, that the treasurer, Mr. M. V. Osborne,
be instructed to apply at once for the grant of eighteen thous-
and dollars ($18,000. ) and also for the remaining fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000.) under the bond issue.
A motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, that the resignation of M. F. Cronwalt be accepted
as of June 15th, a nd that the recommendation of Mayor Sugg that
his salary should be allowed at $125.00 a month, starting June 1st,
be approved and the Clerk authorized to draw his warrant for $62.50
for 1/2 month, the period of time he served.
A motion was made by Yr. _Stallings, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
Put and carried, that the appointment by the Mayor of V. R. Rooney,
as marshal, be approved and that he be hired from month to month,
beginning June 15th, at a salary of $125.00 per month until further
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
Put and carried, that the Clerk be instructed to write the County
Commissioners asking that they let the .Lown of Atlantic Beach,
have the $7, 500.00 promised, for the ramps.
The Clerk having called to the attention of the Council the
fact that in the transfer of $1452.22 from Government funds to
the Town' s account, said amount having been expended by the Town
for seawall purposes, and this being a refund allowed by the Gov-
ernment, an arror had .been,made of $1.27, charged twice, and a
$10.00 item for advertising included, which was not connected with
the seawall, therefore these two items amounting to $11.27, would
now have to be given back to the PWA Construction a/c. Thereupon a
motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put
and carried, that the Clerk issue a warrant in favor of Mr. Os-
borne, Treas. for said amount and that he transfer this amount of
$11.27, from the Town' s a/c to the PVJA Construction a/c.
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings,
put and carried, that the taxes due on the property of E. P. Barwald,
for the years 1932, 33 and 34, amounting to $97.84 be removed, in
consideration of his services for three years as tax assessor and 411that the Clerk issue tax Receipt to Mr. Barwald for the amount of
taxes here stated designating years to which this amount applies.
July 1, 1935
Pg. No. 2.
Mr. W. H. Adams, Jr. being present stated that idr. W. H.
Adams, Sr., had advised that hereafter a charge would be made for
water usedin case of fires. Upon being questioned, he was un-
able to state what this charge would be. Thereupon a motion was
made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried,
that this matter be referred to Mr. W. H. Adams, Jr. , fire Chief,
for report.
Judge M. W. Barwald, made his report which is in words
and figures as follows:-
June 19, 1935 - Earle Taylor C & R $5.00
" 24, " - G. H. Van de Velter " if 5.00
" 24 " - H. J. Buckner . . . . . 5.00
June 18, 1935 - Dorothy Pool, Disorderly. Turner over
to Juvenile Court and she was sent back to Augusta, Ga.
June 18, 1935 - Seeley Kennedy, Disorderly. Turned over
to sister Mrs. Joe Stalling, who promised to see she behaves her-
June 18, 1935 - M. D. Crouse, Yukon, Fla. Two bathing
suits stolen. Mr. Rooney recovered them June 25, 1935. Turned
over to County.
June 19, 1935. Vagrancy charge. Turned over to County.
(Signed) M. W. Barwald, Judge.
Mr. M. V. Osborne, Treas. submitted his usual financial
statement, which was ordered filed and the following certified
statements of Bank Balances, which are as follows:-
Jacksonville, Fla.
July 1st, 1935
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Vie hereby certify that the balance standing
to the credit of the account of:
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Construction Account
As shown by our books at the close of business June 30th,
1935, was; Twenty five thousand five hundred thirty and
01/100 dollars. ($25,530.01)
Very truly yours,
(Signed) N. A. Wakefield,
Jacksonville, Fla.
June 7, 1935
Town of Htlantic Beach,
Mr. M. V. Osborne, Treasurer,
Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Dear Sir: -
We hereby certify that the balance stand-
ing to the credit of the account of : The Town of
Atlantic Beach, Construction Account,
As shown by our books at the close ,f business
Iiay 31, 1835, was: Fifty-six thousand two hundred
ninety-seven and 30/100 Dollars. ($56, 297.30)
(Signed)N. A. Wakefield
Jacksonville, Fla,
June 1st, 1935
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Gentlemen:- _
We hereby certify that the balance
standing to the credit of the account of :
Town of Atlantic Beach, Construction Account
As shown by our books at the close of business
Nay 31st, 1935 was Fifty six thousand two hundred ninety
seven and 30/100. ($56, 297.30)
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. L. Dart,
Jacksonville, Fla.
July 1st, 1935
Chairman, Finance Committee
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Dear Sir:-
We hereby certify that the balance
standing to the credit of the account of:
M. V. Osborne, Treasurer,
As shown by our books at the close of business
June 29th, 1935 was: Seven hundred sixty four
& 06/100 ($764.06)
Very truly yours,
(Signed) N. A. Wakefield,
There being no further business for con-
sideration, upon motion put, seconded and carried,
the meeting adjourned.