07-02-34 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA., HELD JULY 2nd. 1934, AT EIGHT O' CLOCK, P. M. PRESENT:- Lawrence RESENT:- Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., J. M. Bradfield, Geo. B. Stallings, and Harvey Mabry, Atty. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., President. The Clerk read the minutes of June 4th, which were ap- proved as read. Upon motion put, seconded and carried, the reading of the minutes of the Special Meeting of June, 18th, was waived. Upon motion ,of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, the following bills were approved:- Dekle Lumber Co., material $ 1.64 Aliweather Tire Co., Bal on two tires 19.30 W. H. Adams, Jr., Electric Insp. 2 Bldgs. 2.62 Pd. Atlantic Coast Line for freight on Fire Siren 1.53 For markers for night driv- ing 1.00 5.15 Robert E. Sugg, Gas & Oil, 6/5 to 6/29 23.10 Pascoe' s Garage, Work on truck . 4:85 Velma Cadle, Typing matter for Seawall 10.60 Clifford A. Payne, Bal. on Insurance 25.00 $ 89.64 Judge 1,1. W. Barwald, being present, read his report, which is in words and figures as follows:- To the members of the Town Council of Atlantic Beach, Fla. , I herewith respectfully submit the pllowing report, From June 4th, 1934 to July 3rd, ,1934, there were 4 cases for speeding. The total cash of $15.00 was turned over to the Town. (Signed) H. W. Barwald, Judge. Upon the conclusion of the reading of the foregoing,re- port, a motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded'by Mr. Bradfield, put and carried, that the same be approved as read. A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried that an ordinance establishing a building code be pas- sed on the 2nd and third reading. A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried that an ordinance establishing a plumbing code be passed on the second and third reading. A motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put and carried that the marshal be authorized to purchase the neces- sary number of markers for night driving and install same on pier piling and such other places as in his opinion is necessary for pro- \ tection of traffic. IIF A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings put and carried, that the Clerk be instructed to write Sheriff Rex Sweat, requesting that he detail at least two motor cycle deputies to assist officer Cronwalt in traffic regulation on July Fourth, and one motor cycle deputy on Saturday and Sunday afternoons each week during the season. Also that these deputies be placed by Officer Cronwalt to the best advantage. Further that the Clerk be instructed to pay for the noon and evening meals of the deputies so detailed. Mr. M. V. Osborne, Treas. , made his usual monthly financial report whichwas ordered filed and also submitted a certified bank statement, which is in words and figures as follows:- Jacksonville, Fla. July 1, 1934 Mr. J. M. Bradfield, Chairman Finance Committee, Town of Atlantic Beach, ' - Atlantic Beach, Florida. Dear Sir - . We hereby certify that the balance standing to the credit of the account of; M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, ,As shown by our books at the close of business June 30, 1934 was, Two hundred ninety-eight and 18/100 dollars 0298.18) Very truly yours, (Signed). J. L. Dart, Comptroller. There being no further business for consideration, upon motion -put andcarried, the meeting adjourned. Correct:- ica-AAJZ-14,-f.)42 /C President. Attest: it • jcl>.