Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. ,
E. H. Tho_:ip s on,
Jas. D. Palmer,
Geo. B. Stallings.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker,
Jr. , Chairman.
The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of January 9th,
which were approved as read.
Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put
and carried, the following bjlls were ordered paid:-
Walter Pascoe, Putting on 2 fork handles $ .50
Burwell Motor Co. , Repairing dump body on Truck etc7.90
Robert E. Sugg, Gas and oil 9.98
Harvey Mabry, Fee paid Clerk for filing petit. 10.00
Drawing Real Estate Dealers li-
cense. 5.00 15.00
The Clerk read the following communications: -
One from Mr. E. Reineking of Woodhaven, N. Y. in protest
against the increased assessment of his property and one from Mr.
Jas. C. Merrill of Jadksojville, containing a like protest. These
two matters were; referred to Mr. E. P. Barwald, tax assessor, with
the request that he communicate his recommendations to Mr. Tucker,
who was empowered to act..
The Clerk also read a letter from Miss Delia Meigs, who
likewise entered a protest in regard to increased valuation but
as this increase was owing to the value of one house bing added,
which thru error, had never before been assessed, the Clerk was
instructed to write her accordingly, which correspondence is on
Mr. E. H. Thompson, Chairman of the Public Works Committee,
reported that approximately 100 yards of shell had been bought of
Peter Jensen at $1.15 per yard and that same had been hauled with
the Town truck by John Robinson, in his spare time and distributed
on streets needing it most.
Attorney Mabry reported that he had conferred with Dr. Ed-
ward L'Engle in regard to having drainage work done at Atlantic Beach
in order to facilitate the extermination of mosquitoes.
He stated that Dr. L'Engle assuredhim that at such time as
the work now in process at Jacksonville Beach, is completed, men will
be available and will be furnished Atlantic Beach if this town will
provide transportation to and from Jacksonville.
Thereupon a motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by
Mr. Thompson put and carried that City Atty. r,?nbry be authorized to
pledge Dr. L'Engle the required transportation.
Attorney Mabry reported that he had taken up the matter of
opening 6th St. , between East Coast Drive and Continental Boulevard,
with the Receivers of the Fla. Easy Coast Ry. and they advised they
0 would take it up with the board, Mr. Mabry stated that as soon as
he was in receipt of their decision, he would be in a position to in-
form the Council regarding their ultimatum.
It was voted that Mr. Mabry' s report be accepted and that he
be instructed to continue his afforts to have the matter adjusted to
the sa tisfaction of the Town.
A motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
put a nd carried, that the petition of Attorney Mabry as submitted,
be accepted, which is namely a petition of persons owning property
fronting on the ocean within the limits of the municipality of At-
lantic Beach, who respectfully petition the Reconstruction Finance
Corpora tion for sufficient funds to construct a permanent seawall
along the ocean front of said municipality, estimated cost of construc-
tion of said seawall as contemplated totals the sum of $100,000.
Mayor Sugg reported that he had been tiven to understand that
Duval County would not repa it the ramp at the foot of Sixteenth St.
Thereupon this matter was referred to Chairman of Public Works Com-
mittee and City Attorney Mabry, with instructs.-ns to take the mat-
' ter up with the County Commissioners with a view to having ramp re-
paired at expense of the County and with as little delay as possible.
Mr. Palmer reported that about two weeks previous to this date,
he, in company with Mr. Tucker, had attended a meeting of the Duval
County Beach. Protective Association at which several proposals
were made of bills proper to present tp the nexy session of the
legislature. Among others it was proposed that the County build
a sea wall from Atlantic Beach city limits on the North to Jack-
sonville Beach city limits on t,;.e South. Tt w s suggested that
they allocate a portion of the gas tax allotted the County,for
this purpose which would require a referendum of the voters of
Duva]. County.
It was reported- that- various Committes were working on
certain plans which seemed feasible . One Committee was to meet
with senators elect and members of the legislature elect in order
to win their sympathy in regard to the above matter.
The question of annexation and beach affairs in general
were discussed a good many beach citizens being present.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Stal-
lings, put and carried, that authority be given the Public Wor' s
Committee to accept plans and specifications as drawn by Bernard
W. Close,- Architect, with certain changes as authorized by the
Council and that they be further authorized to put these plans
and specifications out for bids, the contract to be lep at a cost
not to exceed $2,000.00 and with the right to reject all bids.
Upon motion made, put and unanimously carried . Attorney
iabry was instructed to present a bill to increase the borrowing
power from 10; to 20of the assessed value of the real and per-
sonal property.
had arisen
The question as to the course of procedure if the
town is authorized to bulkhead and any certain ocean front prop-
erty owner should refuse to co-operat e.and 2twas ri ecided that cer-
tain property could then be legally assesseu.
A result of the above conference was that Attorney Ma-
bry went before the legislative Committee and they assured him
that .they would do everything in their power to put these matters
There being no further business f-or consideration, upon
motion put and carried, the meeting adjourned.
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