BEACH, HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 4:30 P. M. Oct. 18,1935.
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. ,
E. H. Thompson
J. M. Bradfield
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.
Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
put and carried the
Resolution Officially Setting the date of Substantial
Completion of the Atlantic Beach Seawall, P . 1,% . A.
Project ,#962
passed at the Regular fleeting of October 14th, 1935, was
recinded and the °ollowingg resolution passed in place of it:
Officially Setting the Date of Substantial
Completion of the Atlantic beach Sea Wall
P. W. A. Project No. 962
WHEREAS, Hills and Youngberg, Engineers for the Town on
the project for the construction of a seawall and ramps with
appurtenant structures and works designated PWA Docket 962,
have reported that the North American Construction Company,
contractor for the project, has substantially completed the
various principal parts of the work on dates as follows: to-wit:
15th Street Ramp - June 21, 1935.
7th Street Ramp - July 19, 1935
Seawall structure- July 19, 1935
Placing backfill - August 3, 1935.
Placing Steps - August 9, 1935.
All within the time limit of 160/days from the date of
beginning, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, and extensions
of time, permitted under the specifications; and
WHEREAS, on Augst 10, 1935 a final inspection of the project
was made by the State PWA Engineer Inspector, accompanied by
two other representatives of the Public Works Administration,
by the General Manager for the Contracting Company, by the
principal engineer for the Town andhis assistants; and
WHEREAS, on that date the seawall was substantially complete,
and was then, and has since been, performing every function of a
seawall and has afforded full protection to the waterfront
properties against the attack of several very severe storms and
high tides, all in accordance with the purpose and intent of the
specifications and contract; and,
WHEREAS, information has been received that the Public Works
Administration will demand satisfaction of the completion date
requirement of the contract:-
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of Atlantic
Beach do , andit hereby does, officially declare, establish and set
• August 10, 1935 as the date of substantial completion of the work, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Town Council do, and it
hereby does, accept the seawall, ramps and appurtenant structures
and works, all as defined in the specifications and contract as
being substantially complete on August 10, 1935 the date of the
pfficial final inspection hereinabove cited: and
Page #f2
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be
transmitted to the State Engineer, the State Engineer Inspector,
and the District Project Auditor, all of the Public Works
Councilman J. M. B¢ adfield presented resolution as
WHEREAS, The State P. V . a. Engineer has informed this
Council that he made his final inspection on August 10, 1935,
and that on that date he pronounced the wall substantially
complete as a seawall structure, with some work remaining to
be done in the nature of minor items of finish; and
WHEREAS, it will be to the interest of all concerned to
complete the physical structure and to complete the terns and
conditions of the loan and grant agreement made with the Public
Works Administration as of June 14, 1934, andto clear the
NOW, therefore, be it resolved that the Town Council do,
and it does hereby instruct its engineers to require the
contractor to proceed immediately to execute the work necessary
to remedy the minor defects, to-wit :
(a) The removal of certain defective concrete and the
replacement thereof in the ramp at Fifteenth Street;
(b) The caulking of certain shrinkage cracks which have
appeared in the seawall;
(c) The replacement of steps damaged in the recent storm; and
(d) An adequate examination of the toe of the superstructure
and the joints between the panels of the cutoff wall
undernea th the toe with a view to determining and
effecting suitable repairs to all joints which may be
found to be open to the detriment of the structure
and its protective functions.
All of the above, including construction operations, engi-
neering and inspection to be executed at the cost of the contractor
under the supervisions of the engineers pursuant to specifications,
page 14, section 23, paragraph (e) ;
Be it resolved further that upon the completion of the
construction operations to the satisfaction of the engineers,
they shall make final report to this Council, in accordance
with the terms and conditions of Specifications, page 29,
section 49, relating to final examination and acceptance of the
work, and,
Be it resolved further that the attested copies of this
resolution be furnished the Contractor, the Engineers for the
Town, the State P. W. k . Engineer, the Sthte PWA Engineer
Inspector, and the District Project Auditor.
Upon motion of Councilman J. M. Bradfield, seconded by
Councilman E. H. Thompson, the resmlution was put to a vote
and it was unanimously adopted.
Seawall Bills
Upon motion o Mr. ra __ eld, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, the following seawall bill was approved and
ordered paid:
Southern Analytical Laboratory, Atlantic •
Beach Seawall Inspections since Aug. 21st,
9 days d X10. 80.00
Vpon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, the following seawall bill was authorized as
Page #3
approved ONLY when released from stoppages
Balance due Hills and Younberg $3,460.76
Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, the following seawall bill was approved and
ordered paid
D. 0. Hatch, Engineer 151.61
Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carroed, the following seawall bills were approved
as paid by M. V. Osborne, Treasurer;
Sept. 16, 1935, Florida National Bank, Reimbursement
interest, postage and register fees,
on $50,000.00 Sea Wall Bonds to
Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta - - - -$ 9.09
October 16,1935, Florida National Bank, to retire
note signed by North American
Construction Company, and assumed
by Town of Atlantic Beach
Note $5000.00
Accrued Int.41.67
- - - -$5e41.67
October 16,1935. Florida National Bank, to retire
note of Town of Atlantic Beach,
total amount of $10,000.00 bor-
rowed from Florida National Bank
to pay North American Construc-
tion Company, before receiving
proceeds of sale of $50,000.00 Sea-
Wall Bonds to Government
Note $5000.00
Accrued interest 41.67 $5041.67
A motion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put
and carried; that
Be it resolved that the Town Council acknowledge the letter of
Russell J. Carroll, Resident Engineer Inspector, Atlantic Beach
Seaswall, dated Aug. 31, 1935 and also acknowledge the letter of
the North American ( onBbruction Company, dated October 17, 1935,
and that any monies now due and paybble by the Town of Atlantic
Beach to the said North American Construction Company be paid
upon sufficient evidence that the North American Construction
Company has placed in escrow with the Florida National Bank, the
sum of $19,009.28, which is the maximum amount in dispute between
the North American Construction Co. , and the Barnett National Bank,
for the account of J. Olson & Son.
In case the Florida National Bank does not accept the escrow
agency hereinbefore mentioned, then any other national bank,
acceptable to the Town of Atlantic Beach, may be substituted by
the North American Construction Company.
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, That :
• The Tax Assessor, Mr. Barwald, be requested to confer with our
Seawall Attorney, Mr. Mathews, in regard to ascertaining proper
method of special assessments of property abutting seawall, as
many t11 s possible and that he be authorized to obtain a book
bie for entering these special assessments, and that the Clerk
be instructed that as soon as this work is completed, she send
Page #4
noticesto all assessed property owners, giving amount of
installments due.
Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
put and carried, the tax roll, as submitted by the Tax
Assessor, is hereby adopted.
There being no further business for consideration, the
meeting adjourned.
Attest: Correct:
4n C erk President