HELD AUG. 6th, 1934, AT TWO O' CLOCK, P. M.
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. ,
Jas. D. Palmer,
E. H. Thompson,
Geo. B. Stallings,
J. M. Bradfield.
The meeting 'as called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. !Pucker,
Jr., President, who stated that the purpose of the meeting was to
open sealed bids for the Seawall.
At the request of Mr. Tucker, Col. G. a. Youngberg made
preperation to open said bids. Prior to the opening, he read
the following papers, which upon motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded
by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, were ordered spread upon the minutes.
Upon conclusion of the reading of the foregoing, bids were
opened from the following firms:-
1 - W. Horace Williams Co. , Inc. New Orleans, who put
up bond of $20,000.
2 - Shore Line Builders, Inc. Jacksonville, Fla. who
put up certified cheque.f or 8,500.
3 - T. L. James & Co. Inc. Ruston, La. and
Walter Bryson Inc., Jacksonville, Fla.
who put up bond of 15,000.
4 - Powell Bros. Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. , who put
up certified cheque for 8,000 .
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr
Palmer, put and carried, that all bids be referred to &ngineer for
tabulation, report and recommendation.
Upon motion put and carried, the meeting adjourned,
subject to call of the president.
ora-AAILL-vz /e
(Address) _-- (Date)
For furnishing labor, materials, and equipment for the construction of
a concrete seawall with stairways and backfill, and with two (2) runways
(or ramps) on the ocean front at Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, in
accordance with the Engineer's plans and specifications for said work.
To the Town Council,
Atlantic Beach, Florida,
Care Hills and Youngberg, Engineers,
P. 0. Box 36,
Jacksonville, Florida.
We, the undersigned,
a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
, or a partnership consisting of
an individual trading as
of the city of , HEREBY DECLARE:
THAT no person or persons, partnership or corporation, other
than the undersigned, is or aro interested in this proposal, as principal
or principals, and that this proposal is made without collusion with any
person or persons, partnership or corporation; and
THAT we have carefully and to our full satisfaction, examined
the attaohed specifications, including general instructions and require-
ments, detailed specifications, plans and drawings, and form of Contract
and Bond, and that wo have made a full examination of the locality and
site of the proposed work and the sources of supply of materials and
equipmont; and
THAT we fully understand that the quantities stated. in the
specifications are approximate only; and
7E HEREBY AGREE to furnish all necessary labor, teams equip-
ment, plant and materials., and. to complete in full all necessary work in
accordance with the plans and the attached specifications, and the
requirements, under them, of the Engineer, within the time limit specified
in this Proposal for the following unit prices, to wit:
NOTE: In all oases, the unit price is to be inserted in
both words and figures.
Type "A-c" - Reinforced concrete substructure and
superstructure, complete in all re.
spects, as shown in the drawings and
describedin the specifications with backfill
under the face of the wall and with additional
backfill in rear of the wall, the latter in an
amount not to exceed an average of four (Li.)
cubic yards, per running or lineal foot of wall,
Per lineal foot of wall . . $
Type "A-s" - Reinforced concrete substructure and
superstructure, complete in all re-
speots, as described immediately above
for Type "A-c", except that interlocking steel
sheet piling shall be used for the longitudinal
out-off wall ins+Aad of reinforced concrete
sheet piles or panels,
Per lineal foot of wall $ $
Type "B" - Reinforced concrete substructure and
superstructure, complete in all re-
spects, as shown in the drawings and
described in the specifications with backfill
under the face of the wall and with additional
backfill in rear of the wall, the latter in an
110 amount not to exceed an average of four (Lb)
cubic yards, per running or lineal foot of wall,
Per lineal foot of wall $ $
Type "C" - Reinforced concrete substructure and
superstructure, complete in all re-
spects, as shown in the drawings and
described in the specifications with backfill
under the face of the wall and with additional
backfill in roar of the wall, the latter in an
amount not to exceed an average of four ( )
cubic yards, per running or lineal foot of wall,
Por lineal foot of wall $ $
Primary Bid•
Reinforced concrete ramps, com-
plete with encircling cut-off wall, pave-
ment, coping and wheelguards, all complete
ready for use,
For each (one) ramp, complete . . . . . . $
Alternative Bid:
Ramps with reinforced concrete
pavement, concrete bulkheads and wheel-
guards, but with encircling cut-off wall
consisting of steel sheet master piles and.
