Lativrence K, Tucker, Jr.,-
Jas I), Palmer,
.Geo. B. Stallings,
E. H. Thompson.
The meeting rouas called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.,
President. '
Upon motion put, seconded and-carried, the minutes of the
meeting of July, lst and Sprcial P~Ieetit~g of, July 30th, was waived.
Upon motion of Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr,' Thompson, ::put
and .carried,. the following bills were approved and authorized paid:-
~,Mci~Tamee &, Jacobsen, 2, metal signs~for'beach frpnt ...............~20.00 -'
Stoddard+s Neptune Garage, Installing siren etrc,.....'-...,......_ 1.15
S. B. Flubbard Co,, Flash Light, cell and bulbs... 2.05
~'- Cohen Brothers, Office Supplies..... .. ... .. 1.15
.Clifford A. Payne Co.'Inc..V~torkmans~Compensation,.,... 53.00
R. B. McDaniel, Repairs on Truck..... .... ... .. 25.90
Harvey P+7abry, Atten~.ance 6 meetings at~~5.00~per........ ... 30.00
Robert E. Sugg, Gas & Oil.. .. .. .33.60
North American Construction~Co,,.BocY.for.streets .,..... ..... 59.14
Harvey Mabry, 10f fee pn X349,38, collected for delinquent taxes 34.94
North Argeriean Construction Co. For Pittsburgh testing Laboratory
tests-on reinforcing steel .ship.-
-ped to- At3ante Beach-for Seawall
' and Ramps .................,....23:85
' ~ The Clerk read a letter from Mr. L, J. Larzelere, making
further protest as to taxes-on his property in Blocks 24,30, 39'.
Upon conclusion of said reading a motion_uvas made by Mr. Stallings,
seconded-by Mr. Palmer, put and carried, that the Clerk write Mr.
~( Mabry, Town+s Atty,, sending 2iim copy of Mr. Larzelere!s letter and
advising hirm that where..any adjustments have been made in similar
situat}bns, he be authorized to:m~ke settlement in this case in ac-
cordance with such prepiop.s'adjustments.-
n The:CTerk=read a. submittal for proposed 30 day pption Piy
W, R. Kenan, Jr. and S. P+T, Loftin, receivers of FEC Ry., wherein
they made price'of X1800.00 for property adjoining Town Hall, gid-
ing terms. etc., 'said price and terma•sub;ject to approval of Court-
and Trustees., Upon conclusd~n of reading, a mot on was made by ,
bRr. Palmer, secpnded,by Mr.-, Stallings, ,put and carried that the
Tpwn accept the proposed 30 da, Qption and that: the matter be re-
ferred to the Public l^lorks Committee ,for invest~.gation and ,report ,
feasibility of,` acquiring ,and financing.
In view of the fact t$at<the FEC Ry. Co. have sold=.the right
of,vaay from. Atlantie'Bqulevard to 7th St and have tY~erefore term-
nated their agreement-:with the tovrn for the crossing at 6th St, as
of July 27,,1935, Mr':.'Mabry,;as Town+s Atty. had been instructed to
write netiv owners (the TEC Corporation}..that the Town Council;would;
expect this street to remain open for traffic. Ivor. Fred Mullikin,.
~~ representative of the TEG Corporation, being present, assured thee.
Council that the new owners would be wi113,ng tnd glad to have 6th
St, crossing remain open.
Thereupon a motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by A~1r,
Stallings, put and carried, that D+Ir. Pullikin get in touch with Mr.
Mabry in regard-to this matter and that ahe latter be ?authorized to
take proffer steps to $et the TP;C Corporation+s willingness to keep
6th St,;~~~ggsing open:, legaiized.
~ a ..
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The Glerk read the resignation of Judge M, VV, Barwald, vrhich
was accepted with sincere appreciation for his services.
Mr. Geo. H. Smith, a resident, of the Beach, made an inter-
esting short talk on the increased develapment of the town and point- '~
ed out the advisability of safeguarding the town+s future as to
beauty; attracting ,desirable residents; building for permanancy etc. `'
Upon conclusion of his talk, a motion was made by Mr, Pal-
mer, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried that three residents
be appointed as a committee to confer with Mr. Thompson, Chairman
.Public Works Committee in regard to this matter and that. .they make
a report of their recommendations in writing.
Thereupon, the Chair appointed Mr. C. P, Wilcox, Mr, Geo. H.
Smith and Mr. Fred L. Mullikin to act as such committee with Mr.
A motion was made by Pltr. Palmer, seconded by ivlr, Stallings,
put'~and carried that the matter of mucking and grassing the street
ends be referred to Mr. Thompson, Chairman Public Works Commmittee
to the end .that he obtain estimates for this work and terms of pay-
. ment-and tha he be authorized to award this contract to the lowest
-. bidder,.
-. •-A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Stallings,
put and•~arried,-THAT:-
As in Apri1~200,of.the fi-oyvn+s money was paid to make. up
X2000. in-payment of bond. coupon maturing April 1st, the Town
- Treasurer is. hereby authorized to transfer this amount from the
account-of Town of Atlantic-Beach Construction Account to the
Town+s General Fund account.
• Mr, Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., submitted a letter addrea'sed to
the Board of Commissioners of Duval•County, in vrhich he set forth the
• reasons why the County should pay to the Town of Atlantic Beach, the
sum of 367.10 in payment for the cutting down of the high bulkhead
at the easterly end of Atlantic Boulevard in order to lower the top
to eliminate traffic hazard and also to give suit able. appearance to
the old and ne5v structures.
At the conclusion of the reading, a motion vras made by
Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr, Thompson, put and carried, that this
letter be signed by T,4r, Tucker and sent to the commissioners.
A motion was made by NIr. Palmer, seconded by Mr, Stallings,
put a'nd carried that the treasurer -4x. M. V. Osborne, be allowed the
sum of200.00 for services performed in disbursing funds., account
of seawall. .=-,,,
A motion was made by Mr, Stallings, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
put and. carried, that the~Town Clerk, E. J. Candee, be allowed a
renumeration for seawall services in the total sum of X150.00 for
extra work done during the duration of the construction of the
Tv:r. R. Marchessian was present and asked for a permit to sell
Upon motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by P!tr. Stallings, this
matter was deferred to the adjourned meeting of Tnursdag, Aug:. 8th
for consideration.
NIr, Osborne Treas, made his financial reports asea;usual, Same
were ordered filed and the certified statement of funds were ordered
spread upon the minutes and are in vrords and figures as follows:-
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Florida.
- Jacksonville, Fla.
August 1st, 1935
• Gentlemen:- •
+Ve hereby certify that the balance standing to the
credit of the account of :
Su, V. Osborne, Treasurer,
As shown by our books at the close-of business July 31st, -1935
Eight hundred ninety five and 90~10o dollars, 0895.90).
Very truly yours
SS, A, t~akefield, Cashier