05-01-33 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH MAY 1st 1933, HELD AT THE NEW TOWN HALL AT 8 01 CLOCK P. Ivi. PRESENT:- J. M. Bradfield, E. H. Thompson, Jas. D. Palmer, Geo. B. Stallings. The meeting was called to order by Mr. James D. Palmer, • who acted as chairman in the absence of Mr. Tucker. The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of April 6th, which were approved as read. Upon motion of Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, the following bills were ordered paid: - Cohen Brothers, Table & 3 chairs. 19.30 Light bulbs 3.70 2 cushions for window seat7.60 $30.60 Dekle Lumber & Supply Co. ,paint brushes etc .80 Farquhar Llchny Co. „ 6, 6 caps for fire hydrant 12.00 Express 1.36 13.36 Ocean Beach Hotel Co. Lights, water, etc 28.33 Elliot W. Butts, Clerk Circuit Ct. Recording paper Re-estb. Voters 4.10 W . O. Mehrt ens. .Guardian ad Liter_? 15.00 R. E . Sugg, Gas and Oil 11.81 ':alter Pascoe, Tire repair on truck etc 7.55 Harvey Mabry, Services for 16th St. Ramp and Con- tract & Settlemtn Town Hall 20.00 $131.55 Mr. W. H. Adams, Sr. , offered a resolution in writing re- garding carrying priviledges over Atlantic Boulevard bothfor freight and passengers. At the conclusion of the reading of this resolution, Mr. Pal- mer made a motion, seconded by Yr. Thompson, put and carried that Yr. Mabry put this resolution in proper legal form to be presented to the legislature and that our senator and three representatives be gotten in communication with and asked for any suggestions to facilitate getting it put thru. Mr. ?radfield made a motion, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried that a copy of the resolution be sent to the City Authorities at Jacksonville Beach and Neptune and likewise to the Beaches Chamber of Commerce. Also that a copy be presented to • the Jacksonville City Council, City Commission and Chamber of Commerce, advising them of our action. A motion was made by Mr. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried that Yr. Thompson and Mr. Bradfield be endowed with authority to purchase shell at a cost not to exceed $200.00, same to be distributed where most needed on Ocean Boulevard between 7th St. and 16th St. Mr. Stallings, as Chairman of the Police Committee, recommend- ed that the present arrangements as to night watchman, continue another thirty days, which recol,mendation was unanimously approved. Mr. Palmer reported that Mr. Clarson had completed the Town Hall and it had been accepted by Mr. Bernard W. Close, Architect. He stated that Mr. Clarson had cut down the contract from $2000. to $1961. 18. He advised that Lir. Clarson had been paid $800.00 to date and recommended that the Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant for $200.00 additional, in his favor. He also recommended that the Town give notes to him or to whom he may designate, in the amount of $961.18 to be paid over a period of twelve months. If ninety day notes are given it is to be with the understand- ing that they can be renewed by paying one fourth of same. The foregoing report was unanimously approved by the Council Yrs. Weltch. and Yrs . Likens, representing the Sunday School of Atlantic Beach, were present and each expressed appreciation of and thanked the Council for their effort to arrange matters in the con- struction of the Town Hall, in so far as possible, to the uses and interests of the Sunday School. The subject of furnishings for the Sunday School, having arisen, Mr. J. H. Adams said he had chairs, used only for banquets, whichhe would be glad to loand the Sunday School and likewise a piano, which they ;were welcome to use. Mrs. Weltch and Mrs. Likens, expressed the gratitude of the Sunday School for these favors and Mr. ,Palmer expressed the appreciation of the Council for Yr. Adams thoughtful kindness. A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. St^l- lings, put and carried, thanking Mr. Palmer for the time, thong tt and interest which she had devoted to the planning and construction of the Town Hall. There being no _farther business for consideration, upon motion put and carried, the meeting adjourned. Correct:- Chairman. Attest:- i #' 411111E•.a40E -rk. C 411