interlocking steel sheet piles, all complete
ready for use,
For each (one) ramp complete . . . . . $ $
Steps, or stairways, at the ends
of streets and opposite residences, placed
in position as directed by the Engineer,
complete and ready for use, per paragraphs
"46" and "48-c"
(Total number required, 85 - estimated but
not guaranteed)
For each flight of steps, or stairway, com-
plete �_ $
For placing sand fill behind the
seawall, in excess of an average of four (4)
cubic yards per lineal foot of wall, placed
and compacted with water, and graded to fur-
nish connection with and continuation of
streets, oarrying same on a suitable slope
to the crest of the seawall,
Per cubic yard, measured in place, in fill $
It is understood and agreed that the unit price last quoted
shall apply also to any and all backfill made for account of private
owners under the terms and conditions indicated in Paragraph ") 2-e",
Part II, of the specifications.
flPc (Q)
lirThe undersigned further agrees to perform all necessary work
as provided for in the specifications and in accordance with the terms and
conditions sot forth in Paragraph "16", Page 9, Part I, of the specifica-
The undersigned further agrees to execute the contract in
accordance with tho form supplied, within ten (10) calendar days after the
date upon which notice of award shall have been given, either by delivery of
such notice to the undersigned in person, or by delivery through the United
States mails, and in the latter case, the date of posting the said notice
shall be construed as the date of delivery.
The undersigned further agrees to begin work with an adequate
force, plant and equipment within Ten (10) calendar days from and after
the date of the execution of the contract, and to fully complete all neces-
sary work under the same, including removal of debris, plant, equipment,
surplus material and in cleaning up the site within one hundred and sixty
(160) calendar days from the date fixed for the beginning of the work,
GO exclusive of Sundays, holidays and any permissible extensions of time, as
set forth in Paragraph "23-b", and othor paragraphs of and in the specifica-
tions, and to furnish sufficient and satisfactory performance bond in the
sum of not less than one hundred (100) per cent of the contract price of
the work, as indicated by the approximate quantities shown in the schedule
hereinabove, together with labor and. materialmenfs bonds, certificates of
Workmen's Collective Insurance and all other certificates of liability and/or
other insurance, as required by the specifications.
Tho undersigned further agrees to bear the full cost of main-
taining all work in good order and condition to the date of final acceptance
of the same by tho Town of Atlantic Beach, as provided in the specifications
and in the contract covering the work.
Accompanying this proposal is a statement on a separate sheet,
marked " ", setting forth the experience, plant and financial responsi-
bility of the undersigned bidder. (See Paragraph "7", Part I)
Also accompanying this proposal is a certified check, made
payable to the Treasurer of the Town of Atlantic Beach, in the sum of
Dollars ($ ) which check is to
be forfeited as liquidated damages if, in case this Proposal be accepted,
the undersigned shall fail to execute the attached contract under the con-
ditions of this Proposal, and the said check shall be cashed by the afore-
said Treasurer and the proceeds thereof shall become the property of the
Town, which shall be subject to no claim for recovery of the check, or the
proceeds thereof.
(Address) _
(Address) — _
(Address) (SEAL)
5-2365 AND 5-6273
August 6, 1934
RE:- ATLANTIC BLACH SEAW.LL -- P.W.A. Project No. 962.
ON AUGUST 6, 1934
G. A. Youngberg
Hills and Youngberg
111 Engineers for the Town.
Before opening the bids, I desire to incorporate in the records
of the Town Council a statement which shall now be read in this open public
meeting, as follows:-
During the past week certain critical camients have been made in
respect of two special features of the specifications:-
The First, relating to the requirement that bids on the sloping
plane face types designated A-c or As will not be considered unless the same
bidder shall have submitted a bid on either or both of the curved ox roll-way
face type; and
The Second, relating to certain patents -- which may or may not be
4/ - 2 -
1. The requirement in regard to bids is set forth in Paragraph 26,
Page 15 of the Specifications, as follows:-
"26. Bids on Various Types:- Bids will be received
on seawall structures of Types "Ac",, "A-s" , "B" and "C" , all as
shown in the drawings. However, no bid will be received or con-
sidered if limited solely to Types "A-c" and "L-s" , either or
both, but bids on either or both of these said types - "A-c" and
"A-s" - will be considered when the same bidder shall have sub-
mitted a bid on Type "B" or Type "C" , either or both."
