BEACH, HELD APRIL 2nd, 1934, at 5-30, P. M.
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.,
Jas. D. Palmer,
J. M. Bradfield,
E. H. Thompson,
Geo. B. Stallings,
Atty. Mabry.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. ,
Upon motion put, seconded and carried, the reading of the
minutes of the meeting of March 5th, was waived.
Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings,
put and carried, the following bills were approved:-
Walter Pascoe, Work on Town Truck, $14.35
R. E. Sugg, Gas and oil 3/2 to 3/30 15.05
The Clerk read a letter from the Misses Myrtle Hood and
Margaret Williams, school teachers of Jacksonville Beach, in which
they expressed a desire to use the Town Hall of Atlantic Beach,
from June lith to Aug. 4th, for the purpose of conducting a private
school. This matter was referred to the Laws and Rules Committee
who were requested to make a report at the next meeting, when this
matter would be acted upon.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Jas. C. Merrill, in
reference as to when andif there was to be a filler placed on the st
streets already shelled. Likewise when the sidewalk was to be laid
in front of his property, the grade for same having already been
made. This matter was referred to Mayor Sugg and he was requested
to dictate a letter giving the desired information.
The Clerk also read a complaint from Mr. T. J. Mott as
to the assessment of his property and a request that he be allowed
discount for paying back taxes so that he might have an incentive
to borrow some money and settle in full. The Chair instructed the
Clerk to make reply to this letter, according to the laws governing
the situation.
Mr. Palmer called attention to the fact that lumber and
all building materials had advanced in price since the recent
building of the Town Hall and that only $2000.00 insurance as be-
ing carried, but that owing to this advance, it could not be re-
built for $2,000.00 should a fire destroy it.
Thereupon he made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
put and carried that Mr. Bradfield be authorized to attend to
the matter of having the insurance increased from $2,000.00 to
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded bs Mr.
Palmer, put and carried that the resolution passed at the
meeting of Feby. 5th, giving Mayor R. E. Sugg and Engineer Bur-
roughs, authority to prepare and present to the CWA authorities
a new set-up to continue and finish Project 16-123 etc. (See
minutes of that date) be estimated and set out as therein out-
lined and submitted to the FERA, which is now operating in place
of the cwa.
That a copy of the Resolution of Feby. 5th herein
referred to and likewise a copy of this resolution, be furnished
the mayor.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Brad-
field, put and carried, that an ordinance establishing a Safety
Zone and Park and prohibiting vehicles from parking in or being
driven thru such Safety Zone and Park, and appropriating funds
for the purpose of establishing markers to identify the bound-
aries of such safety Zone and Park and providing a penalty for
violation, be introduced by title only on the first reading.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr.
Stallings, put and carried, that an ordinance establishing a
plumbing code for establishing uniform requirements, ac-
cording to the needs of Atlantic Beach, be introduced by title
only on the first reading.
A motion- was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr.
Stallings, put and carried, that an ordinance, establishing an
Electrical Code, evolved from the National Electrical Code, with
modifications to suit local conditions, be introduced by title
only, on the first reading.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Brad-
field, put and carried that an ordinance establishing a Build-
ing Code, founded on that now in force in Jacksonville, but
modified to suit the needs of Atlantic Beach, be introduced
by title only on the first reading.
A letter from Mr. Clifford A. Payne was read, in which
he pointed out that if the Town was provided with a chemical
fire engine, the 30% increase in rate which the Rating Bureau
passed on Feby. 19, 1934, for all property without fire pro-
tection, would not apply but the 5% credit allowed for such
equipment would be deducted.
Whereupon, the Chair referred this matter to the
Finance Committee for investigation.
Mr. M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, made, thru Mr. Brad-
field, his monthly financial report, which was ordered filed.
He also submitted a certified statement of the Town' s bal-
ance in bank , which is in words and figures as follows:-
Jacksonville, Florida,
April 2, 1934
Mr. J. M. Bradfield,
Chairman Finance Committee
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Dear Sir:-
We hereby certify that the balance standing to the
credit of the account of:
M. V. Osborne, Treasurer,
As shown by our books at the close of business , March 31, 1934,
was Three hundred seventy seven and 65/100 - dollars ($377.65)
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. L. Dart,
April 2, 1934
Mr. Benton, head of the Finance Division of the PWA,
came before the Council for certain information in connection
with the Seawall Loan.
After this was furnished, there being no further
business for consideration, upon motion, put and carried, the
meeting adjourned.