5 TH. 1934, AT 7-30 O ' CLOCK P. M. AT THE TOWN HALL.
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr.,
George B. Stallings,
E. H. Thorlpson,
J. H. Bradfield,
Jas. D. Palmer,
Harvey Mabry, Atty.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr,
Upon motion put, seconded and carried, the reading of the
minutes of October 1st and 12th, was dispensed with.
Upon motion of Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Bradfield,
put and carried, the following bills were approved:-
Pascoe' s Garage, Repairs on truck $ 2.25
Burwell Motor Co. " " " . 11.20
H. & W. B. Drew Co., Warrant Book in Duplicate 17.50
So. Bell Tel & Tel. Co. , Installing phone and I mo. rent9.19
Dekel Lumber Co., Asphalt 5.43
Ocean Beach Hotel Co. . . . Lights. .$7.62
Vater. . . 3.75 for three months 11.37
Robert E. Sugg, Gas and oil, 10-2 to 11- 5 23.95
Bisbee, Baldwin Corp. , Fire and Theft on truck 10.10
Mr. John E. Mathews presented a bill for $2000.00 for
professional services in Re-seawall Bonds, which upon motion put,
seconded and carried, was approved and ordered paid when funds
are available.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. H. Warren Smith, stating
the progress made to date on the mosquito control work and stat-
ing that the work was to stop for the winter on Nov. 8th. He
asked that the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for two weeks " `
rent of truck from Oct. 25th, (The last payment authorized by the
Council) to Nov. 8th, when'th.e project was to be closed. Upon mo-
tion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried,
this authority was granted.
The Chair then appointed Mayor Sugg, who was present, to
see about getting this mosquito control work, which is deemed most
important, continued, instead of dropping it at a very important
stage of it' s development.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. C. P. Wilcox, in which.
he expressed confidence in a nd appreciation of, the Town Council
in their handling of the seawall project.
Mr. Palmer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put
and carried, that a vote of thanks be accorded Mr. Wilcox for his
ecpression of trust and regard, and that the Clerk file same.
Mr. Palmer called to the attention of the Council, the
terms of the lease of the Town Hall Grounds, viz; That the option
to purchase the property expires April 5th., 1936, four years from
the date of lease and that the purchase price is $1500.00 based
on terms set forth in the lease. He stated he wished to keep this
matter before the members in order that they may take action when
dira suitable time arrives. •
The Clerk read a letter• from Shore Line Builders Inc.,
Re Seawall, Upon conclusion of the reading, a motion was made by
Mr. Palmer, seconded by'Mr. Bradfield, put and carried., that same
be filed as information.
The President then requested that preparatory to awarding
Seawall contract, Co1. Youngberg read his letter an report to
the Town Council, which he proceeded to do.
Upom conclusion of this reading, a motion was made by
Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Bradfield, put and carried, that '
the letter be put on file and the report made a part of these
minutes , which is as follows:-
' ± . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % , ` _ . .
ro- 314
• 1
Colonel Gilbert A. Youngberg, a member of the firm
of Hills and Youngberg, Engineers for the Town of Atlantic
Beach, on the seawall and ramp project , presented a tabul a-
tion of bids opened on October 12, 1934, under the plans and
specifications as heretofore approved, and a report thereon,
recommending that the Town select for construction a seawall
of that profile and plan designated as Type "T" , and that
the contract for construction be awarded to the lowest bidder
on that type , viz, North American Construction Company of
Jacksonville , in a total sum of One hundred and fifty-one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-two and 50/100 W151 ,852.50)
Dollars, on the basis of reconditioned second-hand sheet steel
piling in the cut-off under the toe of the wall and in the
ramps or runways , all in accordance with the specifications
and the proposals submitted by the said construction company.
Upon consideration of said report , Councilman
Jas. D. Palmer, offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved that it is to the best interest of
the Town of Atlantic Beach that the Type "T" seawall be
adopted, and said Type "T" seawall be and the same is hereby
Be it further resolved that upon the said Type "T"
seawall , the Council finds that North American Construction
Company of Jacksonville submitted the lowest and best bid,
and should be awarded the contract for the construction of
said seawall.
Be it further resolved that the report submitted
by Hills and Youngberg, be and the same is hereby accepted,
and the recommendations made therein by the engineers be
and the same are hereby ap-oroved, and said report be and the
11 , % 3Le
same is hereby ordered filed in the records of the Town.
Be it further resolved that the engineers be and they
are hereby directed to transmit to the State Engineer of
Public Works Administration at Tallahassee , Florida, a copy
or copies of said report , and an attested copy of excerpt of
minutes of the Town Council , and all other reports, pavers,
and instruments required by the Public Works Administration
in relation to the engineering featuresof the project .
Be it further resolved that the bid submitted by
101 the North American Construction Company of Jacksonville,
on Type "T" seawall , be and the same is hereby accepted,
and the said North American Construction Company of Jack-
sonville be and it is hereby awarded the contract to con-
struct such seawall designated as Type " T" , in the total
sum of One hundred and fifty-one thousand eight hundred and
fifty-two and 50/100 ( 151 ,852.50) Dollars.
Be it further resolved that John E. Mathews, Special
Attorney for the Town, be and he is hereby authorized,and
directed to prepare such papers, and to take any and all other
action in connection with his duties as such, as may be nec-
essary, to have executed contract for the construction of the
seawall and ramp in accordance with plans and specifications
and the proposal for the work , and the President of the Town
Council and the Town Clerk be and they are hereby authorized
and instructed to execute the contract on behalf of the Torn
of Atlantic Beach, subject, however, to the approval of the
Public Works Administration.
Councilman ! J. E, Bradfield, seconded the
resolution. Upon roll call the vote was:
11101/ Ayes Lawrence K. Tucker,JriNays - None
'neo. B. Stallings,
Ii. R. Ttihompson,
J. _: . Bradfield,
Jas. P. Palmer
And the resolution was unanimously adopted.
The President then threw the meeting open for general dis-
A number of gentlemen spoke, each consuming a short space
of time. Among these was Mr. Carl Weber,
At the conclusion of the speaking, the President invited any
who wished, to question Col. Youngberg on any points of interest to
There were no questions.
A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
put and carried, that the cheques or bonds of all unsuccessful bid-
ders, be returned to them,
The Treasurer, Mr. Osborne, then presented copies of two
letters, showing that on Oct. 29th, at the request of President
Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., Cheque of Wanamaker & Wells Inc. in amount
of $11,350.00 and cheque No.3O32 of Powell Bros. Inc. in Amt. of
X7,500.00 had each been returned to the respective firms.
The President requested the Clerk to file these two copies.
Mr Osborne presented his usual financial report, which was
ordered filed and a lso a certified statement of Bank balance,
which is in words and figures as follows:-
Jacksonville, Fla,
November 1, 1934
Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr,
Chairman Finance Committee, (Error)
Town of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Dear Sir:-
We hereby certify that the balance standing to the
credit of the account of :-
M. V. OSBORNE, Treasurer,
As shown by our books at the crlose of business Oct. 31, 1934, was
Seven hundred six and. 53/100 - dollars ($706.53)
Yours very truly,
(Signed) J. L. Dart,
There being no further business for consideration, upon
motion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
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