2. The circumstances leading up to the paragraph quoted were as follows:-
A bulkhead or seawall for the protection of Atlantic Beach and other ocean-
front communities in Duval County have been under consideration for many years
by our firm. Walls of numerous types wee considered, Particularly walls having
faces either vertical, sloping, sten-ed, or curved, and combinations thereof.
Preliminary plans and estimates were made prior to the destructive storms of
November 1932 and prior to the 1933 session of the State Legislature. The plans
and esti-mtes served as the basis of several laws passed at that session
authorizing the holding of bond elections to finance seawall structures. Early
in 1933 our firm was definiteyy .retained by the Town Council of Atlantic Beach
Oil' to assist it in its seawall project and this was prior to the enactment by the
Federal Congress of the Natimnal Industrial Recovery Act and the organization
thereunder of the Public Works Administration.
3. In the meantime, early in 1933, the owners of four lots,employed an
engineering-contractor to construct for them a seawall 200 feet long and having
a curved face. The Town authorities noted this work and its results and directed
- 3 -
our firm to prepa- e plans and specifications for a structure substantially
similar thereto and also to prepare plans for the more sim+)le sloping faced
structure. In compliance with law, plans and specifications for both types
and several variations of each type were filed with the Town Clerk prior to
the bond election conducted by the Town on 1933.
(4). Subsequently, with a view to financing the work, application
for a loan and a grant was filed with the Public Works Administration on
both sloping and curved face,
July 31, 1933. Plans and specifications for both types of wall/and the several
variations thereof accompanied the application. The autaorities in Washington
however, required many months for the consideration of the legal, financial
and engineering features of the work. Eventually, early in February of 1933,
the writer (Col. Youngberg) had a conference with the Director of Engineering
of the Public Works Administration in Washington. At that time the Director
of Engineering definitely approved the curved face type of seawall, but did not
approve nor authorize the taking of bids on the other sloping face type. This
circumstance led to some correspondence, from which the following excerpts are
(a) Letter from Coll Youngberg to the Executive Assistant of the
P.W.A. administration in Washington, dated March 7, 1934.
"The engineer, Mr. McDonough, definitely an ?roved Types B
and C as being the best. He realized that they also were the most
expensive. They are e..actly similar, except that the toe of the
parabolic curved face on Type B terminates at Elevation +5.5, whereas
the toe of this curve in Type C is at Elevation +4.0. The consecruence
is that Type C has a longer parabolic surface and, while it is the
best, it is also the most expensive.
"We would also request apProval of Type A, which has a slop-
ing plane in lieu of the parabolic face. The elevations in Type A
correspond to the elevations in Type B. We believe that Type A can
be constructed at less cost than either Types C or B and we would like
- 4 r
to invite alternative bids on all three types and then, with the
approval of the PWA Adainistration, select that particular type for
construction which will be most advantageous in respect of costs and
other considerations.
"We may desire also to use steel sheet piling, weighing
not less than 22 pounds per square foot of finished wall, instead
of the pre-cast concrete sheet pile shown in the drawings for Type A.
The specificatims and proposals would provide for this possible sub-
stitution of steel for concrete."
(b). Letter from the Director of Engineering to Col. Youngberg,
dated March 20, 1934.
"Ei-her Type "B" or "C" will be satisfactory to me. I do
not believe tyre "A" would offer much reduction in price over type
"B" and certainly would not give as much protection to the shore.
41 Steel sheet piling will be satisfactory instead of pre-cast sheeting
for the toe wall."
(c). Letter from Col. Youngberg to the Director of Engineering,
dated March 22, 1934.
