01-02-34 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH HELD JANUARY 2, 1934, AT 6 O'CLOCK P. M. AT THE TOWN HALL. PRESENT:- Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., Jas. D. Palmer, J. M. Bradfield, E. H. Thompson, and Atty. Mabry. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., Chairman. Upon motion put and carried, the reading of the min- utes of December 4th, was dispensed with. Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Palmer, put and carried, the following bills were approved; Pascoe' s Garage, Work on truclr. . . 44.10 Ellis, Curtis & Kooker, Blue prints of Atlantic B.. ; 15.00 Postal Telegraph Cable Co., Dec.13, Call Washington, .60 J. M. Bradfield, Call to Washington, Re. Seawall.. 6,45 P. Jensen, Lime Rock, 44 loads at WO $44.00, on a/c20.00 Robt. E. Sugg, Gas and oil 18.32 Harvey Mabry, Attendance 3 meetings .15.00 $79.47 The following Resolution was offered by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Palmer and unanimously passed:- "Due to the uncertainty as to the continuation of CWA projects until their completion and the fact that Atlan- tic Beach project "A" may be curtailed or even stopped before it is possible to complete it, it is deemed most important that the principal and most used streets in the built-up areas be permanently improved first and before starting work on the streets in the outlying an4 npopulated districts. "THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Beach Street, Con- tinental Avenue, Seventh Street and Fifteenth Street be com- pleted prior to commencing permanent work on the other streets, and that after they have been completed that work on the other streets be taken up in the order of their usefulness." Mr. M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, being unable to at- tend the meeting , submitted thru the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. J. M. Bradfield, his usual financial report, which is placed on file, and also a certified statement of the bank balance, which is in words and figures as follows;- Florida National Bank, January 2, 1934 Mr. J. M. Bradfield, Chairman Finance Committee, Town of Atlantic Beach, Fla. Dear Sir:- We hereby certify that the balance standing to the credit of the account of: M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, As shown by our books at the close of business, December 30, 1933. was. Six Hundred. Twenty-eight and 10/100 dol- lars. ($628.10) . Very truly yours, (Signed) G. J. Avent, President. There being no further business for consideration, upon motion put and carried, the meeting adjourned. Correct:- . r � h /C ; �.--t-4,-i,c Chairman. Attest:- 0 lark.