BEACH, HELD JUNE 4, 1934, AT 8 0tCLOCK, P.M.
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.,
Jas. D. Palmer,
J. M. Bradfield,
E. H. Thompson,
Geo. B. Stallings, Councilmen,
and Atty. Mabry.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K.
Tucker, Jr., President.
The Clerk read the minutes of May 7th, which were ap-
proved as read.
Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
put and carried, the following bills were approv^a:-
Allweather Tire Co. , 2 tires for truck $49.30 on a/c $ 10.
Clifford A. Payne, insurance- Bldg, F & F. .on a/c26.38
H. & W.B.Drew Co., Minute Book sheets, (100) 2.65
S. B. Hubbard Co., 1 Lawn sprinkler .75
Cohen Brothers, Office supplies 1.85
1 Gal. floor oil3.00
1 Broom 1.25 6.10
W. H. Adams, Sr., Rent for Town Hall Grounds. . . . . . . . 10,00
Boy Scouts of the Beaches, for expenses) 20.00
Troop Committee, Troup 40 BSA )
Harvey Mabry, 3-m3etings at $5.00 per 15.00
R. E. Sugg, Gas and oil 6.85
Pascoe' s Garage. Repairs on truck 4.10
W. H. Adams, Jr., Return postage on fire siren 1.02
The Clerk read the resignation of Judge F. W. Truex,
which is as follows:-
Atlantic Beach, Fla.
June 4, 1934
The Chairman and
Members of the City Council of -
Atlantic Beach.
Due to the fact that I will not be in Atlantic Beach,
during the summer season and therefore unable to carry on the
duties of judge of the municipality of Atlantic Beach, I hereby
respectfully tender my resignation as judge of the Municipal
Court of Atlantic Beach, Florida, to take effect at once.
Any questions you may wish to ask in regard to the
Court Records, will be gladly answered.
Respectfully submitted
(Signed) F. W. - Truex.
At the completion of the reading, a motion was.made
by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, that
his resignation be accepted with regret and with sincere appre-
• ciation of his handling of this office during his tenure. Also
that the Clerk write Judge Truex a letter to this effect.
Mr. W. H. Adams, Jr., made a report on the organization
and activities of the Boy Scouts of the Beaches, which have
been organized as, "Troop 40, BSA, and recommended that Atlantic
Beach, pay it' s pro rata share of the $60.00 initial expense,
which was suggested to the Council by Mr. Stoddard at the meeting
of March 5th.
Thereupon a motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by
Mr. Bradfield, put and carried, that the Town pay their share
of this expense, amounting to 20. 00, as recommended by Mr.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Stallings,
put and carried, that in consideration of the sum of $250.00 and
other good and valuable considerations made to'the Town of Atlan-
tic Beach, the taxes, totaling the sum of $500.00, affecting prop-
erty owned by Harcourt Bull, be cancelled and satisfied and entry
be made on the Town records to that effect.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Brad-
field, put and carried, that in consideration of the fact that
Mr. W. G. Lockwood had been to a great deal of trouble and like-
wise personal expense, in obtaining the government loan for
building the seawall, it was therefore just that the Town should
reimburse him for some of the money so expended and that the
Clerk be authorized to draw a warrant in his favor, in the
,amount of $59.00.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
put and carried, that Mr. W. U. Adams, Jr., be authorized to
order on approval, a fire siren from Monticello, Ga., for which,
if found satisfactory and retained, ,the Town shall pay $50.00.
A motion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
put and unanimously carried, that M. W. Barwald be appointed judge
he having signified his willingness to act in that capacity.
Retiring Judge, F. W. Truex, read his report, which is in
words and figures as follows:-
Covering period from Sept. 1933, when last report made to
Council, to and through June 4th, 1934.
Fines collected $10.00
Monies turned over to City 10.00
Two cases.
Fines collected - none.
Forfeited bonds $ 7.00
Monies due City and turned over to City 5.00
(Signed) F. W. Truex, Judge
Upon conclusion of the reading, a motion was made by
Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put and carried that
this report be accepted as read.
A motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
put and carried, that the salary of the marshal be raised to
$125.00 per month, beginning June 1st and continuing until further
action by the Council.
Upon motion of Councilman Bradfield, seconded by
Councilman Palmer, an ordinance providing for a license fee
and regulations affecting installation of electrical appliance,
was approved, passed and confirmed by a unanimous vote of the
Town Council, same to become effective upon approval of the
Town' s mayor.
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr.
Palmer, p ut and carried that Mr. W. H. Adams, Jr., be appoint-
ed electrical inspector; that fee for inspection shall be paid
to the Clerk at the Town Hall, said Clerk to receive 10% of
same. Of the balance, the inspector shal],eceive 50% and the
Town the other 50%.
There being no further business for consideration,
upon motion put and carried, the meeting adjourned.
Approved: .
MIL I G-3----r--1-7.
June 2, 1934.
Federal Emergency Administration
of Public Works,
Washington, G.
Attention Hon. Charlie 0. McCall:
Chief Counsel, Public Bodies Section,
Legal Division for the Administration
410 Dear Sir:
Re: Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County,
xPi )rids. Seawall. P.V .A. Docket No.962.
In accordance with your letter of May 19, 1934, relative
to the modification of the loan agreement with the Town of
Atlantic Beach so that the maturities set forth in said loan
agreement, which was transmitted to you under date of April 27,
1934, be amended in order that there will be 19 maturities in-
stead of 20, the first maturity be deferred to October 1, 1935,
we beg to advise that a special meeting was called of the Town
Council of Atlantic Beach, held on May 30, 1934, at which said
special meeting proper resolution setting forth the amended
dchedule of maturities was presented and passed by said Council,
with full attendance, all of whom voted unanimo, sly In favor of
said resolution.
We enclose herewith duplicate certified copies of said
meeting embodying the notice, as well as the resolution with
1110 certification by E. J. Candee, Clerk of said Town, that same
is a true and correct copy of the proceedings as aforesaid.
You will also note that in and by said resolution the President
of the Town. Council and the Town Clerk were directedand em-
powered to execute on behalf of the Town said loan agreement as
Please, therefore, consider this your authority to make on
behalf of said Town modification of that certain loan agreement
previously entered into modifying said loan agreement to the ex-
tent of the provisions contained in said certified copy of resolu-
tion which is enclosed herewith.
Yours very truly
President of Town of Atlantic Beach
Clerk of To of lant Beach.