"It is noted that either Type !B" or "0" will be satisfact-
ory to you and that you do not believe Type "A" would offer much re-
duction in price under Type "B" * * *. Frankly, we would Prefer
Type "C" as being probably the best. It, however, requires very high
grade work to insure the placement of the reinforcing steel at a
sufficient depth in the concrete to forestall the possible effects of
the salt air penetrating the conctete and corroding the steel. * * *
This is a municipal project, theoretically financed by funds raised
by the city, and it is our opinion that if we can invite bids on
three different types, then the City Council can make its award on the
basis of the best contractor and the best value generally and 7.ot
merely on that type or on that 'bid which is the lowest. We would
therefore appreciate your approval of Type4A" , so t] we may have a
• number of alternative bids. * * * We understand that the final award
can not be made without the approval of the P.W.A. Authorities. Our
present purpose in requesting approval of Type "A" is to insure
against prohibitive price and to permit of the award on that type
which shall be to the best advantage of all concerned."
(d). Letter from the Director of Engineering to Hills and Youngberg,
dated March 26, 1934.
5-2365 Ar:o 5-6273
REPORTS August 6, 1934
RE;- Minor Errors in Specifications.
Page 8, Paragraph 14, sub-paragraph iv), Line 3:-
The word "Contractor" should read "Contract, so that
the sentence will then read as follows:-
"The right is reserved to make such minor changes in
the execution of the work, as in the Judgment of the engineer,
may be necessary or expedient to carry out the intent of the
contract, provided, etc."
Page 21, Paragraph 34-b, Line 2:-
The word and figure "5" should read "6" , and the
sentence will then read as follows:-
"Each cubic yard of concrete shall contain not less
than six and three-fourths (6 3/4) bags of cement."
All prospective bidders have heretofore been notified of the above.
Pages 5, 6 and 7, Paragraph 13, sub-naragranhs relating to liability insurance,
corrective sheets have been delivered to all prospective bidders,
requiring the contractor to maintain employee's liability insurance
with Workmen's Collective Insurance or its equivalent and also
Public Liability Insurance.
- 5 -
"I would suggest that you advertise for bids on type "B"
and "C" with the idea of accepting either type that might be low.
In considering these base bids you could also ask for a plus or
minus alternate on type "A". To ask for alternates on these three
seawalls would be confusing. If the contractor who has the lowest
bid on either type "B" or "C" is also low on type "A" we would con-
sider this alternate. However, the job should be awarded on the
low bid for type "B" or "C" ."
(SPECIAL NOTE:- The original letter, Line 4, referred to a plus
or minus alternate on hype "C". This appeared to be a typographical
error and was corrected by letter of inquiry from Col. Youngberg
to the Director of Engineering, dated April 2, and a reply from the
latter, dated April 9. The following in respect of the award is
quoted from th-ose two letters.)
"The award will be made to that bidder who gives the best
bid on Type "B" or Type "C" , but if that same bidder gives a still
lower bid on Type "A" , then the City may, in its discretion and with
the approval of the P.W.A. , decide to adout Type "A" . * * * *
The approval of the P. P.A. will be based on the relative difference
in price, which difference is to be taken into account with the
resrective different durabilities of the types of construction."
5. It will be observed from the foregoing excerpts that Paragraph 26
conforms strictly to instructions issued by the Director of Engineering of the
Public Works Administration . Moreover, Paragraph 8 of the Specifications
relating to the "Right to reject bids" corresponds to the instructions mentioned.
41( 6. With special reference to patent ri htls:- Numerous patents have
been issued bearing on the construction of fevetments, retaining walls and
bulkheads, including those built along inland waters or on ocean shores. In
conformity with usual governmental practice a standard paragraph on patents was
inserted in the specificat'.ons, reading as follows:-
"13. Contractor's responsibility:- * * * *
"iv. Patents:- The Contractor shall hold and save the
Town, its officers, agents, servants and employees, harmless from
- 6 -
liability of anynature or kind for or on account of the use of any
patented or unpatented invention, article or appliance furnished
or used in the Performance of the Proposed contract."
See Specifications, Page 6.
7. It is not believed that any patent could Possibly bar the use in
this seawall Project of the return curve which is a feature of both types of
wall. Th s return curve has been incorporated in numerous structures in all
parts of the world--such structures being built of cut stone and/or concrete.
The cut stone structures antedate by many years the discovery and use of con-
8. It is not believed that any patent could bar the use of the para-
bolic or any other mathematical curve in any part of the proposed structure.
These curvegr are very ancient and they have been a plied to seawall structures
for many years past. The text books and the published proceedings of engineer-
ing societies contain extended discussions thereof. Very recently this curve
has been applied to a seawall structure built under government auspices at
Fortress Monroe in Virginia and, in the Engineering News Record for June 28,
1934, there is an advertisement of the Blaw-Knox Company, showing their steel
forms in use.
9. It is not believed that the plscement of reinforcing steel in the
concrete can be covered by patent, for such placement is of the ordinary grid
type used extensively in pavements, in floors and in structures.
10. It is not believed that the patent can bar the use d' steel *piles or
steel rails in the foundation structure, for steel piles and steel rails have
been used for many years past in the construction of bulkheads and retaining
11. It is not believed that the patent can bar the use of precast con-
crete panels, either plain or interlocking, for precast panels have been in
use for many years past and precast concrete panels of the interlocking type
have been used very extensively in Lake Worth, for the Town of Boynton and at
Lake Boca Raton in connection with subdivisions and parks developed in 1924 and
125 during the so-called real estate boom. Moreover, these Precast interlock-
ing panels incorporated a steel pile being `.n fact iron or steel pipe.
12. It is not believed that the patent can bar the use of the jetting
Process for plating piles or panels, for this jetting process has been in use
for many years and is the common property of engineers and contractors the
world over.
13. The mechanical means thereby the concrete panels are supported by the
foundation Piles are not shown in the drawings but the specifications require
every bidder to devise his own means and methods satisfactory to the engineer.
The pertinent Paragraph is to be found on Page 18 of the snecif'icaticns and
reads as follows:-
"31-e. Setting Panels:- If precast panels be used for
the longitudinal cut-off wall, they shall be placed by such meand
and methods as will certainly secure results necessary to the pur-
poses of the work. Resort may be had to excavation and jetting,
either or both , Provided, however, tbEt the foundation Piles shall
not be forced out of their true position nor their utility impaired
er in any degree whatsoever. Panels shall be attached to foundation
rails or Piles by means and methods satisfactory to the Engineer.
Any bidder who plans to use precast panels shall furnish with his
proposal, a statement (and drawings if need be) fully setting forth
the means and methods which he proposes to use in the work of setting
such panels and attaching same to the foundation rails or riles."
14. The attention of all prospective bidders was specifically called to
this Paragraph in a "Special Cautionary Tote to Bidders" appearing on Page 30
of the Specifications and it has been discussed freely and openly with every
contractor who has requested information relating thereto.
15. Furthermore, in accordance with standard governmental oractice,the
Town reserves the right to make such minor changes in the plans and in the
execution of the work as might be necessary or expedient to carry out the intent
and purposes of the Town. (S ee Specifications, Page 8, Paragraph 14-iv.) This
would avoid interference with patent rights.
16. As nrevicusly stated, the Specifications for this structure have been
under consideration more or less continuously by the engineers for the Town and
the engineers for the Public Works Administration for over fourteen months and
the intent has been to afford full opportunity for competitive bidding, with a
view to securing for the Town of Atlantic Beach a seawall structure of that
type and on that bid which shall be to the best interests of the Town. That is
to say, the award shall take into account the relative differences in prices or
costs and the expected different durabilities of the types of constructi n.
dr +
by d►
G. A. Yo _berg
Member of the Firm.
HELD AUGUST 6, 1934, AT 3-30, P . M. AT TOWN HALL.
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.,
J. M. Bradfield,
Geo. B. Stallings,
Jas. D. Palmer,
E. H. Thompson.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker,
Jr., President.
Upon motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, the
reading of the minutes of the last meeting was waived.
Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put
and carried, the following bills were approved:-
Harvey Mabry - Cost recording QCDeeds for purpose Bulk-
head assessment $12.00
10 q stamps for same .80 $12.80
J. M. Bradfield - Court costs in connection with. Bond
Validation proceedings, Re-Seawall 15:00
W. H. Adams, Jr. - 4 Electrical Inspections 7.03
Ocean Beach. Hotel Co. - Lights - 3 mo $7.62
Water - 3 " 3.75 11.37
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., Long Distance Cal). Washington,
Re- Seawall 4.75
Robert E. Sugg, Gas and oil, 6/30 to 8/3 30.85
Judge H. W. Barwald submitted his report which was read
by the Clerk, and is in words and figures as follows:
Town Council of Atlantic Beach,
From July 3rd, 1934 to Aug. 3, 1934, there were
four cases. The total fines amounting to $16.00, were turned over
to the Town.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signes) M. W. Barwald,
Upon completion of the reading of this report, a motion
was made" by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Palmer, put and carried,
that said report be accepted as read and spread upon the minutes.
Mr. M. V. Osborne, Treas. being present, submitted his
usual monthly bank sl sterent, which was ordered filed and a cer-
tified statement of balance in bank, which upon motion put, seconded
and carried, was ordered spread upon the minutes and is in words and
figures as follows:-
Jacksonville, Florida.
August 1, 1934
Mr. J. M. Bradfield,
Chairman Finance Committee,
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Florida
Dear Sir:-
We hereby certify that the balance standing to the
credit of the account of;
M. V. Osborne, Treasurer,
As shown by our books at the close of business
July 31, 1934, was; Two hundred twelve and 34/100 ($212.34)
Yours very truly,
(Signe) J„ L., Dart.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put
and carried, that the license of Robert E. Sugg, be marked paid, in
consideration of services rendered in connection with CWA work.
Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put
and carried, the following resolution was ordered passed, accept-
ing the preliminary Tax Assessment Roll for the year 1934;
WHEREAS, The Town Tax Assessor has completed' the pre-
liminary tax assessment Roll of the Town- of Atlantic Beach, Florida
for the year 1934, and has submitted the same to the Town Council,
WHEREAS, It appears that all property, real and personal,
in the Town of Atlantic Beach subject" to taxation has been assessed
on said tak assessment roll, and the said tax assessment Roll is
in due form,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the
Town of Atlantic Beach, that the said preliminary tax assessment
Roll be and the same is hereby approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk shall
post at the Town Hall and at two other public places in the Town
and shall also publish for four successive days in a newspaper
' published in the City of Jacksonville, Duva 1 County, Florida,
notice that said assessment roll has been submitted to the Town
Council and approved and also requiring all persons desir-
ing to have corrections thereof made, whether in the listing,
' valuation of property or otherwise, to file with the Town Tax
Assessor on or before the 10th day of September, A. D. 1934,
at eight o' clock, P . M. their petition to the Town Council, set-
ting forth their objection to said assessment and the correction
that they desire made, and also that th e Zbwn Council will meet
at the Town H all in the Town of Atlantic : Bea oh, on tie 10th day
of September A. D. 1934, at eight o' clock P. M. for the pur-
pose of equalizing said assessments and making proper corrections
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was
ordered that the Town Clerk publish the following notice four
times in a Jacksonville paper and post copies of same in ac-
cordance with. the Charter.
TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that
the Preliminary Tax Assessment Roll of the Town of Atlantic Boach,
Florida , for the year 1934, has been completed and submitted to
and approved by the Town council. All persons desiring to have
corrections thereof made, whether in the listing, valuation of prop-
erty or otherwise, are required. on or before the 10th day of September
A.D. 1934, at wight o' clock, P. M. to file with the Town Tax Assessor
of the Town of Atlantic Bzach,their petitions to the Town Council of
said Town, setting forth their objections to the said assessment an('
the corrections that they desire made.
The Town Council will meet at the City Hall in the Town
of Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the 10th day of Sep tember R. D. 1934,
at eight O!elock, p. M. for the purpose of equalizing said assessments •
and making proper corrections therein. All persons who shall file
petitions as aforesaid will be given the opportunity to be heard
at said meeting.
(Signed) E. J. Candee,
Town Clerk of the Town of
Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Regular Aug. 6
A resolution was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr.
Thompson, put and carried, that the marshal be instructed to enforce
sanitary handling of garbage to wit;- that all garbage must be
deposited in metal containers, the same to have covers, which
must be fastened down when garbage is set outside. No garbage is to
be placed in open recepticles of any kind.
There being no further business for consideration, upon
notion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
Attests ,
S e,